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  1. Thanks for the info. How did you find this out? Or is it just guessing?
  2. I'm very tempted to e-mail the DGS and ask when decisions will be mailed (or e-mailed). I hate being pushy though. Ugh.
  3. Well if you haven't heard... my guess is they haven't accepted anyone yet! best luck
  4. Has anyone heard anything from Johns Hopkins? I'm not expecting to get in or anything, just wondering when I should expect to get word.
  5. Thanks for clarifying!
  6. Thanks for checking! I guess they got tied up last week... good to know when I should expect to hear, although I wish it was e-mail rather than mail as that takes an unknown amount of days to wait.
  7. I think you make some valid points. I find the information you looked up about your old program interesting, particularly that 30-40% come from international schools. I suspected there were several, but that is quite a lot. So roughly 35-45% come from non-Ivy/non-international schools. I'm not sure I would consider Cal Tech to be a "random" school as we've all heard of it, and I think everyone is aware that (even small) private schools usually fair well. I think what is more interesting (and perhaps more relevant to those of us who have been voicing concerns about the importance of undergrad) is the percent of students coming from small state schools. This wouldn't be schools like the University of X, X State University, or even (in some cases) Northern X University (I'm thinking of Northern Illinois which people have heard of), but schools like University of X at (insert random, small location...this obviously doesn't apply to the extensive California system). Seeing how many students come from these sorts of schools (state ones that we've never heard of) would be worthwile. To your second point, would you not agree that more often than not both kids (the one from Harvard and from Western Michigan) with the 3.8 will have excellent recs? Who would the school pick in that, more likely, case? I would think that in most cases kids would have similar GREs, GPAs, support in recs, etc. In the event that they didn't, however, I agree that the school would be less likely to pick based on undergrad. But when all else is roughly equal, who could blame them?
  8. I wouldn't encourage you to give up, just know what you are getting in to. Have people who know what to look for read your statement if at all possible. I really don't know what else could be my problem as its not GPA, GRE, stength of letters (akthough from less known profs, which I can't help), etc. Unless its undergrad, which also can't be helped now. The statement is the only thing I can mess with at this point.
  9. No, unfortunately. Several of mine are low ranked and I didn't even touch anything higher than 13.
  10. I second all that's been said about undergrads, although maybe not the part about international schools... schools like to get kids from all over the world. A point about statements. Yes get people to read it, but if your profs aren't reading them yearly (if your school doesn't have a grad program) then get someone who knows what to look for read them. My profs all liked my staement, but I have recently learned how far from good it actually is. They didn't have bad intentions, they have simply forgotten what goes into a good one. As for my stats: 4.0 GPA and 1400 GREs. No luck so far and only a couple left.
  11. Do you know if they are sending decisions via email or postal? If the latter, it should obviously take longer. Also, are you a MA or PhD applicant? I noticed you are in at both missouri and missouri st. Louis. I think the first is the clear choice! Especially given the money situation!
  12. Has anyone heard anything from Nebraska? Apparently the committee was supposed to meet roughly last Monday and release results last week, but I haven't heard anything from them. (I applied for the MA, although I'm assuming they will release results for both MA and PhD at about the same time?)
  13. I've applied there too, with a 4.0 GPA and 1400 GRE. I've had terrible luck across the board so far though, and this is one of the best programs I've applied to. I think coming from a great undergrad, and already having tons of good news, works in your favor. I don't see why you shouldn't get in!
  14. Well looks like I'm out then. Congrats to you! What's your subfield? (That goes for both UW admits here)
  15. Anyone claiming the UW Seattle admit on the results page? I'm wondering if it was a mass email or from a professor. Congrats!!
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