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Everything posted by Leah_N

  1. Well said Nutella14. I did not take it as sour grapes either, just another perspective to think about. I think a lot of times people rely on the reputation of a school too much. I attended university in the states, I went to a school that is ranked higher than UofT in the international rankings. What I saw is that not everything about the school was great, some programs where better than others. Some people did well, some had a difficult time finding g their place because they put the schools reputation above their career goals. After graduation, I realized that friends who went to schools ranked well below mine did better than me. They got better jobs and went on to meet their goals in a way that I did not expect them to, give the reputation of their school. I say all this to say, it's up to you. If you know your goals as a social worker, try to go to the school that best fits those goals. If you end up at a school that was not your first choice and does not offer quite what you are looking for, explore ways to make it work for you. I looked at U of T's MSN program and compared it to Laurier's. For my purposes, Laurier is the best choice, but it's not for everyone.
  2. So I, like many others, have been wait-listed at Toronto. Someone asked about people who will not be staying on the wait-list, I won't. Good luck to those still waiting.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I decided to accept the offer! I logged into Loris and saw what you are talking about.
  4. Those who were accepted to Laurier's 2 year program, have you received anything other than the one email? Does Laurier send out acceptance packages?
  5. If you want to boost your gpa and get better academic references I recommend taking classes in person, at university. I took some elective social work courses to boost my gpa; I learned more about the field (this helped me as I was wring personal statements) and got better references. At the same time, taking courses online is very convenient. Make sure that whichever route you choose, you take 300-400 level courses. I know that Laurier, Toronto, York, Calgary, and UNBC accept these courses and use them to calculate your GPA. Some schools (Carleton, Windsor, UBC, Victoria, and McGill) calculate gpa in a way that reduces the amount of "boost" your gpa gets from upgrading. I don't think Windsor even accepts upgraded courses. If you are unsure, make sure that you check with a school before you apply.
  6. I am I a similar boat as you. I am waiting on one more school (UNBC), I think the program in BC is a better fit based on my interests, it makes financial sense, and it's closer to family. However, I am super excited about Laurier and if I end up there, I will still be happy. For now, I am saying that I am going to Laurier.
  7. Hey! I didn't realize that you got accepted!! This may sound weird but I was totally rooting for you after reading your comments on this forum. CONGRATS!!
  8. Yeah, I looked into that and that "funding package" part is a generic line. They send the same link to everyone who is accepted to grad school at Laurier. They do not give funding for professional degrees. Personally I think its confusing and they should remove it.
  9. Don't beat yourself up, the odds are against most people. You may benefit from meeting with someone in a social work department. I know that Calgary allows unsuccessful applicants to do this. If its something that you really want, don't give up. In order to improve my references I took social work courses at a university. I was able to get 2 references from professors who teach in MSW programs.
  10. I was wait-listed last year. I think re-application is very common, especially once you realize how competitive these programs are.
  11. In previous years they didn't send all the acceptances on the same day. I think it took 2-3 days. Also, only like 2 people have said they got in. Usually there are several people who get accepted into Laurier and post on this forum, so...hang in there
  12. I also just go accepted into Laurier (about 20 minutes ago) by email. I am very happy but I know how emotionally draining this experience is, so I wish everyone the very best. For those of you who are still waiting, in the email they directed me to Loris, and its the same website as the one that has my references but the references are gone and its the acceptance with detail about how to accept. So you may want to check Loris if they are still sending email. FYI: It says we have respond by April 22.
  13. I don't think UofT asked us to calculate the total hours that we had, they just asked for the hours per month, I feel like they do the calculations for us??? Maybe I am wrong but I feel like they know that you are still working where you indicated on your resume, I am in the same position and this is what I am choosing to believe. Unless someone else has different insight... On another note, I am so confused/annoyed by what UofT is doing this year. I wish they would have done what they did in pervious years and just send everything at once. I was waitlisted last year and they let us all know around the same time, it was so less stressful. (just venting...)
  14. Hi Everyone, I should introduce myself since I have already posted on here. I have applied to 2 year MSW programs in the west and a few in the east. I live in west. I think Laurier is my top choice but at this point I just want to get in anywhere.I have an A- average and about 5000 experience hours, 95% of it is paid, I am a youth worker. During my undergrad I worked for 2.5 years as a research assistant, I was hoping this would help me get into UofT but like a lot of you, I am still waiting to hear back. Anyhoo, I just called Laurier and they said results will go out mid-April. This is such a bummer, on their website they say early April and the previous 2 years they sent results out between late-March. I hope the lady was just saying that as the worst case scenario, I was hoping this week would be the week... Good luck to everyone who is still waiting!
  15. I called Calgary and they said that the results for the 2 year program will be sent out by email before this month ends, so in the next few days... I cannot wait for the moment when this is all behind us. Imagine it, some time soon this will be over and we we can move on. Some of us will be making plans for the school year, others will be focusing on our plan b.
  16. No, but from reading last year's forum, they sent out acceptances for the 1 year program on March 13. So hopefully you will hear from them very soon.
  17. Are you asking for the 1 year or 2 year program? I applied to the 2 year program and haven't heard anything.
  18. Wardrobe malfunction
  19. Virginia Commonwealth MSW, Masters (F14) Rejected via E-mail on 1 May 2014 1 May 2014 Please, like I needed this. I already accepted another, much, MUCH better offer months ago. I don't need to go to this school. I don't even care that they rejected me I'm so much better than that anyway. They got back so late. May 1st? Really, like, they are so disorganized like omg. So glad I got a much better offer. They can reject me all they want I dont even care like I really dont. so this person really doesn't care that they were rejected, lol
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