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  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    Classics PhD

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  1. Hello! I may be mistaken about this, but if by "MS EE" you meant Masters in Electrical Engineering then I think that is the wrong forum, and that you'll want to try to post here.
  2. Hey Pius Aeneas! Thanks for passing by even though you're already attending. While this is already banking on the big uncertain If of getting accepted, what would your advice be concerning things to do in the months between now and (inshallah) the PhD? Of course everyone is going to have different areas they need to work on, but what was it that you do that you're glad you did in time in-between, or alternatively did not do that you later regretted not having done? Thank you, and I'll also take the opportunity to wish everyone a happy 2018!
  3. There's many offers of Cloud software around, I recommend you take a look at a few of them and find out what works best for you. You should be looking for: Size, availability and partnerships (many unis offer for instance courtesy access to cloud service X), and fees/free service. Take a look at OneDrive (Microsoft), GoogleDrive (which apparently you don't like), Dropbox, and maybe also google whether there are other ones - although you probably won't find anything significantly better. I use OneDrive myself.
  4. One of the greatest advantages of studying in the EU when you have to pay for your own studies is that courses are much less expensive, but if you're applying to funded PhDs (which I assume you are) then that becomes less important. The application costs were by far the largest surprise. On top of the application fees, which most places told me I couldn't even waive, since that was only for US students, the GRE + TOEFL were at best a cash cow for ETS at worst plain extortion. (25 USD to send a couple of strings of data to some server!) Yes, it is intense, and to think some people do 10+, so I'm probably even on the lower end. To distract me, I actually am sitting 4 exams on the 6th (!). I've been studying since early December, and three of them I'm confident about, the last one has been a tougher nut to crack. For a while I had the excuse of having to get the applications ready, now unfortunately I don't, so I guess I'll really have to get that studying done! What about yourself?
  5. In the US, I applied to 6 schools, all in upper end. My safe/reach schools are in Europe, and I'll have to start getting a few of those other applications ready (complete with projects etc, something I've been dreading), but since there's different deadlines/Spring semester entries, the priority up until now has been the US ones. Everyone was telling me I should avoid this forum if I am to retain any mental sanity, and I am seriously starting to understand what they meant. I thought I'd just do other stuff until late Jan and not even bother checking in. Yet here I am...!
  6. Hey everyone, just submitted my last US application yesterday and so decided to finally post here. I'm from Europe, and generally speaking I applied to study Late Antiquity, with the usual tweaks for each school. If I don't get in any of my choices I'll try to apply to schools in Europe, but most unis around here require you to already have a solid proposal with all the details ready to start working on it as soon as you start, which is not my case. I think generally speaking I'm competitive, but am also aware that there's always a large portion of luck, fitness to the program etc, so we'll see. Mostly I'm concerned about the interviews, since I don't really know if or how I'd manage to get myself to the US if I have the luck to be called to an interview. Best of luck to you all, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other in the coming dreadful weeks.
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