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Bloggers '15-'16
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Posts posted by ajayghale

  1. It's very annoying that the statuses are not changed at the same time for both accepted and rejected applicants.  I just want to know that I'm rejected so that I can write them off and move onto praying to the shrine of my other schools.

    Definitely this. Or possibly firing off resumes on a weekly basis.

  2. I've heard nothing from Notre Dame, either way, so...gonna be checking my email obsessively all day. 

    Likewise. I have a feeling it'll be like UCLA, where it seems like their definite acceptances got notified in the first wave, and the definite rejects will follow after, then the maybes and waitlists will trickle in, followed by late admits. It appears to be the case for last year's decisions, anyway.

  3. Out of curiosity, is everyone who is on this board aiming for a career in academia? What about those going (or only applying) somewhere outside Top 30ish?

    P.S. Got funding offer from Wisconsin and it was surprisingly good. PM for more details.

    At the moment, aiming just to get into a PhD program. Academia is definitely #1 on the list of career trajectories, but I wouldn't mind think-tank or consulting work if the opportunity arises.
  4. Saddened to realize that Duke decisions will not come out today probably. Last year they would have arrived today but the year before took a week longer.

    On an unrelated note, anyone know of any good funding to study a language AT THE BEGINNER LEVEL? I'm going to need to learn Russian for my research I suspect and getting $ for those courses is ideal. It appears the area and regional study government grants are for advanced study :(


    FLAS is great if the school is a FLAS-linked school. IU has a great summer program called SWSEEL that has the opportunity for FLAS funding.

  5. Hey everyone! I joined this site to feed my obsessional tendencies, so here goes my question:


    I have a 3.056 undergrad GPA. This is because I started off doing something I really shouldn't have (Biology) and turfed out hard. I added a language major and made nothing but As and Bs (second major GPA is around 3.7) I currently am working on two MAs (took comps for one last semester, so technically now it's just one) and my GPA is 3.9. I'm aware of grade inflation for grad programs, etc.


    Does the undergrad GPA have such an impact on admissions committees that even a decent grad GPA can't make up for it? GRE scores are 164V/158Q, if that helps any.


    Many thanks!


    (I looked around on Faculty Perspectives, but couldn't find anything that spoke specifically to this issue, so I apologize if this has been answered.)

  6. I see it, well now I know it wasn't just me rejected on the 7th.. 

    Eeeeeyyyy, Emory-rejection sibling *high five followed by dejected glance at the ground*

    Few things more disheartening than getting rejected a week after the year starts.

    Also got rejected from GW. I seem to be first on the chopping block for not a few schools...

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