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Posts posted by liesandfish

  1. 18 minutes ago, Partinrn said:

    Congrats to everyone who has/will made their decision. I'm flying to Texas today (6:20 am to be exact) for a grad preview weekend. I'm beyond nervous, but am confident that they wouldn't put much money into a prospective student unless they pretty much had their mind made up. I'll let everyone know the outcome. Congrats to everyone again, and please wish me luck!

    Partinrn, you are going to be great! Try to not stress, you know what you are interested in and you know this program. You'll be ok. Sending lots of good vibes your way. I'm confident you are going to shine! 

    (Also, sending vibes for the flight since I know you haven't flown in a while, enjoy the trip!) 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Shay825 said:

    Rejected from Penn - this one was my dream program. :*( 

    So far I'm 0-3, waiting on 5 more responses but no longer optimistic. Already saw posted acceptances for 3 of them. May have to reapply in the fall, and would probably be better off sticking with Communications studies, rather than trying to transfer to a new major.

    Keep your head up, you never know! Plus you bring a different perspective to the field, which to me is a good thing. :) Sorry about Penn! 

  3. 2 minutes ago, cagataykoc said:

    It saw the same thing when I checked mine. Why do you think that is a good sign? lol I mean hopefully it is 


    Because typically if it's a rejection they wouldn't send it up to the graduate office for approval on their decision, they would just reject it. I know the committee met on the 17th, so I'm hoping they just choose to wait for approval from the graduate school. Some places send out informal letters of acceptance while they wait for this approval-but the fact that ours say they are going for final review at the graduate school should indicate that they have been approved by the departmental committee. :) I hope that made sense, haha. (I could be wrong but this is how all my other ones have worked) 

  4. UTDallas portal shows a status change for me. No official acceptance or rejection but says my app had gone to final review with the University's graduate school for admission and enrollment. Thinking this is a good sign. 

    Hope that helps anyone who applied there to see that! :)
    One app left for me, though my decision has been made, I will be happy to have all the unknowns done and officially make my decision! 
  5. 24 minutes ago, Cedodge said:

    Well, I heard from UMSL. I was waitlisted, which I honestly expected. I responded back, requesting the removal of my application from consideration since I already have 2 offers. It doesn't seem fair or polite to have my name on a list for a position I do not need. Just waiting on ASU and Leeds now :)

    Good to know at least! :) I agree, I will be turning down my acceptances and funding at the schools I did not choose to attend by the end of the week. Hopefully this helps someone else! 

  6. 7 minutes ago, cagataykoc said:

    Are you talking about Dr. Tewskburry? lol. I know for sure that they will not accept PhD students this year. 

    Lol. That obvious. Yup. Well good to know, sorry for the misinformation then yesterday to those who applied. I did not apply to Louisville, just know multiple people there/ who did apply. But I do not the chair, so I'm sure your info is more accurate!

  7. 6 minutes ago, 1428 Elm St said:

    @liesandfish I am very happy to hear that you have such options!!  This is a wonderful "problem" to have.

    Just offering my $.02..

    1.  Obviously it is your personal financial situation to consider (does the extra $10K make a substantial difference and how does that weigh in with all of these other options that the thread has posted)..

    2.  I definitely fall in line with @Partinrn's thinking.. I like the idea of a smaller cohort (but exactly how much smaller are we talking?  Are you sacrificing diversity by having a smaller group?  Does that matter to you?).  I also TOTALLY agree with the idea of "advisors do matter."  In my own personal experience, this is way more important than having advisors from "higher-tiered" schools [I can explain more if you would like to PM me ... as far as my personal experience].

    3.  I am also in line with @phdincrim2016's thinking... I would way rather have well-known scholars (in their respective fields) help me publish as a student.

    4.  As far as semester loads go... what is the trade off?   For instance I was looking at Rutgers and JJay... Rutgers was 3 classes per semester and 15 hours on campus (I believe) vs. JJay requiring 4 classes per semester and 7.5 hours on campus.  I know it may not seem like a big difference but there were negatives and positives to both ways.  Rutgers (1st semester): Theory, Policy and Stats PLUS 15 hours; (2nd semester): Theory, RM, and Stats II PLUS 15 hours.  JJay (1st semester): Stats, RM, Criminology and CJ PLUS 7.5 hours; (2nd semester): Stats II, RM II, Crim II and CJ II PLUS 7.5 hours.  So for me, I was super strong in Stats and RM (Masters)... so I think I would be able to handle JJays curriculum.  Verses if I felt as though I wasn't... I would rather Rutgers' class schedule.  

