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Everything posted by maewest

  1. school A: funded minimally (SMALL stipend with LOTS of TAing), students take a long time to finish, higher ranked, significantly closer to friends/relationship, ok weather, not the best fit in terms of program requirements/coursework, didn't really click with other grad students I've met school B: funded well (decent stipend with few TA duties), students tend to finish faster, lower ranking, far from all my friends, horrible weather, excellent program fit, haven't met the other grad students yet Both schools are in cities I love and both of my PAs seem great.
  2. Thanks for the tips. I actually will be completing my MA in a few months! I did manage to get into a funded MA program, and my advisors seemed really certain I'd end up at a top school. : (
  3. So I've been accepted to two schools, one with full funding and one with funding information pending. Both schools are in areas I'd like to live, and the faculty seem to be courting me quite aggressively. My interests match fairly well (although not perfectly) with said faculty. However, these schools are not top 10 or even top 20 programs. So I'm wondering if, with the current state of the job market and economy, a degree from these universities would be even helpful or advisable, and worth the time and effort. I was told by one professor at my undergrad institution not to bother with a program that wasn't extremely highly ranked. Would it be stupid for me to do another round of applications next year and hold out for the Ivies? (I was rejected by 5 this time around). I really did have my heart set on Brown or Yale, both of which have faculty that entice me more, and I don't know if I should give up yet. There are also a few schools I overlooked this time around (Penn, Berkeley, Columbia) that I want to give a shot. Am I being unrealistic? I don't exactly have a "Plan B" for next year. I can just picture myself in the midst of a program thinking "if only i had tried again and applied somewhere else." On the other hand, it's completely possible I wouldn't get into my top choices next year either. (What concerns me is that this time I wasn't even waitlisted by the ones I wanted). Maybe I'm simply not Ivy material?
  4. maewest

    History 2010

    For what it's worth, I was admitted to Brandeis and I'm still waiting to hear from my dream school. If I get in I'll take the offer, so that would free up a spot for you.
  5. I would love any behind-the-scenes, inside info on Brown and Harvard decisions if anyone has it!
  6. I too am going crazy. Waiting for Stanford and UDub Seattle. Not feeling positive.
  7. hi! I applied for Am Civ at Harvard and Brown. Did anybody else? Has anyone heard anything yet?
  8. maewest

    History 2010

    Hi all, I'm an Americanist, and so far have been accepted to one school, rejected from two, and waiting on four. I was wondering if anybody has heard anything from Stanford or University of Washington (Seattle) yet...?
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