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Bloggers '15-'16
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Posts posted by ajayghale

  1. Still waiting on NYU-Tisch Cinema, Amherst, and GSU, but the way things have been going, it's not looking good.

    Update: Amherst should be releasing decisions by the end of the week/beginning of next week and GSU should be releasing decisions by the end of this month, per the respective graduate admissions folks (in case anyone was curious).

  2. On 2/12/2016 at 0:43 PM, cikkatikkaskwarr said:

    Brown figures to take their sweet time with decisions. I'm probably accepting the UChicago offer, but I'm visiting all of these schools this semester. Only Brown could seriously complicate matters at this point.

    For all of you waiting to hear back from Pitt--you might just have been waitlisted and haven't been notified. UT has narrowed its list down to 12, but funding is tighter than ever so they might only admit 5 students this year. Michigan is holding its visit weekend next week, so if you've been waitlisted, some spots may open up soon.

    Hang in there!

    Is that the UT Austin Media Studies PhD? I didn't think they had interviews, but it's possible I'm both wrong and have been all but rejected. 

  3. On 2/12/2016 at 11:42 AM, Limitless said:

    Hi, everyone!

    This thread is really outdated so; I was hoping someone could chime in and let me know some current information about living in Tallahassee and attending Florida State University. 

    Here is some information about me:

    I've been offered admittance to the School Psychology Ed.S/M.S program at Florida State University in Fall 2016. I am married with two small children so; I am looking for somewhere to live that is child-friendly and has an excellent school system rating. I'm coming from the East, so I am not very familiar with Florida. 



    A lot of people who live in Tallahassee with a family and/or kids tend to reside somewhat outside of the city proper. The east side of town and Killearn are popular, if you want to avoid the student-heavy areas. 

  4. 27 minutes ago, the_queer_ecologist said:

    I talked with Bob Hariman this morning and if you didn't get an interview, you're not *necessarily* out, but you basically are toast. I'm in that boat. 

    What branch of communication do you study? 

    Media Studies/Television Studies, or at least since the beginning of last year. I have no formal experience in communication or media studies. 

  5. 16 hours ago, the_queer_ecologist said:

    Have y'all started weighing your options between programs? 3/7 of my programs have reported acceptances (each with funding)...with one likely reporting a rejection. Of the three programs remaining, I'm certain I'll get into one of them...as for somewhere like UPENN or NYU, I'm more doubtful. I feel like it's time to start planning! 

    I haven't heard anything from any program whatsoever. I am thinking, however, that Wisconsin-Madison and Northwestern are out just based on what I've seen in terms of acceptances here on the forum. 

    Unfortunately, I can't start planning anything yet, other than what my plans B, C, and D will be in the event of another shutout. 

    Edit: Just got my rejection notice from Wisconsin-Madison. 

  6. 3 hours ago, rachelrey said:

    Hi everyone!

    I am looking for a place to commiserate a bit about applications. I am currently applying to about 7 interpersonal/health comm programs (UCSB, UConn, Rutgers, Penn State, Univ of Oklahoma, UT Austin, and Arizona State) and am ready to cry a little bit about this process. I have a solid GPA/GRE, a few conference papers, teaching experience, and I met nearly all of my POIs at NCA this year, but I still have a nagging feeling like I am just going to get rejected from everywhere I applied. 

    I hope you guys are doing alright through this process! 

    Don't get down just yet! There's still plenty of time. If your credentials are up to snuff (and a number of randomized elements end up in your favor) you'll get in somewhere. 

  7. 2 hours ago, cannedheat said:

    Oh my goodness we're an active bunch! ;)


    I have 2 applications due tomorrow. I'm finalizing my SOPs for each this afternoon and hope to finish up the apps by bed. How is everyone else managing?

    I'm waiting on one LoR-writer for two programs that are due tomorrow and one that's due January 2nd. If past experience serves, they'll submit them at 11:30 PM the day they're due. 

    Now that I have nothing else to do with my time (other than work) I'm worrying myself with plans B, C, and D in the event I don't get in anywhere. Also started learning German. 

  8. 32 minutes ago, cannedheat said:

    Indeed. The website for the program reports receiving roughly 75 MA and PhD applications each year which seems low to me. It's probably because it costs nearly 2.5 times the average application fees at other schools.

    It's also the only application I have that specifically says not to include a Thesis chapter, only self-contained papers. My chapter one can stand on its own, but I'd hate to use it and waste $200 cuz I didn't follow instructions. I'm seriously doubting whether to move forward with this application. And...it's due on 12/10. I need to make a decision...

    Eesh, that is tricky. If you used the components of that chapter as a paper in a class before it became part of the thesis, I'd say it'd be justifiable to use it. Beyond that, it's even more important if you think it's a good fit, one worth betting $200 no less. 

