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Everything posted by Grafeef

  1. Sorry--I'm getting a little teary here thinking about your post because I know how painful it is-- I just had to chime in here with some additional words of support from another painter. I went through the process last year and was rejected from every place (with the added bonus of 1 agonizing waitlist). The whole process really left me doubting myself and the quality of my portfolio. I, too, was really shy and intimidated by the excited posts of people who were getting good news all the time (though this board certainly helped me through the process of eliminating false hopes). After working on my portfolio for another year and getting more recommenders, I'm going through the process again this year and was getting rejections left and right--until I finally got one acceptance, to the perfect place for me. I expect still more rejections to come. I really think the other posters are right--admissions have only a little to do with "quality." These programs are looking for people that will make a good fit with the current direction of the program and with their faculty. And some schools (I hope this isn't sour grapes talking, but I don't think so) seem to be very much invested in what (or who) is fashionable right this minute. And we can't help it if we're not that. So please don't question your portfolio or your decision to go through the process. Believe me--we are still EARLY in the process (unfortunately), so there are many steps to go before this year's cycle is over. And whatever happens, you are one step closer.
  2. Just wanted to echo my thanks for this thread--it's so helpful! Curious--has anyone heard from Cranbrook for painting?
  3. Hi everybody-- I was one of the folks waiting to hear from SAIC one way or the other (painting). Heard today by mail that they've rejected me for MFA but recommended that I apply for their 1-year post-bac. (I don't have a BFA or even an art major.) Does anyone know what the purpose of these post-bacs are? Will their post-bac erase the apparent mark against me for lacking the BFA when I apply again there and elsewhere for the MFA? Good luck to everyone--I hope everybody's holding up well. Tyler: Rejected SMFA: Interview MICA: Cranbrook: VCU: RISD: SAIC: Columbia:
  4. Hi Danstina-- I applied for painting (2nd time around!)--
  5. Hello Alizarin and Crayons (and everyone)-- It's my second year applying for painting programs; another year certainly made a big difference for me in the application process. I had more time to develop my work and was able to more clearly articulate why I wanted to pursue the MFA. (Whether it makes a difference in acceptances, of course, remains to be seen!) I was waitlisted at one school last year but did not get in. It's a painful process, no doubt. Best wishes to all-- SMFA: interview 3/6 SAIC: Columbia: VCU: Cranbrook: Tyler: rejected by mail 2/13 RISD: MICA:
  6. Here's my list! Fingers crossed for all of us-- SMFA: interview SAIC: Columbia: VCU: Cranbrook: Tyler: RISD: MICA:
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