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Posts posted by FantasticalDevPsych

  1. I just called the UCR graduate coordinator, and she said that in her personal opinion, if we don't get contacted by the end of the month, we weren't chosen. :/ *fingers crossed*

    Thanks for the info!

    *fingers crossed*

  2. Does anybody know anything about UC Riverside's acceptance/interview timeline? It looks like a cluster of people were accepted on January 7, but I don't know if they'll be accepting/interviewing any more people...I'm really hoping they're still offering admissions.

    I'm curious about this too as I haven't heard anything from them either!

  3. I like how this thread has now turned into more of a conversation now!

    I love that! I have actually wanted to look into cross cultural differences of children's books and even movies. Being a Harry Potter fan you might already know this, but J.K. Rowling was instructed to change the title for American (and Canadian, I think) from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I thought that was interesting and it got me to wondering what else is different? 

    Just thought I'd share that when I thought of it! :) I'm interested in studying Fantasy Reality distinctions and the effect different media can have so I think about different aspects of media a lot! That would be very interesting just a little further from what I'd want to focus on in grad school! Yes I did know about that! All the differences I've discovered are from differences in UK vs US English!

    I'm interested in online language processing & production!

    Thanks for elaborating on this! It sounds interesting!

    And yes, it's always fun to talk about your research area!

  4.  I'm not into developmental all that much, but I really like the idea of studying aesthetic preferences of children and even doing twin studies to see if there is a genetic component to preferences or something like that. I would also love to see how preferences or interests change over the years and biases at different ages. It would be interesting. 


    I love the fantasy-reality ideas. I have two children (13 and 9) and it's fun to see how they view things. Peripheral persuasion kicks in at a young age... my oldest once asked me (I was 24 at the time), "Mom, are you a senior citizen? If you're a senior citizen, then you need Life Alert!" Kids! They can be hilarious. 


    --About the Ravenclaw reference... no matter how many times I tried to be sorted, it always came down to Ravenclaw. Of course, I wanted Gryffindor for such a long time. However, I have decided that I'll accept what the sorting hat says and move on. I read the description; Ravenclaw is pretty cool.  :rolleyes:


    Studies on storybooks in my area have used storybook illustrations, which could be modified into a possible way to look at aesthetic prefrences!


    That is a fun part about developmental! Children's views of the world can sometimes be so different! I love stories like this! And have plenty of my own from working in my lab by now as well as on my thesis!


    Ah ok! Well, it's a good house for academics :)


    What I do study is memory, more specifically memory related to psychology and law.


    Most of my studies have focused on interrogations (namely false confessions) but I also have some background on jury decision-making and some (i.e., a lot less than the others) background on eyewitness memories.. Most of my work is in the cognitive field, but it does have a kick of social psych mixed in as well. 


    Every single one of my research ideas involve memory in some way, including topics I haven't worked on yet (e.g., time perception, imagination inflation). This is probably because I'm already a graduate student, so the whole "figure out a specific area you want to go in" has been drilled in to my head constantly haha.

    Compared to aesthetics and fantasy vs reality distinctions, I think my topics might be considered more boring haha.

    Your work also sounds interesting to me!

    I'm an undergrad so my next project is an interdisplinary secondary thesis for my minor which is on crime (specifcally Slenderman)!


    Also I along with others in my lab have been curious about children's time perception but it didn't go past an idea!


    Even though I'm an undergrad all my ideas have to do with fantasy-reality and the media! But I'm interested in looking fantasy-reality distinctions on the Internet (inspired by Slenderman) 

  5. I like this thread idea and even though I'm not a aesthetics researcher I'm going to reply anyway!

    I've applied in Developmental Psychology and currently work in a Developmental lab so I spend most of my time with 4-12 year old children!

    I'm interested in studying the fantasy-reality distinction, or children's ability to distinguish what is real and what is pretend, and have become especially curious as to how the many different types of media available today (books, TV, Internet, iPads) can effect the ability to make this judgement.

    I've completed my undergrad thesis with a well known prof in the area in which I compared children's ability to learn information from books and TV and their resulting belief in the reality status (is it real or not) of this information!

    I also have way too many research questions than I'll ever be able to conduct and turning one into my NSF proposal wasn't even that difficult!

    P.S. Hello from a fellow Ravenclaw L83Ste!

  6. Psychica,

    I applied to UVa for Developmental!

    Haven't heard anything from the school or my POI but saw this on their FAQ page of their website:

    "Can I call the Graduate School to see if my application is complete?

    No, please do not call the Graduate School to see if your application is complete. They are so busy that they will just transfer you to the department you applied that probably will not be able to tell you anything until after February 15."

    They are one of my top two schools (w/ UT Austin) so very interested to hear back!

  7. Starting this tread back up again as was wondering where my fellow developmental applicants were!

    My primary research interests are in cognitive development, specifically the fantasy-reality distinction. I'm very curious about how different media affects this ability and did my undergrad honors thesis on it.

    I've applied to 5 programs (4 in the US that are all Developmental and 1 in Canada that is in Education) who had POIs interested in the fantasy-reality distinction and am waiting to hear back from them now!

  8. The waiting game has started to drive me mad even though it's still early... I have my email and phone with me everywhere just in case I hear anything and have obsessively been checking the results page.

    Otherwise I've been reading for fun (a lot), I've started to run again, and oddly I've been reading journal articles in my field and discussing them with a friend (a current grad student in my area). Thankfully I have one semester of undergrad left as I'll then have something to focus on but it hasn't started back yet!

    Strangely the suggestion to read hasn't been a bad one and their justification was it gives you a little bit of perceived control even when this process (and the wait specifically) takes away so much control.

    Still anxiously waiting... Hope we hear soon!

  9. Sorry for the later post I've just decided to stop reading and actually join! :)

    I've applied to all Developmental Psychology programs with all POIs focusing on children's Fantasy Reality Judgements and hope to examine how media influences the development of that ability.

    Haven't heard anything back yet but have applied to:

    (In no particular order and decided by research fit with input from my undergrad thesis advisor)

    1. University of Texas at Austin

    2. University of Alabama

    3. University of Virginia

    4. University of California Riverside

    5. University of Toronto (OISE)

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