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Everything posted by gank2994

  1. @MS94 In my last 20 credits, around a 3.6-3.7. Experience volunteeering in municipal and Mcmaster health promo, international medical/public health trips, and RA for epidemiology studies through hamilton health sciences
  2. Hi, there are a few people asking about McMaster. I received an unofficial offer from the program head (Dr Fran Scott) around 2 weeks ago. I have just received an offer from the School of Grad studies, which I have to accept by April 7. I have been accepted at Queens and Mac, and am trying to decide between the two. I am a Mac undergrad student, and am leaning towards Queens. The program has been around for a longer time, and I kinda want a change in scenery. Does anyone have any insight regarding these two programs?
  3. I got an email from the MPH admission committee. I don't believe it's an unconditional offer, as I have to wait for an official offer from the School of Grad studies.
  4. Hey mph2016AK, I've heard back from MPH at Mac. The MPH admissions committee let me know that they will be in contact with the School of Graduate Studies in order to extend an offer for entry to the program. SGS has to review my application now, so it's not a formal offer as of yet. Haven't heard back from Western as of yet. I didn't apply to Guelph or Waterloo, but I did see someone posting about Waterloo earlier.
  5. Hey! I did too. Congrats! If you got an email from Gerri, you'll get an email from Queen's School of Graduate Studies soon, where you respond to their offer online. I don't believe they're sending out mail.
  6. I have been accepted to Queens MPH I was wondering if you guys know when approximately other schools get back to us. I have until April 1 to respond to Queens. Thanks!
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