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Everything posted by Hannalore

  1. Joining the happy chorus of congratulations for WT! Let's hope there will be even more good news coming soon, for you and for all of us.
  2. Gosh, it looks like you guys are destined to be in the same cohort! Congratulations to both of you!!!
  3. One of my LOR writers who helped me get into an MA (she's married to a professor there) said GSU was having some real problems with funding English graduate students lately. Granted, that was two years ago, but I don't think the landscape has really changed. I just wish I could have enjoyed the acceptance for a full 24 hours before I shifted back into freak-out mode!
  4. This post inspired me to spend my night off listening to this with my SO in the dark with a glass of wine. It is pleasant.
  5. I still haven't even gotten an email from GSU yet. Not sure if that means I'm less likely to be funded, or if they are just very slow to notify people.
  6. Thank you everybody! What a special experience it is to share all these emotions, positive and negative, with such fun people. Congratulations to all the admits today!
  7. I got into Georgia State! I actually got in somewhere, I can't believe it!
  8. Yo Appppplication, I'mma let you finish but Beyonce etc. etc. etc. you get the idea. I recently got every Alan Parsons Project album on vinyl and have been listening to those a bunch. Special mention goes to "Tales of Mystery and Imagination" because this is an English forum and it's based on the work of Edgar Allan Poe. Other Decisions Season hits include some very angry black and viking metal, because screaming/growling along to that is probably healthier than screaming/growling at students who roll their eyes in my class or my poor, embattled SO.
  9. Yup, that's what I read. Seems like if you're going to choose one, B is the best bet. I've been meaning to get into C and compare though, since I like the whole Lollard angle and want to see the censoring.
  10. I just texted a friend who applied there, he hasn't gotten anything either and doesn't see anything on the website. It can't be a bad sign!
  11. Just want to jump in and say I am all about Piers Plowman. What a trip that was!
  12. Glad this thread finally popped up, thank you morristr. I'm feeling like a total buzzkill in the other threads. I see that there are some acceptances to Georgia State up, and my application just says submitted. I know it's not outright or certain, but the lack of news from there is not a lot of fun. I just wish so much that schools that didn't want me would go ahead and tell me so. I'm sure there's a reason for it, but watching acceptances roll in, knowing that these schools often send out rejections super late (or not at all in the case of UGA) just makes it quite a bit harder. People keep telling me not to count out schools, or think about "implied rejections," but it seems pretty clear what's happening.
  13. I guess I didn't get into Georgia State. I'm thinking this is officially no longer exciting for me and is now just depressing.
  14. It really is. But hey, you still have 12 schools left that haven't notified at all! That's quite a number, you could pretend the admissions season hasn't even begun yet. Like, conveniently forget you applied to your rejected schools and that you only applied to those 12. You still have some pretty great chances, considering!
  15. I think it just depends on the person. I can finish a lengthy novel in a day or so without feeling rushed (I read All the Light We Cannot See on Saturday) and tend to be able to do that with all the fiction I read for research or classes regardless of period. Critical writing, however, takes me ages. I spend a day on one article or essay. All of my peers in the MA program here have different speeds and we all seem to have generally the same level of comprehension so I've decided speed is meaningless as long as everything gets done.
  16. The only thing I am sure of is that a large portion of the money my SO and I have saved for our move will be instead spent on a vacation to celebrate my MA ending and to keep me out of the depths of despair. I am already trying to think of rejection as the opportunity for a fun trip rather than abject failure and rejection. Otherwise, it's not a pleasant thought. I will apply again, but what to do with that intervening year? My poor boyfriend works for a company that appears to be slowly collapsing in on itself like a black hole and, to continue the metaphor, is sucking all the joy from his life. He has been counting down the days until I get an acceptance and we can move. If one never comes, however, that means dooming him to another year...assuming he's not laid off or the slow corporate death gets quicker in that time. As for me, I hope I would be able to find adjunct work at one of the surrounding small colleges, but I am not sure that's possible. And apart from that...ugh.
  17. The one or two acceptances posted from Georgia and Georgia State are making me feel ill. If those are "No"s for me then I have been rejected at 4 out of 5 schools and things are looking very bleak indeed.
  18. I'm not a big Tool fan, but I am quite a big fan of metal. \m/ I wrote a paper on Scandinavian metal once, and if I recall correctly there's a pretty big interdisciplinary metal conference that goes on in Ohio or something.
  19. Thanks Wyatt's Torch! I'll be crossing my fingers for you and the rest of the folks waiting on decisions from there.
  20. A friend of mine who's applying to Vanderbilt came to me yesterday very upset that he was apparently missing a LOR. I didn't think much of it, since I had confirmed with all of my professors weeks ago that they had submitted letters to all 5 of my schools. Today as I waited anxiously to see if Vanderbilt will notify I decided to check my application status page. I should have done it sooner. I was horrified to see that I'm missing a letter too, and from a professor that I trusted implicitly to have her ducks in a row. I called Vanderbilt, they checked my application for me, and confirmed that I was missing the letter - it wasn't a mistake. She also told me it was too late to change it, my application would be considered based on what was there. For you guys (I'm certainly not getting in), I asked when she thought decisions might go out. She just said she didn't know. Vanderbilt was always a reach for me, but I'm still gutted. Edit: Thought I'd add, both of our missing recommenders got their letters in everywhere else.
  21. Medievalists kicking butt and taking names! Congrats you guys!
  22. When I see that I finally got a decision email: When I see what the decision is: When my boyfriend says he has faith in me, and that the next decision will be an acceptance: Deciding to get a pie and a bottle of wine to eat/drink my feelings (doesn't fit the theme, I know): Realizing after a couple of glasses that the rejection doesn't define me and that: Ready for more decisions!
  23. Hi Red_Barron! That's a very cute kitty in your avatar. Skye12, I imagine that not having heard anything is a good sign. My last name starts with V and I got a rejection today, so I don't think it's an issue of them not getting far enough down the alphabet. Maybe you should check the application status page on the Duke website? That's where the actual decision ended up.
  24. I'm also wondering if Vanderbilt will notify tomorrow, since historically they've done so on the last business day of the month.
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