    5.  Does each allow for the transfer of the same amount of Masters credits?

    I don't know if any of this helps.. but I hope it does.

    **BTW... the all caps are not yelling (LOL)

    Again, great point from all of you. I'm leaning smaller cohort with more money, but actually because I know faculty who has a connection and data set I want to work with. I think the fact that I have a few pubs underway and a data set helps me in the lesser ranked. And great point about transfer credits. One counts my entire masters. The other only 6 hours of it. I feel a lot better about a lower rank, knowing the particular faculty wants to work with me and accepts my masters. I really really appreciate the insight. Seriously, all of your opinions matter to me, as peers, I look forward to peers who understand all our differences make up support each other and not compete with each other. Our field has such an opportunity for growth and knowledge since it is so new (relatively) and I love how different folks can make different ideas and perspectives matter. :) I mean that. I would be honored to work with any of you (anonymous) colleagues someday. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, cagataykoc said:

    Hello everybody!

    I did not post anything here. But I am a constant lurker here although I did not join the conversation. I am still waiting and still anxious. Because I have not heard from any school yet except for USF where I got rejected, which sucked because it was the first rejection. But, they did not have the faculty working in my field of interest, comparative criminology and comp criminal justice. I kept my fingers crossed for American though. Wish me good luck!! Has anybody heard back from American or do you guys know when we should expect to hear from there?

    I have bad news for everybody who applied to Louisville. Well, I go to Louisville. I heard last week from the department chair personally that they will not accept any PhD students until fall 2017. I applied to Louisville myself too. It was awful to hear that, because I really wanted to stay here. The faculty, the city, stipend and everything about here was decent. But I will have to go somewhere else :( @knm86 @liesandfish

    I am still waiting to hear from PennState, South Carolina, UTD, Sam Houston, American, Florida international. Has anybody heard anything from USC or Sam Houston or Pennstate?

    USC decisions have been made but not notified. That all I know about that. Penn State is notorious for being late Feb. (family member attends there) so I wouldn't be shocked to hear later. 


    Interesting about Louisville. Yesterday a well known faculty there (male, eccentric) said next week. :( 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Cedodge said:

    Okay, please ignore the previous post, my text editor was not cooperating.

    I agree with @Partinrn to a point - it is the "what" not the "where". From what it sounds like, though, the less pretigious program @liesandfish mentioned is not offering a RA/TA position in conjunction with the funding. This would worry me because RA/TA positions help develop relationships between professors and the student as well as offer valuable experience. I'd still choose the top school in this case just for the working experience. 

    To clarify, the other offer is a University Fellowship, therefore no TA/RA requirements BUT I made sure I contractually would be able to teach two course and do research with faculty as well as continue the study I am doing on my own. (This was made sure at both schools as I own this data set). So I definitely see the point of TA/RA but what I really mean for the this one is I have no REQUIREMENTS for it, just what I decide to take on. (Which is good and bad) 


    **caps for emphasis not yelling! I greatly appreciate all the feedback. 

  10. 14 minutes ago, phdincrim2016 said:


    Congratulations on the new offer!

    I would say it depends on (1) how much more prestigious is the other school? and (2) what is the difference in cost of living? If you are open to saying which two schools, it would be easier to have an opinion on it, but I totally understand if you'd rather not. 


    I would rather not say the exact names but we are talking a essentially unranked school (with potential) versus a top 5 school. The cost of living is about the same, 200$ difference in rent for similar housing between them. (Less finding, the slightly cheaper option). Other difference, at the less funded option, higher rank I would be a TA/RA. At the other I would have no requirement for the money. 

  11. And a new offer has complicated things. Guess my decision isn't so firm. 

    How would you all decide if both places being decided between are great fits, with faculty that want to work with you. Funding at both places, one is significantly higher than the other (10k better) but the lower funding is a more prestigious school? Thought, things to consider? 


