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Everything posted by FoxAndChicken

  1. I use Tigi for my contour. I just bought like a powder foundation made for people who are tan, and since I'm pale it's like the perfect contour color. Most days I use smashbox eyeliner, the NAKED (the first one) pallet for eyeshadows, mirabella and dermalogica primers, Cover FX liquid foundation, Urban Decay's mascara (I put it on my fake eyelashes and it makes them blend with my real ones), and mirabella's lipgloss.
  2. So, fake eyelashes seem really daunting at first, but you can order like 80 pairs online for like ten bucks, and then for 3 or 4 dollars find some glue. I also invested in mini-scissors which are really cute. Then I cut them into thirds and I only put the outer third on, and they look pretty natural. It was kind of weird at first, but now it takes me like 30 seconds every morning to put them on. But also, I totally understand about the acceptable in my field thing. I volunteer at a math tutoring thing and a disgruntled parent thought I wasn't giving her special snowflake enough attention (I was at a table with three kids) and told me I looked more fit to attend a tea party than teach anyone math. Pshh. She wasn't fit to do either of those things. I didn't have any interviews, because it's frowned upon in philosophy to let such subjectivity into the selection process. (I don't know if I agree with the subjectivity claim, but I don't know if interviews would help them in philosophy, so I guess it's fine.)
  3. I wear makeup every day. (Even today's "not really" makeup today, I have eyeliner, foundation, and mascara.) My mom is a cosmetologist, so like leaving the house without doing hair and makeup was a big no growing up. I wear fake eyelashes most days, and do contouring about 3/4 of the time. But like, I also do pageants, so it makes more sense in that context. I wonder what the pageants in Pennsylvania are like. Graduate students I've met here usually don't wear sweatpants, but they aren't dressed like in suits or anything. Some of them will wear more professional clothes for teaching, like http://bananarepublic.gap.com/browse/outfit.do?cid=97036&oid=OUT-558588002, while others just wear jeans and a blouse.
  4. I don't have great pictures yet, but I took this one while I was drying it and it makes me look way emo-er than I could ever possibly achieve in real life. And here is a selfie I took at work this morning with it styled: I usually wear significantly more makeup but I got home from my 13 hour hair appointment at roughly 5AM and had to be at work at 9AM, so I was sleeping and not doing my makeup.
  5. "Easy" It took about 13 hours to get my hair where it is. But that's also because we went from brown to platinum to pink. But this is definitely the kind of hair I'd only do with shortish hair (because I don't mind growing this out if I hate it. But I totes love it!)
  6. Actually, that sounds like a fantastic idea! Trying something new in another part of your life may be a good way to get your mind off of the monotony of another part.
  7. More good things: - Rejection is a great way to justify eating whatever you want. Like, a full carton of ice cream. Or a pizza. Or maybe AND a pizza. - You can try again next time, and you will know that you can handle the process going into it. - Rejection is not a judgement on your value as a human being! Also, I colored my hair pink.
  8. I'm coloring my hair pink. True story.
  9. Your time would probably be better spent elsewhere on your application.
  10. I was in my English Fantasy class and I got an email from CMU and I made a bunch of faces very quickly like and the professor asked if I had something to contribute to discussion and I remembered we were talking about encounters with death.
  11. I figured out how to make a drink that tastes like jolly ranchers about a week ago, and so I told my friends about it and now they all want to try it too. So we're having an alcohol-that-doesn't-taste-like-alcohol party. I also previously perfected the bubblegum shot.
  12. I got the same email, but I'm quite pleased. I think I can make the finances work... It was one of my top choices as well, but might be good prep for graduate school... I don't have a strictly philosophy backgroud so this is probably something I need.
  13. Yes! Omg I'm in class and I made a lot of facial expressions and the prof asked I had something to add and I was like "oops. No"
  15. I just realized that this being a philosophy gathering means I can totally geek out about cool philosophy here. So, my area is logic and I really enjoyed Frege's Sense and Nominatum. However, completely outside of my area of interest but surprisingly my favorite class this semester is Philosophy of Happiness, and I really enjoyed Haybron's work.
