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    Queen's University
  • Program
    Cognitive Neuroscience

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  1. I just got notified by my grad admin that I wasn't successful. Good luck to everyone!
  2. Queen's has the results now according to the awards office but they won't tell me the results and said to contact my department administrator. But I heard from her this morning that she didn't have any further information. This is so excruciating hahaha
  3. Same here for Queen's. Program admin says nothing yet, which is pretty dumb considering so many institutions already know and have informed their students.
  4. I'm really hoping that my institution gets back to me today to avoid waiting over the weekend. Knowing my luck I would have to wait until early next week and then still be rejected. I want to just get it over with.
  5. Thanks for making me feel less alone!!
  6. I feel like I'm one of the only ones still waiting on any login information. The forgot password trick doesn't work for me either.
  7. Awesome, congrats!!!
  8. I saw that too and was internally raging hahhaha
  9. Agree with all of you. They keep moving the goal posts by changing the date and only bother to respond to a few individuals. Meanwhile most of us are here without login information and other people are already celebrating. With no clear indication of why that is a thing.
  10. It's unprofessional in my opinion. I might be feeling a bit entitled and slightly bratty at the moment but it's just because I feel like there were so many more accountable and transparent ways to handle this situation in an already stressful time.
  11. Someone on their twitter is now responding to everyone saying sorry for the delay and that we can expect to get emails "this week or early next week". Jesus christ.
  12. This is insanity for my mental health
  13. Just saw this tweet from SSHRC: Hello Molly-Gloria, apologies for the delay. We're anticipating that the emails will go out this week and early next week. A follow-up email will be sent once the results documents are uploaded. Thank you for your patience!
  14. oh my goodnes... what?? They were confused as to why you didn't have one? This is concerning
  15. I think those of us still waiting are just the very unlucky ones that happen to fall in the second half of these waves of results? It's so hard not to be discouraged but we've waited this long together already!
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