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Everything posted by houdi

  1. Are there any international students out there who just started MBA programs in the US? I am working with my MBA program's administration to make the program more attractive to international students and would love to hear from you guys! If you have second and are interested in helping out a fellow MBA student, I'd love to hear what you have to say about any or all of the following questions! 1. Where are you attending? 2. How did you hear about the program you are currently enrolled in? Internet, word-of-mouth, etc. 3. What attracted you most, as an international student? For example, if you are at Georgetown you were no doubt, as a future MBA student, attracted by the stellar program and networking possibilities. But as an international student you may have been attracted by the intensive English communications course offered before the term begins. 4. What would you recommend any program do to make itself more international student friendly? Thanks so much! Hou Di MBA Candidate, 2011 University of Mississippi
  2. Very simple IS SIPA WORTH THE DEBT?
  3. Just got in today. Question for all: IS A MPA FROM SIPA WORTH THE DEBT?
  4. Peter, Have you decided between the two? I have been accepted into GPED, haven't decided whether or not I'll be going. Houdi
  5. I have yet to be contacted by anyone from Woodrow Wilson, anyone else in the same situation? houdi
  6. I can finally move on wheww
  7. Congrats, Lujie!!!!
  8. Has anyone else heard about the fellowship?
  9. Alright folks, this should be the week the finalists get contacted... ...fingers crossed...
  10. I believe the competition to be pretty stiff If any of you hear from the Pickering folks, please let the rest of us know!
  11. Two responses: Logical 1. Go to GW and get a day job that will pay that extra 8k. Great school and great location. Selfish 2. Go to SIPA and leave some money for us bottom feeders at Elliot
  12. Same here, ganymed, same here
  13. IR Dude, I'm not expecting anything until early April at the earliest. I'll let you know if I hear anything different. Good luck, hope we both get it!
  14. Got an email Friday, accepted. Fellowship decisions to be sent out by Wednesday, March 24.
  15. I received a packet via USPS from American last Wednesday. I was accepted. Friday I got an email response from GWU's Elliott School letting me know I was accepted. Waiting to hear from Georgetown, University of San Fran, and Vandy.
  16. I received a packet via USPS from American last Wednesday. I was accepted. Has anyone heard anything regarding fellowships?
  17. Congrats on the full-ride from Korbel! If I were in that position, I would take the full-ride offer. Not having debt coming out of graduate school would be amazing and allow you to freely pursue whatever career you want--you won't have to worry quite so much about salary. -houdi
  18. Ashlee, I also applied to the Int'l Dev. program at American's SIS. No word, yet. Below are the other ID programs I've applied to, only heard from Korbel: SIPA Elliott School (GWU) Georgetown MSFS Vanderbilt GPED San Francisco
  19. I've heard the same sort of thing. I got an email from the Elliott School (GWU) today saying they will send out emails later this month, American and Georgetown are probably working along a similar timeline I suppose. Thanks for the response!
  20. Applied: Elliott, SIS, Georgetown, SIPA, Korbel, Vanderbilt GDEP, San Francisco Int'l & Dev. Econ, and Tufts

    Acceptances: Korbel



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  21. Did anyone apply to SIPA, Elliott, American U's SIS, Vanderbilt's GDEP, or Georgetown? Heard anything yet? I have applied to each of those and am still waiting to hear back.
  22. Did you apply to the GDEP? I applied and am still waiting for a response.
  23. It was the first I received as well (1 of 9)
  24. I did as well, which program did you get in? I applied for the MA in Int'l Development program.
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