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Everything posted by bubblespinky

  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it was kinda rude! It was basically "your application wasn't competitive enough and we had over 100 applicants, so we can't tell you why, but here are some possibilities" then proceeded to list everything that could get you rejected. Definitely could have been worded better. But oh well! I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
  2. I just got my rejection from Pittsburgh, which doesn't really bother me because I was expecting it and I already have 2 programs I really like to choose from. What did bother me, though, was that the letter was kind of rude. Well, I guess it wasn't strictly rude, but definitely not the nicest rejection I've gotten. I'm really confused, though, because one of the things they said was that I should note that the graduate school doesn't generally accept a graduate GPA of less than 3.0. My GPA from my MA is 3.9, so I don't get why they'd tell me that. Anyway, end of rant. Hope you're all having a good week!
  3. Anyone else waiting to hear back about funding and getting antsy? I just want to be able to make a decision already!
  4. That is wonderful! So happy for you! Congrats!!
  5. Yes! I love this, too. Come at me, rejections! I'm not scared.
  6. I was just thinking the same thing! What a strange and (sort of?) wonderful process.
  7. I kind of have that going on! Except Michigan did not seem to like me. The schools I've been accepted to are less than 3 hours (driving) apart, though. Sorry about UIUC, but you don't seem too upset about it, so that's good!
  8. I was admitted to the MA program at both schools that accepted me, although I applied for the PhD and already have an MA. They both told me it's because they have very strict and specific requirements for the MA and I'll have to meet those before I can start the PhD program.
  9. Awesome! Congrats.
  10. Got into Indiana for French Linguistics!
  11. That's awesome!! Congrats to you!!
  12. Congrats, everyone! So excited to hear there was so much good news this weekend.
  13. I think they'll send out official rejections eventually. It's still sort if early in the scheme of things (over 2 months still from the magical April 15th date). They're probably just focused on the admitting people aspect of the process right now.
  14. I'm in the same boat with UPenn- slightly confused that I haven't heard anything at all. I'm trying not to assume anything, though. If they want to reject me, they'll have to do it themselves!
  15. Yes! All the good vibes!
  16. Thank you! I've got my fingers crossed for you!
  17. Yay! Congrats to you, too! I don't think I'll make it, either. I have plans to go on a trip with my family that weekend. I've already visited the campus, which is fortunate, but I wish I could meet some of the other admitted students!
  18. Thank you! And good luck! Their Cog Sci program seems awesome.
  19. Congrats! My e-mail specifically said the offer included funding and if I remember correctly, they fully fund everyone. She said that the official offer letter will ahve more details about funding.
  20. I got into UIUC, too!!!
  21. Please take your negativity and sexism elsewhere. We're here to support each other. Thanks.
  22. Oh dear god. You're right. This is horrible.
  23. Thanks! ...I think?
  24. Possibly a dumb question: where is this results page everyone's talking about and how is it different from this thread? Help a newbie out!
  25. That gives you a whole month after the open house to make decisions about where you're going, though.
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