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  1. origenes


    To the one who was waitlisted for funding on the results page, whom did you e-mail in the department? And did they say letters had gone out? Any other information on the waitlist?
  2. origenes


    Or it is the same three or four of us neurotically refreshing every 3 minutes...
  3. origenes


    I honestly know nothing about job placement for ThDs, but I assume Boston has information for you in terms of their own placement history. And I assume you have some idea about the placement history of the school you're currently at. If you think you can notably improve your CV, and you have a spouse with a job, that's not a terrible idea, although I know exactly how you feel in terms of simply not wanting to go through it all again. Of course, you could also apply to fewer schools, even though this has its own obvious disadvantages. My situation is not entirely different. I also have the option to stay in the program I am in currently and work on a PhD, but they just don't do exactly what I'm interested in, so I would be compromising somewhat. I've been waitlisted for funding at one school, so that may work out, but if it doesn't I have the option to defer and try to improve my CV to get funding next year. What I would do in the mean time is the real problem. Not exactly a soaring job market out there for MAs in Classics and Religion. Good luck.
  4. origenes


    I assume mine will come around 4 today, down in Florida. There hasn't been a single acceptance on the results page. I kind of wonder if they contacted admittees by phone earlier, none of whom partake of gradcafe.
  5. MARQUETTE?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Any news on the waitlist for funding for PhDs at SLU?
  7. I think the whole point of this forum is that you bear good or bad tidings for people. It would be slightly ridiculous if everyone simply wrote, "Ohhhhhh, I got a letter in the mail with some information on it!"? So congratulations, but spare us the sympathy.
  8. Does anyone know anything about Marquette's decision-making status?
  9. I wouldn't give up hope, for I've not seen anything one way or another on the results forum about MA applicants. I was admitted to the MA program two years ago, but with no funding. Do they ever fund MAs? I'm guessing all of the funded PhDs have been notified, since they've told me that I was waitlisted for funding.
  10. I've also applied, and have been admitted, but waitlisted regarding funding. I would also be doing Greek patristics, but I've lately been working a lot on medieval thought as well. It would be really nice if the theology and philosophy departments worked together well.
  11. To the SLU admittee who wrote, "happy birthday to someone on the waitlist," does that mean that you were one of those offered funding and you are declining? How are my exegetical skills? Or was that hermeneutical? Or midrashic? Or just plain obvious?
  12. Do either those who received acceptance calls from Saint Louis wish to share anymore information? (And I've not heard anything from Marquette Jules)
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