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Everything posted by voldy24601

  1. After reading everyone's post this morning I was just starting to come to terms with the fact that Yale wasn't going to call me. Then I got the call about 20 minutes ago setting up an interview. Congrats to the others that are also interviewing!
  2. @aprilcleveland thanks for the groupon info. Now I wish I had waited, but already got the hotel booked. And I'm not applying to Brown, so unfortunately I don't have any insight in the application process there. In theory Yale is sending out their interviews this week. I keep checking my E-mail to see if they've responded yet. Radio silence so far. Any luck from anyone else?
  3. I decided last minute to apply to Northwestern as well. Just sent mine in. The nerves are starting to kick in a little. For those who have gone through the process before, if I'm moved to the next round, when do they usually do the in person interviews at the campus and such? My March availability just got tighter and that makes me a little nervous.
  4. @bluebane good luck and godspeed to your applications! I did E-mail Dale last week. I haven't heard anything back from him though. Maybe they are still on Christmas break. I'll refrain from worrying until it gets a little later.
  5. Question. Should I expect conformation from Indiana that they got my Core Packet sent via snail-mail? I sent an E-mail asking if they received it, but haven't heard anything back yet. Having had stuff lost in the mail before, this makes me a little nervous.
  6. @nomoredeskjobplease Yup. Just came here to post the same thing. Got my obligatory "we got your stuff and will contact people for interviews between January 4-7."
  7. A "gradcafe" meet-up sounds fun. I'd love to grab some coffee...or a beer. So I've sent off the applications. Yale was sent a couple of weeks ago, just sent Indiana by snail mail, and Illinois State by E-mail. Now comes the fun part. Waiting. And resisting the urge to read through my cover letter one more time. Does anybody have an idea how many director apply through URTA in Chicago? Like an estimation from last year or something. Just curious. Hope things are going well for you all!
  8. Hey! Good to hear from others. I am attending URTA's in Chicago. I'm actually meeting with a friend today to talk about his MFA experience and get some feedback from him. After that I'm sending the core packet off. Right now it feels like it's hanging over my head and I just keep tinkering with it. I'll feel relief when that's gone I think. @bluebane if I remember correctly you interviewed with Indiana last year and were wait-listed, right? Since you are applying there again my guess is that you really enjoyed your conversation with them. I'm really hoping I at least get to interview with them, as I really like their past seasons, and their faculty seems really cool. Because of your article I'm focusing on keeping my list as trim as possible. Already cost is adding up. I also just fell into a situation like you mentioned in your article (which I wish I read earlier) where someone offered me a directing opportunity for next year, but I told them I'm applying to Grad school, so now they are talking to their board about the situation to try and see what they want to do. Fingers crossed it all works out. Looking forward to updates.
  9. Hey all. After reading through the post from last year's MFA Directing applicants I wanted to start one for this year in order to open lines of communication, have a place to talk and break the radio silence, and create solidarity! So...I've applied to URTAs this year. My top picks are Indiana and Illinois State University. I'm also submitting to Yale, because, why not? I'm looking for programs that offer a lot of financial support because I'm still in dept from my undergrad five years ago. Anyway, I'm waiting for a response from URTA still. I emailed them asking about the hold-up and they said they are still waiting to get the final list from schools and to prepare my Core Packet. Which I'be almost finished doing...so...here I am. Anyone else in a similar boat?
  10. I realize this is WAAAAY late and this forum hasn't been active for a while, but as a person getting ready to jump into the rigmarole I found all of this VERY useful. Indiana was already the top school on my list, and after reading this, I'm even more excited about it. @bluebane reading your article was also very helpful. I hadn't really thought the cost through that thoroughly. @Joinedtoolate are you still super excited about Indiana? Also how did you both like URTAs? Did you find it helpful? I've found it all a little confusing and they still haven't gotten back to me about a slot yet. Should I touch base with the schools that I'm really, really excited about interviewing with before I go to URTAs? Or just let the Common Core Packet speak for itself? Also any tips or advice on what to expect from the interviews? I realize everyone might've moved on past this forum by now, but figured I'd throw it out there anyways, Best of luck to you all!
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