I realize this is WAAAAY late and this forum hasn't been active for a while, but as a person getting ready to jump into the rigmarole I found all of this VERY useful. Indiana was already the top school on my list, and after reading this, I'm even more excited about it. @bluebane reading your article was also very helpful. I hadn't really thought the cost through that thoroughly. @Joinedtoolate are you still super excited about Indiana? Also how did you both like URTAs? Did you find it helpful? I've found it all a little confusing and they still haven't gotten back to me about a slot yet. Should I touch base with the schools that I'm really, really excited about interviewing with before I go to URTAs? Or just let the Common Core Packet speak for itself? Also any tips or advice on what to expect from the interviews? I realize everyone might've moved on past this forum by now, but figured I'd throw it out there anyways, Best of luck to you all!