Here is a link that gives you all the tuition and fees for 2009-10 I'm not sure what they have changed to this year. Not all of them will apply, but it is a good guideline. Most people that do not have full time jobs take about 12 or more courses a semester which at the rate they have advertised is about $13,524 plus some $368 fee which I believe pays for access to all of the Columbia stuff. Many of the programs only require 32 points which are the same as credit hours. So it is quite feasible to finish a degree in one year if that is the case. Usualy the Ed.M take two years. What I would reccomend is that you email the department or Admissions and ask to correspond with a current student who can give you the low down on what goes down. The most important are all the little things like rent in NY if you do not want to live like an artist is $1500 or more unless you have roomates. I have been doing some research and it seems like it might be better to live in one of the bourghous like Brooklyn (Williamsburg) which is like a spill over area from the city or Edgewater new Jersey which is convienient. I personally would live in Harlem/Morningside area. Transportation for a metro card is like $89 a month unlimited and walking is free. I do not know about your program, but alot of them offer a number of internships and assistantships that would likely aid in the financing. Eat ramen. Tuition is pretty much coverd under federal loands because they guarantee 20,000 a year and the best thing about federal loans are the income based repayments which equate your income to you payment amount so you wont have to make unimaginable payments. Also if you are going to be working in public service job i believe they cancel your federal loans after 10 years or 20 so pay back as slow as possible!!!Im sure the only thing you should really worry about is the tuition all other things you would be paying for any because you have to live somewhere and hey why not NY!!! Hope this helps. Im moving in May better yet on my will be epic.