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  1. To throw another data point in there... I had a 3.7 cumulative GPA and a 760M 640V and got no $ from Harris...(worked for 2 years). So maybe you have to get above my GRE score to get some $. Although paying $100k when Harris seems to be generous with funding to others seems like you're not getting a good deal, it's a gamble to wait a year for possible $$...
  2. Program Applied To: MPP, MPA Schools Applied To: Chicago Harris, NYU Wagner, Columbia SIPA, HKS, Georgetown GPPI Schools Admitted To: Harris($0), HKS($0), Georgetown($) Schools Rejected From: waitlisted at SIPA, withdrew my NYU app (after I hadn't heard from them by 4/10) Decision: HKS. Even though Georgetown offered me some money, it wasn't enough to turn down HKS. Undergraduate institution: Top Public Undergraduate GPA: 3.7 Undergraduate Major: English, Statistics GRE Quantitative Score: 760 GRE Verbal Score: 640 GRE AW Score: 5 Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 2 Describe Relevant Work Experience: 2 years research after undergrad, during undergrad- I also did 1 year research, and interned at a non-profit (and also did some unrelated jobs). Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): I don't think I have done anything THAT cool (like work with orphans in Africa or start my own organization...) but I think my SOP was a clear, compelling statement of exactly what I want to do and how my previous experiences have led me to this point. I think I had a lot of supporting evidence for this in my work experience/volunteering. I also think I was successful because I made my application very cohesive- I made a point to write my HKS policy memo on a topic related to my policy interest. My best advice is to articulate as specifically as possible what you want to do to change the world and provide evidence that you are A) passionate about it and have the ability to do it. Strength of LOR's (be honest, describe the process, etc): All from people I'm extremely close with. One from undergrad prof, 2 from managers. I read one of them, and thought it was excellent.
  3. I would add University of Chicago (Harris School) to your list as well. They have a strong quant program, and offer some tuition scholarships. I have very similar interests to you (though don't want to do an Econ phD).
  4. I asked for a refund (nicely) and they said they do not refund, but offered to read my app by next week if I asked all my recommendors to resend letters this week. However, I said no thanks and withdrew my app. Just glad to close this chapter!
  5. finally heard on why I haven't gotten a decision: NYU: you never sent us your recommendations. Your application is incomplete and we never read it. Me: I have the fed-ex confirmation signature that you received them from four months ago. !! At this point, I don't even want to re-send them. Online it said my recommendations were "submitted offline." Make sure they have everything if you haven't heard. I've had a bad experience.
  6. It says in the admissions e-mail: Financial aid decisions will be released on April 1. You will receive an email instructing you to login in to the MYFAID website to review your financial aid information. hoping for some free money! But not expecting a miracle.
  7. it's 11:51 PM EST and I still haven't gotten an e-mail from NYU... I checked my spam folder too. Anyone else?
  8. Hi, I also got into GPPI and HKS. GPPI gave me some money (10k/year) but I am leaning towards HKS still. I'm not sure which school is better for immigration policy, but I can comment on making connections at each school. GPPI has the clear advantage of being in D.C. which is filled with key people; however, I get the impression that you have to work hard to make connections there yourself. In talking with a few GPPI alumni, it seems that many of them made their own way outside of the school through internships during the school year. (They told me about 90% of students work/intern while in school). It is a very small entering class, which is great for academics, but that makes it not as far-reaching for connections. However, you could also argue that because it is more intimate, perhaps everyone knows each other better and would help each other more. If you're looking for connections and access to power players through the school itself, I really think HKS has more opportunity for that. The star faculty and speakers are impressive. From a HKS student, I was advised not to work too much during school, otherwise I'd miss out on the HKS community. HKS also has a larger alumni network, and I hear the career center is really great about connecting you with alumni who work in areas of your interest. In terms of negatives, HKS is much larger, classes are bigger, and I've also heard HKS is not as quantatively rigorous as GPPI. I think both schools offer excellent opportunities, but my vote is for HKS. Good Luck!
  9. Still waiting as well.. I applied Jan 5th and haven't heard a peep from them besides "your app has been submitted." I wonder if this late notification impacts their matriculation rate? I certainly am displeased with their admissions process and can't help but project this negative feeling on the school as a whole, as emotional and irrational as that may be.
  10. I just got in!!! So shocked after Columbia waitlisted me, but super happy!!
  11. Finally heard- waitlisted. I must have been on the border!
  12. I just got my acceptance email- was about to lose hope! (7 pm EST) no funding either...
  13. I haven't heard from SIPA either... It seems that last year quite a few decisions dragged on to toward the end of March... I would wait at least another week before contacting them.
  14. oooh no! what a nightmare! i feel for you- good luck with the waitlist.
  15. I got my scholarship offer this morning (10,000). Acceptance e-mail 2/23, scholarship essay request a week after and scholarship notification 3/10. Am happy and relieved though still a bit worried about the cost! It says on the GPPI website that 35-40% of the class is offered merit based financial assistance. Not sure if they have given out all their money yet...?
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