  9. 15 hours ago, cannedheat said:

    My application for Colorado is due on 12/10. It's got a $200 deposit/application fee, I think. I'm feeling some sudden doubts. Hopefully, it's just nerves. How is everyone else faring with their applications?

    O.O that's a lot of money for one program's application. I hope they at least staple a $100 bill to your application for you before sending it to the admissions committee. 

  10. 18 hours ago, TWD2016 said:

    Hello everyone,

    Just saying hello. I submitted two apps last week and I feel completely drained. I hope everyone is doing well and maintaining positive vibes during this application cycle.

    I know I'm extra late, but I thought talking with other people who understand this process might make the waiting time less daunting. =)

    I feel completely drained, but that's because of work and a cold XD 

    I feel ya! Four of mine are in, with three left waiting for LoRs. Also, apparently one of my programs hasn't received/uploaded my transcript yet, despite my sending it a month ago. They said not to worry. I'm kinda worried. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Swans said:

    My girlfriend is trying to secure Oxford funding for a PhD at the moment, not easy at all. Worth a try nonetheless. :)

    On another note, I just sent out my applications. Still waiting on one of my referees to submit the letter, but I'm not too worried about her. And now the wait begins... 

    Yeah, I need letters from two of my referees by the 1st. And a long wait it will be...

  12. On 11/22/2015, 10:07:53, kumitrue said:

    Thank you ajayghale and lyrehc for your replies 

    I'm looking for schools out of top for several reasons. The main one is that I've got some financial support for my applications, but a rule is that a number of programs of top universities i'm applying could not exceed some percentage. Moreover, I believe that top good schools are very easy identifiable, while they are not the only places to apply. There are more good programs, than just 10 or 15 stated at first positions of the ranking. 

    Actually Danish :)


    The Oxford Internet Institute has a doctoral program in Information, Communication, and Social Sciences. It's relatively new and I imagine EU citizens would have a decent chance at funding. 

  13. 1 hour ago, s said:

    Hey there!

    I'm applying to USC and University of Pittsburgh for Communications for Fall 2016. My research interests are very much interdisciplinary, with a focus on queer/feminist media studies. I'm in love with USC Annenberg and I've been working on my statement for that program for months. Maybe I'm being a little neurotic, but it's my first time applying to PhD programs and I want my statement to be perfect (although it probably never will be, of course). 

    Just wanted to say hi, and that I'm so happy to have found this message board to connect with other folks going through the stress/chaos that is PhD applications. I'm also applying to a few American Studies programs, a couple of English programs with a Cultural Studies focus, and one Sociology program. Anyone else applying a diverse range of disciplines too? 

    If I don't get in this time around, I'll stay at my current job and maybe try and get my master's thesis published. I have some co-authored publications, but they're all public health related (LGBT public health, so a little bit related to my research interests) through my current job, so not necessarily directly applicable. 

    Sending you all good luck and good vibes while you're working through your apps.

    Welcome aboard! If you have any questions, there are many knowledgeable people on this thread, as well as myself. 

  14. 8 hours ago, cannedheat said:

    Yes, perhaps. It may have been too autobiographical and wasted precious space that I could have used to discuss my research experience and research interests. Admittedly, having finished a thesis solidified my research interests rather than the wishy-washy-ness of my previous SOP. 

    Speaking to your thesis and the experience you gained writing it would definitely be able to replace extraneous autobiography in the statement. Connect that with broader theory, have a section relating it to your POI, or at least the institution, and boom, you've got a usable essay. 

  15. 8 hours ago, cannedheat said:

    Is anyone up for exchanging SOPs for feedback? I have a working draft, it's not great yet, I'm still working on it. My first application is due 12/1, then I have several due between 12/10 and 12/15. 

    Ugh I wish writing an SOP was easier...I liked mine from last year but obviously it was not doing me any favors.

    I wouldn't mind taking a look at it, but it's definitely easier to adjust an existing SOP rather than start from scratch. Do you think you didn't frame your research well or something in the original? 

  16. 1 hour ago, kumitrue said:


    I am looking for a PHD communication/media program where it would be possible to do research with a focus on the internet activism/social activism (like social movements activism on SNS). UCSB seems a nice choice, but currently i'm looking for programs that are not in top10. 

    Any suggestions? 

    If you don't mind me asking, why no top ten schools? 

    Side note: Swedish? 

  17. *dusts cobwebs off thread*

    Dear Fellow Hopefuls,

    What is your plan if you don't get in this application season?

    I've already been completely shut out one time, so a second time, especially since I actually feel like I fit well with my prospective field, would be enough to let me know that I should be pursuing other avenues. I'll likely try teaching English in Japan or something of that nature. I need to escape and do something that isn't retail. It'd be nice to do something to make use of my two MAs, too. Unfortunately, they're non-refundable.

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