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Darth Game Theory

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Everything posted by Darth Game Theory

  1. NYCBluenose, enjoy the victory, you've earned it.
  2. UCSD rejection. First official decision. Just...fuck!
  3. Can we get some clarification on Chicago Admits? What did the email say/has your status been updated/who has contacted you? I spoke with their office today, and they said no official results have been made...so are these unofficial results...?
  4. Cool Ranch > Nacho Cheese. Logistically, Nacho Cheese Doritos give you cheese hands; flavorly, Cool Ranch has more kick.
  5. No word from anyone, yet. [pulls up a chair and lights joint] Hey everybody.
  6. Why do I feel like we are getting away from the purpose of this thread...
  7. Just spoke to an Admissions officer at Davis, and I am on the waitlist. They are waiting for people to respond to their admittance. So if ya got into Davis, but have no interest in going there...help a brother out... On a larger scale, this explains the pattern of sending out "waves" of notifications; you admit students you absolutely want, and wait to see what they say. Depending on the responses from that top tier, you admit (or don't admit) applicants off the short-list. Makes sense, yes?
  8. I think an outright rejection is better than rejection by silence.
  9. Right there with ya. The silence is killing me.
  10. Seriously though. I lurked for years, and it was not until admits started coming out that I felt the need to reach out to ya'll. Congrats to those who have heard good news; good luck to everyone else!
  11. Anyone else on this board who hasn't heard anything?
  12. Northwestern admit? Anyone wanna claim it? Are we gonna see action tonight, as we hit the wee hours?
  13. That's a good question: what music is everybody listening to while we ravage the "Refresh" button and weather the storm? My submission: Westside Connection's "The Gangsta, The Killa, and The Dope Dealer." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PM5YWZnhIs
  14. Yeah man, sounds like you're doing really well. I think you have a great shot at the rest. Please let us know how it goes! 2.5/1 is pretty solid, hopefully you get that ratio up IR, huh? Awesome! Super interesting. What do you want to research?
  15. Are we not going to see any action over the weekend? We really have to wait 'till Monday?
  16. Just need one yes, just need one yes, just need one yes.
  17. So, at this point, we've seen a massacre from Stanford and Cal. We've seen plenty of admits from UC Merced, UC Davis, and Madison. There have been a handful of admits to Northwestern, and a a few from Chicago, with no rejects from either school. Sound about right? So, if we HAVEN'T heard from Northwestern or Davis, is that a signal of unofficial rejection? Or is it still too early to count those out? I'm trying to be optimistic...trying so hard...
  18. Nope, the slaughter continues. It's good news for me; I am Quant/Americanist. Can you give us some details on your admit? Any special fellowships? Was it a blast email? Sorry if that's invasive...we're starved for information on this board...and I haven't heard anything from anyone. "And if ya want beef, than bring the ruckus, Wu-Tang Clan ain't nothin' to f**k with."
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