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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall

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  1. To ask what the average amount and range of funding is for the other admits in the program I'm considering?
  2. Thanks for another very helpful response!
  3. Thanks for the response! I don't have any competing offers (due to lack of applications--I was told by ad coms at the program that my app was very impressive), but as it stands I can't attend (the exchange rate is killing me), and I'd hope that from their perspective this would amount to essentially the same thing as me going to another program. I have already brought up my concern with finances, though I haven't outright stated that I'd like more money (how would I tactfully do this?), and that I won't be able to attend if I don't get some more. I think the program is a great fit and I'd definitely attend with some extra money.
  4. Hello, I have been admitted to one of my top MA choices, but the scholarship offer I received is significantly lower than I hoped. I have been given until late April to accept the offer, and I'm wondering if holding out on accepting admission could lead to more money being offered, with my thoughts being that it would suggest to ad coms that I'm not yet sold on the program and need more persuading to attend, and by that point perhaps additional funds will be available due to others turning down offers. I'm not sure if there's any validity to these thoughts, and it may vary by program, but I'm curious to hear some input. Thanks!
  5. Hello, I am applying to MPP/MPA programs. One person who I feel would be able to write me a very strong letter (2 years my professional supervisor + we worked together on volunteer endeavors) is no longer employed due to family commitments. As a result, they don't have a company email (they use gmail) and would not be able to write a LOR on company letterhead. If they explain their situation in the letter is it okay for me to use them as a reference, or will the letter still lack credibility? Thank you
  6. Wow, thank you for that detailed response energizer. You're right that I have mentally boxed myself into a position where I don't believe my Q score can improve. I have a very limited math background and assumed that I don't have enough time to overcome the years of not doing any sort of math. I think my initial Q preparation was probably not as good as it could've been either, as I was so concerned with getting a perfect 170 v and 6w (I pride myself on excelling at those types of questions) that I may have not spent enough time on Q----I also think that may have been an issue of me avoiding what I found difficult, as when test day is coming up it's not a good feeling to be struggling. Your post has motivated my and I've already pulled out the study guides again. I will not be touching verbal and writing this time, and hopefully the 6.5 months from now untill apps are due will be enough to see improvement. Last time I also didn't leave any time for a retake, which was pretty stupid; I will be sure not to make the same mistake.
  7. Hey guys, One more question.....would principals of micro and principals of macro cut it as supplemental coursework? Or do I need more than those two for it to make much of a difference? Thanks!
  8. Thanks for the very helpful responses! @ajak (wow at those admissions results) I am definitely going to broaden my focus and apply more widely this time @monocle Thanks for the input about the courses. I was initially thinking about just auditing them but it seems like that certainly isn't the way to go. Since applying the first time I have gotten a job that more strongly ties into my interest in education policy than any previous job, so I'm hoping that will help me craft a more coherent narrative.
  9. Thanks for the responses guys! Has anyone actually seen a case of someone with a quant score as low as mine being admitted the HKS/WWS?
  10. Thanks--I will look into those. Do you have an idea of whether 155 is generally a prohibitive quant score for the top MPP programs (I'm 170 and 6 on the other sections)? I've seen people say that admits to HKS/WWS very rarely have below the high 150s, with scores in that range even being near the lower margin. This obviously isn't law school in terms of the importance of test scores in the admission process, but I wonder if my quant score is so low that just on that basis it's unlikely that I'd be admitted to a top program (and hence perhaps my focus should be elsewhere). I've done fine in methods classes I took as part of my major and the type of work I'd do after graduation would have few quantative aspects, so the thought of being rejected because I didn't do well on that portion of the GRE is frustrating.
  11. Hi, After being shut out this cycle I have looked into ways to strengthen perhaps the weakest component of my application--my quant score. I have taken no economics or math courses, so I am looking to enroll in a few. Does anyone know which sources of instruction are considered legitimate by adcoms? For example, would taking a course through Stanford Online be accepted? Or does one need to actually attend a course in person at a college/university and have documentation of that (e.g. an audit notation on a transcript)? I work a full-time job and am struggling to find in-person courses that fit with my schedule. Thank you
  12. Thanks for the response and commiserations on the rejection. I'm sure I'll get over it, but given that I already had the HLS acceptance in my hands things sting pretty badly; a lot of regrets and 'what the hell was I thinking' at this point! I keep hoping that there was some sort of mistake, and that I was actually supposed to be accepted, but of course the chances of that are pretty much 0. Best of luck to you as well
  13. Best of luck to you! You've still got a chance.
  14. Hi kbui, Congrats on the HKS acceptance! I chose to pursue the MPP because it is more versatile internationally (with the JD I'd be bound to the American legal system, at least until completing a lengthy process of certification abroad) and even with opportunity cost considered the MPP would be more financially feasible for me given my goals. Of course in hindsight I'm kicking myself for not taking the sure thing over the gamble of applying for the MPP, where I was probably overvaluing the significance of my strong academic performance. I actually tried deferring the JD at HLS, then applying to the MPP program in the intervening period using my LSAT (this is allowed for joint degree students currently pursuing a JD) but I was told that only those currently attending a JD prgoram could do so and that all others must submit a GRE (which in my case featured the mediocre quant score).
  15. Thanks for all the responses....I greatly appreciate it (and I feel your pain F4).
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