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Everything posted by LittleBlueHouse

  1. Dude: http://www.kcet.org/arts/artbound/counties/los-angeles/usc-mfa-drops-out-protest.html?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=kcet http://mfanomfa.tumblr.com/
  2. I'm so glad to read this. It's so on the mark for some recent decisions I made. There are many ways to (theoretically) skin this cat. It doesn't have to be the prescribed approach that looks great on paper but makes you miserable. Good luck everyone!
  3. I wouldn't assume, but if you ask nicely they'll likely try to help you!
  4. @ chewgumdrawlines: only some reassurances that it's not over yet!?! Fingers crossed for you! @yestoyeahhhh: for most schools you can reuse what's in their system, but it helped me to confirm that in advance and find out the person to follow up with the next fall. You may have to remind them at that point. I phrased it as "my recommenders have already done so much for me and I want to save them some work." Also, I had to get creative with the online forms for some schools that forced me to enter info of recommenders. I creatively used the forms to make a note saying my last year's letters were on file and to ask the point person I'd spoken with about any questions. Then I used three of my own extraneous email addresses in the blanks, so my recommenders wouldn't get new prompts to submit letters. A little weird, but it worked!
  5. Sending hope out there to everyone who needs extra in the next few days!
  6. ps: The caveat is Bard, which is set up as lowres only, and is on par with the top MFA programs period.
  7. Hi KRT, it has been my hunch (tested only with one lowres app and offer) that many schools treat these as revenue streams and offer a negligible amount of funding. If you don't require certain facilities, then I'd go for working with the best faculty and peers you possibly can to ensure you get the best value. If you don't need an MFA, it may be worth comparing costs of doing residencies instead. If you might have outside funding possibilities (Fulbright? Other?) as a teacher, that would help you a ton.
  8. I'm going a little insane, I think. The person who got the offer I'm in line for 1) got their offer way back in late February, and 2) visited the program a week ago during a scheduled event for those with offers. That's a lot of time to think about it, but yet they haven't accepted at this point. What does it all mean?! Arrrrrgh.
  9. I'm wondering what (true!) stories people have of receiving offers of admission *after* April 15th. While I hope things don't drag on forever, I'd love to have realistic expectations of the post-sign-date time. Last year I got an offer in late April from UNC. Anyone else hear anything super late in past application cycles? If you can share approximately how late it was and what school it was, that'd be awesome.
  10. For people who have all their info on the table, any hunch on when people accept offers formally? I know for those of us waiting on alternate spots we're waiting to see what plays out. But: otherwise? Do people formally commit once they've made their mental decision, or do they (who know where they are going already) take their sweet time until the 15th? I want to believe in an altruistic world where people aren't sitting on spots they know they aren't taking. Thoughts?
  11. Repeat post from Freakout Forum... curious to know when most here are notifying schools of their decisions to attend -- right after that "aha" moment, or down to the 4/15 wire?
  12. Curious to know when most here are notifying schools of their decisions to attend -- right after that "aha" moment, or down to the 4/15 wire?
  13. Anyone have a spot at the University of Minnesota they are ready to part with? Still hoping for a dream come true!
  14. I considered this program last year. Notice came really late, and it seemed due to some faculty rearranging/upheaval. Hopefully that is well in the past by now. The students I spoke with seemed sharp, hardworking and friendly.
  15. Congrats on the acceptance, Coreythegiraffe, and on making your decision, heyward2323!
  16. Be prepared for the possibility of not being accepted when reapplying to a program you were previously accepted into, in cases where deferral isn't allowed.
  17. Derpderpderp, I think it is fairly standard that people are making decisions until April 15th, so I can imagine gently pushing back regarding the deposit date. Maybe ask for May 1st?
  18. For those repeat offenders like me, who are trying to thread the eye of a very particular needle, I have a question about recommendation letters. Are you reusing ones in the school's system that were submitted in an earlier round? Or asking your recommenders to do a new round each year? Or finding new recommenders? I feel pretty strongly that if someone is kind enough to write me a letter, I shouldn't be dragging them through a multi year process just because I am picky about offers! Thoughts from others who have also been around the block a time or two?
  19. My take: "alternate" is the term when you're first runner up for a super-small incoming class "waitlist" is a larger group that may/may not have a numbered ranking
  20. I have to second this. Last year I had a few options and ended up choosing the best program "on paper." There was little cost to me, and I was dazzled by the way the numbers worked and lost sight of the fact that I'd never really connected with the school. I ended up regretting my choice to the point of pulling the plug before beginning the program. Just because the finances are right doesn't mean the program is an automatic fit. Make sure the program speaks to your soul and makes your heart flutter a bit!
  21. bwh15, I considered UMassD in a previous application year. I was also pleased with the funding offer (at the time) and the facilities (Star Store building). I also thought the faculty and students I met seemed to be friendly and smart. I got a very intentional vibe from the place; that people there are choosing it for specific reasons and forging their own paths. Not a super well-known program, but a lot of cool stuff to offer, in my opinion. And proximity to Providence/Boston/NYC doesn't hurt.
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