  16. I luff the GAMERCAT. I use the sticker pack on everything.
  17. Yeah, he was really rude about it. Though this is the venting thread, I feel like I'm being excessively negative. So. Uh. Good news! I have some I think... I learned to program yesterday! My friend gave me directions like "This is how while and if and for work... make something that does this thing." Please disregard that 1. My desktop is in my contacts folder. I don't know how that happened. 2. I'm a logic major who has studied recursion theory, but is just learning coding senior year, despite being "a computer person" since I was like eight. 3. I skipped the 'hello world' stuff because my friend was like "You know what sounds fun? MATH." About two hours after I walked out of failing a math exam. YOLO?
  18. I love sending emails. Literally my favorite thing to do. I probably sound really pretentious in them... Except there are like five people who really intimidate me that I prefer to just show up at their office like "Hi! I just had a quick question!" But usually I spend forever crafting an email like: Greetings Professor!I was reading about a person, who's argument was that they argued a thing. I've been thinking about this problem a lot, and I believe I've come up with something relevant, but it requires a somewhat complicated explanation. I was wondering if you had time to speak about this matter sometime next week?FoxandChickenStudent at a UniversityUndergraduate ClassProfessional Web Developer at a Business.City, State And then of course five minutes later I get back k sent from my iPhone
  19. I actually suspect I know who it is. (Small class size.) This one guy single-handedly caused us to get through like half of the material in a previous class because he asked questions that made everyone be like wut. Why? Granted, I also clearly have no idea what's going on, but I have no sympathy for him given that in said previous class (Math Logic, which is totes my jam) the prof was presenting a concept. "Say I'm selling Sudokus. I want to convince you that this can be solved, and any approach I want to use to show this ought to have three things: It should be sound (if I tell you it's solvable, it should actually be solvable), It should be complete (I should be able to make a judgement on every sudoku given to me), and it should be zero-knowledge, because if I fill it out for you, it's ruined the point of it. Now, any two of these three are easy to come by. Can someone explain why?" And so I raised my hand because this is pretty straight forward. "Well, your three strategies for getting any two would be accept all, reject all, and fill out the sudoku." This guy raises his hand and is like "It's not clear to me what zero-knowledge means... Why is what she said able to get that?" So, given that it was my proof, and if it wasn't clear, I should clarify, I start to be like "Well, if you accept all of them, it means you don't need to look at it. But the downside is that you also will be taking a bunch of sudokus that can't be solved..." And he cuts me off like "Shut up FoxandChicken, we know you already took this class before." And now I hate him. Also, I hadn't taken that class or covered the material before that.
  20. I'm not sure if I want to say that I can actually top my own award. But I totally failed a math test yesterday, and grades were posted today. I got a solid 5.5 out of 10. Though it could be worse. The exam grades apparently ranged from 2.5 to 10.
  21. Here's my vent: This morning we didn't have hot water and so I took a cold shower and now everything is terrible and I am cold.
  22. @ETRXRock Did you see today's xkcd? http://xkcd.com/
  23. Thank you for your hope. I think I just failed a math exam. ?
  24. Dude. The FAFSA gives me anxiety. I think I've been late filling it out every year, on account of my mom refuses to give me anything financial, and then tells me to fill it out.
  25. I mean, I assume if you're planning to get a Ph.D. in it, it's not trivial. Though if you could just walk around finding oil, that would be impressive too, I think. Because, you know, that's probably worth a lot of money. I'm in an English class where we had to write an outline of a portal fantasy, and I wrote this pretty elaborate story involving logic. I was pretty excited about it, and then I got comments back just now and it was like 5/5 What a fun story-- great play with logic and philosophy. Nice work bringing in anarchy through the elevator." T_T That was a universal quantifier (upside down A) not a symbol of anarchy.
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