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Everything posted by thankyoubasedgod

  1. Congratulations to everyone accepted into the programme! As an old intern I just wanted to make myself available to answer any questions you might have about the programme or about Venice more generally. Feel free to send me a PM - unlike the internship co-ordinators at the museum I will actually respond to you!
  2. Are the latest IFA rejections from people who interviewed? Does not receiving one mean an offer is forthcoming?
  3. Nothing yet, which is quite off-putting. I'm not too fussed though as I've made up my mind and will be headed to Stanford.
  4.   Oops sorry, I was drunk when I wrote this and thought someone had said they'd got into where I'm going.
  5. Hi there! Did you go to the visiting weekend?
  6. No word from NYU? It's been well over a week since the interview. My potential supervisor at Stanford got in touch with me the day after my interview...
  7. For modern and contemporary art I would say that Stanford has the best programme (Pamela M. Lee, Richard Meyer, Alexander Nemerov and Nancy J. Troy). At worst it is second to Columbia (Alexander Alberro, Kellie Jones, Noam Elcott and Rosalind Krauss).
  8. I just registered to tell you guys that there's nothing to worry about. I did the internship last year and was informed I'd been accepted a full month after the date listed on the PGC's website/application.
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