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    2015 Fall
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  1. Greetings fellow cafe goers, At the moment the above are my two options; I also applied to USC, CMU, and U-Toronto, but given the timeline I am formulating a plan assuming rejection. Here's the breakdown on funding and research: Northeastern: Funded by RA, POI is loaded with over $14 million in grants right now, he even showed me his list of successful and pending grants. Research is interesting, but main drawback for me is the lack of prestige - definitely hurts for students who decide to try for an academic career later. University of Michigan: Master's students don't get funding from the department. If I could get funding I would definitely go here, but I'm not sure how difficult it is for MS students to get RA's. I talked to a prof who did his PhD at Michigan, he also mentioned that MS students are somewhat treated as second-rate citizens. Research here is top notch. If anyone has input or opinions it would be greatly appreciated, especially regarding any information about Michigan. Thanks and good luck to all of you!
  2. That sounds like a pretty hard decision. My knee-jerk reaction is to pick UC-Berkeley, but I see why you're hesitant with the 1 year duration. Out of curiosity I googled UCB's MA program, and it does specifically say it is tailored for students entering industry instead of a PhD track. That said, you're probably better off with either UMich or Chicago if you want to pursue a PhD.
  3. Not to hijack, but I was wondering the same thing about PhD for ECE. It looks like a couple people received admissions in February, but I'm not sure if those are the "cream of the crop" decisions, so to speak. If you do a results search, there have been a handful of MS acceptances starting from March 12th. The bad news is that from past years' results, it looks like rejections for PhD ECE are sent out very late - in late April or even May
  4. Same here! Looks like there was one person who was accepted yesterday, however. Don't know if it's an early acceptance with fellowship though. In any case, we shouldn't have to wait much longer.. Edit: used "carnegie computer" in results search
  5. Robo_lizard, just curious but who is your POI at UW?
  6. I'm an undergrad at UW; I know there have been acceptances, and the professors I know of are either finishing or done with their recruiting. There's variation between professors though, I would email your POI at UW to see what the status is.
  7. Same here, accepted but no word on funding. Side-note: To the poster above, I got accepted to NEU as well; kind of excited/nervous about visit days next week. Also, I'm currently an EE undergrad at UW Seattle, congrats on the acceptance!
  8. Results search shows lots of acceptances for Computer Science, but not much for CSE. Not sure if this is because the department is just late, or if not many people applied to CSE? Also, University of Michigan EECS, but given the popularity of UMich I assume they are just late deciders (I see two results for Michigan EECS). Thanks and good luck!
  9. POI contacted me last week about an interview, I replied on Wednesday but haven't heard back.
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