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    Science, duh. Genetics.
  • Application Season
    2016 Fall

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  1. Alright I'm done waiting for responses! woot. Gl to those still waiting, don't break your keyboard. Here's the interviews I'm attending: UCSF, 1st weekend UCSD, 1st weekend Scripps (La Jolla), 1st weekend. I'll see y'all there if you are going! Gonna go drink.
  2. Lol thats probably because we're super annoying. Also guys I emailed Cancer Bio, they said all invites have been sent out. Poops.
  3. So there's another one for cancer bio out now. I'm throwing in the towel, and editing stanford in my spreadsheet to "N".
  4. I feel like an insane version of me.
  5. Or we all got rejected... dont want to be a buzz killington, but that is possible...
  6. CONGRATS! Here's to hoping they get back to the rest of us soon...
  7. wwwwwwwwaaaahhwahweewah
  8. Im going to tape a rock onto my return key. Save my thumbs for pipetting.
  9. Cancer bio, pleeeez.
  10. Oh shoot! May the shwartz be with you.
  11. Yup. One more day of crazy waiting period and then I can start thinking about interviews.
  12. Well based on our information it seems like Stanford Cancer Bio is out tomorrow. Mit Bio tomorrow as well - I think someone called/emailed and they said it would be out by end of week. Correct if I'm mistaken.
  13. Serrrrriiiousssslllly a bunch of the other programs are out im going to poop my pantaloons
  14. Seriously. Cmon Stanfordddddd
  15. I think you don't have much to lose. If you are on waitlist (which sounds likely) then they won't dislike you expressing interest. After all, they don't want to bring someone out who isn't serious about attending, and if they have to choose from waitlist it might be good for them to think of you first. Just my two cents.
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