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Everything posted by BumblebeePlan

  1. I'm off to Emory this fall!
  2. I had a 12K TA-ship as an MA student, and very little was taken out for taxes--I'd guess less than 5%. Of course, this was in a state with no income tax, so YMMV.
  3. So a friend of mine was at a party in Chicago and ran across someone who got into NYU's history program two weeks ago....
  4. I emailed NYU's graduate secretary LAST WEEK and....nothing. By "nothing" I don't mean "I didn't get in." Nor do I mean "they don't know yet." I mean, "she literally did not even reply to my message." Thanks, NYU. Thanks.
  5. ^ Sorry to hear about the waitlist.....but a good friend of mine goes to NU and says it's great, plus Chicago is a cool place to live anyways How did you hear from NYU? Did you contact them? I'm too scared to call or email.....
  6. BumblebeePlan says that she hasn't heard a word from them and is getting scared
  7. I applied to UBC, but I ran into someone this weekend who said that they're still making decisions....
  8. I went to my own little lonely separate NYU interview due to a schedule conflict.....anyone else do that? It was kind of scary, but I liked the people quite well. Does anyone who went know if they or any of the other attendees did early- or pre-modern East Asia?
  9. Ahahaha, way to narrow it down, man I didn't apply straight out of my BA, but having an MA certainly helps. I've noticed that the older, private programs tend to be more open about accepting BA students though. And sixteenth-century paleography, whatever the language, is a comparatively rare skill, especially for a BA. I think you shouldn't have too many problems! I like all the wives, but I have a soft spot for poor Katherine Howard. I just want to hug her and tell her that I don't think she's a skank
  10. Oh, like you haven't got an in there, and an acceptance elsewhere to boot! Earlymodernist, I am so jealous, I love Katherine Parr. It's not my field, but I've always been very fond of Henry VIII and his wives. KP was brilliant!
  11. Last year, everyone in the graduate office who was applying to PhD programs pasted theirs up on the wall. I had the most
  12. Encomendero and I have both taken sixteenth-century Spanish paleography classes and done archival research. It's fun but brutal! So many horrible, horrible abbreviations and misspellings.
  13. Penn State's interview weekend begins Friday. Of course, that doesn't mean you aren't being considered or on a waitlist.
  14. I do early modern China and Iberia (with a little Latin America thrown in, naturally). My apps are below! We early modernists need to stick together!
  15. UIUC waitlisted me pretty late in the game last year; I vaguely recall it being in mid to late March. A spot didn't open up, but if you haven't gotten a rejection from them yet it might not be hopeless.
  16. The chair at NYU told me that admit decision would be made right after the prospective's weekend, which is in a week, so maybe it won't be too long for them I'm interested in working with either Tim Brook or Leo Shin, but if I were to be admitted (and that's a big if) I'd probably end up with Shin since Brook said he might be on leave next year. If you could find anything out about adcom dates, that would be awesome!
  17. See you there!
  18. I've heard from five of my seven in one form or another (are interviews and waitlists really "decisions"?). Still waiting on Rice and British Columbia, but if I get another admit before I hear from Rice I'll probably just contact them and ask them to take me out of any running I might be in, since it's by far the poorest fit for me and if they accepted me it wouldn't be very nice to take someone else's spot, even temporarily. I think UBC will be the last I hear from. I have no basis for this reasoning. Maybe I am unconciously suspicious because they are foreigners to me. Too much time spent in the South, I suppose.
  19. What's your other half/portion? Mine's Iberia.
  20. I too am transnational, but am shoehorned in East Asia. I can like more than one region
  21. :salutes: I'll do what I can!
  22. Excellent! In NYU news, I have a phone meeting with the department chair tomorrow to figure out a time to fly me up for my own mini prospective meeting. I mean, this is good, right? They wouldn't haul me all the way up from Florida by myself if I didn't have a decent shot, right? Maybe I'm overthinking this.
  23. Congrats! I got one too, but alas I will not be seeing you there--it's the same weekend as Penn State's, and they already bought me a ticket. Such short notice!
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