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Everything posted by Hannalore

  1. I'm pretty confused about the publications myself. I too have been told several times by several professors that not only are publications not expected at this level, but conference presentations are not necessary and having experience in that area would set my applications apart. This is clearly no longer the case.
  2. Aww, see, we just need to emulate these cute animals. They don't care about getting into top programs, why should I? And I move we have a thread of happy images and gifs to stare at after rejections. Now to figure out how to shift back into "I AM SO EXCITED TO TEACH YOU FRESHMAN ABOUT NARROWING PAPER TOPICS!" mode before my next class...
  3. Yup, I'm one of the rejects. It's not a shock at all, I knew I wouldn't get in...but for some reason it still feels pretty terrible.
  4. I'm having the same issue. My SO has come to despise his job so much that staying in it another year is simply not an option for him. The company itself is imploding in a spectacular fashion too, so staying is probably not even a wise career move. Add to that that my Master's is wrapping up in May...so when our lease is up, we've got to go somewhere. Of course, if I get a stack of rejections, we don't know where that somewhere will be. There's no reason to stay here, but I'd be doing another round of applications in a year so moving elsewhere is potentially a waste of resources and would mess up his resume. We have no idea what will happen. His life is pretty much hanging in the balance as much as mine is. As you can imagine, our house is a pretty tense place.
  5. It seems rude to be obsessively checking and reading this thread without popping in and saying hello! Congrats to the admitted applicants, you lucky bastards. Every time I see a school pop up on the results page that someone in here was waiting for I get so excited for you guys. That's not creepy, right? Probably a little creepy.
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