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  • Gender
  • Location
    El Salvador
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    MPP / MPA / MS LA

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hi, Let's wait for May 14th !!! The JJWBGSP 2015 call for applicants from developing countries is now closed. Semifinalists will be notified by email of their status by May 14, 2015 and required to send in their unconditional letter of acceptance to a preferred master’s program and copy of ID. Please refer to the application guidelines for further details. Please note that if you are selected as a semifinalist this does not guarantee that you will be offered the scholarship. Semifinalists have only passed the first phase of selection and competition will still be fierce. Semifinalists who are selected for the scholarship will be notified by email by the end of July 2015. Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified. The program is not accepting any inquiries at this time regarding the status of applications, either by phone, fax or email. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/WBI/EXTWBISFP/EXTJJWBGSP/0,,contentMDK:20285740~menuPK:556575~pagePK:64168445~piPK:64168309~theSitePK:551644,00.html
  2. Hi, I also received a full tuition offer from Harris, but have the same inquiries about the debt of 50K for 2 years. This is really making me crazy because I also have an two others offers: LSE - Public Administration program (1 year) and NUS - MPP (2 years) with full tuition and life scholarships. Any ideas?
  3. Does anyone know about the results?
  4. Hi @veneman My name is also Carlos and I'm from El Salvador. I hope this group would be more international Thanks guys for the info about Singapore, I would like your help about 2 thing: 1) Life with a family in Singapore 2) The prospect job after the MPP Thanks!
  5. Hey @arbitist your thoughts would be appreciated too. Best!
  6. Hello @paladin_av I would like your thoughts about it. I'm in the same place that @priyadino. I'm between Cornell and Chicago and I would like to know the job prospects and academic experience in the Government, Politics and Policy Studies concentration in CIPA. Best!
  7. Congratulations Emag, Vhym06, Maawarinu, Phoenix, Pianodive_ani, Breeze and everyone else! Also, I got in with full scholarship, accommodation costs and stipend I will compare with other offers (from US and UK) and I have to decide soon. Any help? Do you know about the professional career after the LKY for someone from El Salvador (Latin America)?
  8. Hi, I am from El Salvador, nice to meet (or read) you all. On March 9, I got an email about the offer for MPP program and funding information. Yeah! However I still thinking my options between other programs. Good luck to everyone!
  9. Hi, I am from El Salvador, nice to meet (or read) you all. I applied around March 3, and send the video on March 12. The Admission Staff seen really nice and give me a good vibe. I am still waiting for the results and funding information. Wish me good luck!
  10. Hi, I am from El Salvador, nice to meet (or read) you all. On March 5th, I got an email about the offer for MPA program, and March 20 I got the funding information. Still waiting to hear from other schools before making a final decision. Good luck to everyone!
  11. Hello, Also, I was accepted for the new 1 year MPA program and with some funding However, after the scholarship, the cost still seems high (around 75K) What do you think?
  12. Hi, I am from El Salvador, nice to meet (or read) you all. I applied around 14 Jan, interview 16 Feb, and today, 25 March, I got an email about the offer for MPP program, but no information about funding. As far as I know, the Admission Office works for regions, so each region has its own timeline. Good luck to everyone!
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