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Posts posted by danicalifornia

  1. Cuny grad center, a mess. I called them yesterday, and they said I'm waitlisted. Nothing else. "just wait until end of april". I'm freaking out, afraid of losing the only acceptance I got so far.

  2. I have applied for the PhD program in Biology at CUNY, Graduate Center. My deadline was on Jan 1st. I emailed them on mid Feb to ask about notification timelines.

    On Feb 15 I received a reply saying that "a final decision have not been made regarding your application and that "notifications will be sent (via mail) between two or three months after deadline".

    And that is all the communication I've got, so far.

    Do you guys think I could have a chance?

    Does anybody ever got an acceptance without being interviewed? The "international student" factor affects the interview thing?

    Any CUNY insight would be really appreciated. If not CUNY, any word at all, I'm kinda desperate.

    Thank you guys, and the best of luck!

  3. I received one email saying that I will receive a decision by March 1. And even though it is only 5 days away, it is driving me nuts not knowing. I'm trying to be upbeat about this, but it is hard when I have received mostly silence. :blink:

    looking at your stats, we're on the same boat. at least you have A DAY that you'll be sure you'll get the news. that's not my case. I'm dying here. but, I'd rather wait two more months, as long as I get accepted somewhere.

    big hug.

  4. On 2/22/2010 at 9:27 PM, afritz87 said:

    Wow, it seems the genetics/cell/molecular crowd heavily outweighs the ecology/evolution group around here! Haven't seen more than a couple other people interested in the "big biology" side of things.

    Any aspiring ecologists out there?! If so, where are you applying?

    Hey! I'm with ya fellow. I have applied to Columbia, CUNY, Washington University (WUSTL) and RGGS-AMNH. Just heard from Columbia, a nice kick in the butt.

    Hang in there!

  5. The only notification I got so far was a rejection from Columbia. I knew it was going to be *almost impossible* to get in, I hated. I woke up saturday morning, with the sensation there was something in my inbox. there it was. they offered me to consider me for a masters, but no funding.

    I cried two hours after, and spend the whole day staring at nothing. my bf was there with me, but I've been driving him nuts since toefl and gre (started with the madness on july 2009).

    I just want to get into my favourite program, and stop refreshing my inbox for some good news.

    Good luck for everyone, and we are going to be ok!

  6. haha, this topic is great. I love the way this page has turned out to be the place where we end up expressing all our frustrations and anxiety feelings (in order to keep them away from our families, friends, SOs, etc).

    I have a friend who is not even interested in grad school, but reads the results page with me, just to see the rejection notes. I guess one of my favourites was: "yea, you suck too"

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