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Everything posted by sjalava

  1. ooh I see that! Can anyone tell me though how the joseph-bombardier scholarship relates to the rest of the doctoral competitions? I can't even remember the difference between PGSM and CGSM or whatever it is...
  2. Got a reply back from SSHRC this morning regarding my question about releasing the results electronically and here is the response: "Good morning, Thank you for your mailing address. Yes, SSHRC will be sharing the result electronically this year. More detail to come this week." More detail to come this week.. so looks like we could be waiting this week out together as well. Good luck comrades.
  3. I can't find any for the doctoral competition, only Masters and I think a postdoc. Are you sure that they were doctoral announcements?
  4. Same here. I contacted my grad admin yesterday and she has heard nothing. I tried the awards office today and haven't heard back yet.
  5. I agree, why am I like this... I guess I'm utterly incapable of handling the unknown! ?
  6. You know, she didn't actually say they were mailing the results, she simply requested a mailing address for the results document. Here is the exact email: "Good morning, We are in process of preparing the SSHRC Doctoral competition result document. In the application that you have submitted to SSHRC, you did not identify a mailing address. Can you please reply to this email and provide me with a mailing address?" She has not responded to my follow up asking if they were mailing or releasing the results online this year. As Ponteix mentioned before, this could be for the letterhead of the results document and does not necessarily imply that they are mailing it out. Anyways, I'm probably overanalyzing this as usual!
  7. It's hard to say, maybe the internal communication is poor so the messages are getting mixed up?
  8. It was a real person, she explicitly stated that they are in the process of preparing the result document for mailing!
  9. When they asked for my mailing address I was so tempted to beg them to just rip the bandaid off and reject me right that very second!
  10. Hilariously, they removed this statement shortly after posting it.
  11. I got an email today asking for a mailing address because I guess I didn't provide one. They are in the process of sending out the results. I was hoping it would be electronic this year as alluded to before so I inquired about that and I'll let you guys know if I get a response!
  12. Also I just received this from my department's graduate coordinator when I asked if she knew anything: "Not yet – they always tell us it will be 15 Apr and they are invariably a few days late….."
  13. Most definitely for the masters competition.
  14. I emailed someone from the school of graduate studies at my institution today to ask if they have the results yet internally and if not, if he knows of a potential timeline. I will let you know if he gets back to me!
  15. I also had the same thing and I emailed them about it. They said that they had received my application but it became unavailable on the portal when the deadline closed. So you should be good, it's normal!
  16. No idea, they gave me no other info. The email just said "You have been unsuccessful in the competition." So cold lol
  17. my administrator told me I got rejected good luck to the rest of you!
  18. Same. I feel like if they did miss some emails, the more people let them know the faster they will deal with it. Could be wishful thinking though.
  19. God I hope so... but the whole process is a mystery to me
  20. I wholeheartedly agree. I can barely focus on anything else even though I know I won't know until Monday.
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