  12. @Cedodge that's awesome! Good for you, two fantastic choices! I was not funded (well actual email says "unlikely" so I'm assuming unless someone turns down a funded offer) at USF, so I am leaning toward not going, since I have known funding elsewhere. But it's pretty close for me so I may end up just to see. Either way, congrats to you!

    @KnowVac CONGRATS! Great news! I hope you hear positive news for funding! I still have three apps out, but I heard unofficially from a POI that I was accepted to one of them (no funding info yet), one says "under review" on the portal, and the other I know for sure the committee met today. So all in all I expect to hear from all places soon. That will be a huge relief. Do you still apps out? 

  13. Just now, Cedodge said:

    I have always taken it as a preview is when you have already been accepted, and the school is trying to get you to choose their program. An interview is when they still haven't decided on you, and the interview process will help decide the acceptance and funding. I may be wrong, but there you go.


    Speaking of, is anyone else attending USF's graduate recruitment weekend on the 4th & 5th?

    @Partinrn I agree with ^^ @Cedodge I would look at it more as recruitment/preview not interview. Congrats! They wouldn't likely pay for someone to visit who isn't going to be accepted. :) 

    @Cedodge I am still debating whether I will go or not. Like I've mentioned my mind is pretty made up but I also think going could be beneficial. So I may go. I assume you are going? 

  14. I am going to ask my mentor this as well, but just in case someone knows here! 

    At what point will my manuscripts switch to be under the university I accept? I have four or five manuscripts in the works (I'm not in school right now, lots of free time to finish all the things I started!) but I currently am sending things out under the university I recieved my masters from. Does anyone know? Does this change once I formally accept, once I begin in August? There is no conflict with my current university, they have no preference for if I publish under them. 

    I ask because for ASC and my SCJA presentations will be under my new universities name, and this should the manuscripts? 

  15. I am lucky, four of the schools I am accepted to are in Florida and I currently live in Florida so visiting them was fairly easy. And then I received a fantastic fellowship offer so that I would be silly to turn down, so it made my decision pretty easy (plus I loved the school and faculty). 

    I hope you hear soon from American (and elsewhere!) @ThesisTerror724 @KnowVac . At least the visit is coming up quickly and should provide some insight into whether you like it or not. 

    It is so stressful! I knew it would be but then all the new things to think about happened that I hadn't even considered prior (I mean I knew I would be moving but the reality of it is different!). I am so grateful for this forum though, it has made me feel less crazy for being so consumed and stressed. :)

  16. Here's to hoping we all hear good things this week. I hope to hear from my final three applications but I am 95% sure I know my decision. I just want to have all the information before I make it! Once I do, I plan to formally accept and decline my other offers. 

    Ready to move onto the next step of figuring out budget, housing, and then months of waiting to start and moving. :)


  17. 9 hours ago, phdincrim2016 said:

    I am with you - I really want this to be decided so I can make plans and know what I'm going to be doing. I don't deal well with ambiguity. I'm sure it will work out well for both of us, but I can't agree with you more. I want this DONE. :-)

    I have not been hard-recruited by multiple faculty from the same school. I would say to keep your options open and be respectful, but they shouldn't be asking you to commit yet. Faculty don't tend to have the best social skills, I'll admit, but everybody is supposed to adhere to the 4/15 deadline. I don't think it's right to push people to accept before then.

    I agree, I don't like not being able to plan at all. I can't get my brain to shut off, I'm even dreaming about decisions. UGH. 


    To clarify, the faculty who have emailed me aren't exactly being pushy, in fact they have mentioned many times that I have until 4/15 (probably to cover their own butts), they just are asking if I have questions about their program, telling me about data sets I can work on, research projects, asking about my data sets, etc. I *think* the strangest thing is multiple faculty from the same schools. I am very interested in working with people but I also don't want to say more and make them think I'm either committing or rejecting, when I honestly have no idea yet. I mean i still have three apps out! 

    I really appreciate your advice! I will keep replying in respectful but vague ways, to not burn the bridge but not exactly open it either. 

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