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Everything posted by DiogenesCynicus

  1. There were only 4 in last year's incoming class, and they're capping at 5 this year. As far as I'm aware, there have been 2 offers made to fellowship candidates, but you never know when a spot will open up. That being said, there are a lot of applicants to the department, and a full 1/3 of those applications are for classical art and archaeology, so it's a delicate balancing act to admit students for all the various subfields and the classical archaeology program, since they all share the same pool of open slots for admissions.
  2. No worries! I didn't hear back until the end of March/beginning of April. All I can say is hang in there, it'll work out in the end.
  3. Those may have been the people who were offered university-wide fellowships, so they heard early to come visit for the interview weekend. Usually mid to late March is when everything gets sent out. This week was spring break here, so not a whole lot happened.
  4. I know some decisions have been made, but other than that I don't know when they will be sending out notifications. Hope this helps!
  5. My program (Classical Archaeology) is placed within my university's Art History department, so I get to experience the crossover every day. They take our classes and we take theirs. The same is true for TA positions. We are a significant chunk of the department's students, so we often cross over and fill in TA positions that need filling. Our research approaches are different, but similar enough for a coherent dialogue to exist between the two disciplines.
  6. What's up! I'm going to UVA in the fall to study Classical Archaeology. No word on funding yet, but I can cover the cost of an unfunded first year with no real difficulty, so that's not really an issue. Still hasn't quite hit me that this is really happening, but I'm sure it will eventually. As for my summer, I get to spend the first half of it wrapping up at my current excavation, followed by moving down to Charlottesville. I've also got to brush up on my German for my modern language exam, and then I need to start learning Italian. As an archaeologist, I am exempt from taking a diagnostic exam for my ancient languages, but they could use some brushing up, in any case. As long as I can remember to take time for myself, I should be good to go! Good luck, everyone!
  7. I've accepted an offer of admission from UVA to attend their Interdisciplinary PhD program in Classical Art and Archaeology. Very excited to start in the fall!
  8. I will also be attending UVA in the Fall, in the History of Art and Architecture with a concentration in Classical Archaeology. If anyone is in need of housing, check out brac.com. It seems to be one of the best sources for apartment hunting in the Charlottesville area.
  9. I'm waiting on UVA for Classical Art and Archaeology. I do know that they sent out the majority of their rejections at the end of February, and that their admitted students' weekend is at the end of March, so decisions regarding admits and waitlists should be coming out very soon.
  10. No word on that yet. My point of contact is mainly concerned with the Classical Art and Archaeology program.
  11. For anybody who's applied to the Classical Art and Archaeology program at UVA, decisions should be going out in the next few weeks, as the admissions committee has been meeting and is close to making their final selections, according to a professor I've been e-mailing.
  12. If you have a better idea of your focus (Greek or Roman), you could try looking at other programs in the U.S., since you're more likely to get teaching experience and funding Stateside. However, you're most likely going to be applying to PhD programs, as I've found that there are few programs that offer an M.A. in classical archaeology. From my experience, you're going to want to apply to more than 2 programs, as the classical archaeology field is very competitive, since you'll be competing for spots in Classics and Art History departments, who will also be looking to admit non-archaeology students as well.
  13. Just got my rejection letter from Bryn Mawr College's classical archaeology program. After my previous rejections from UPenn and Cornell, I've got 3 more left to hear from, but it's not looking good.
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