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Everything posted by kkompiles

  1. That was a *JOKE* from much earlier in the forum....
  2. rejected. 2nd year, EE, with plenty of 202 area code/.mil email addrs in my references
  3. Yah...I'm gonna need to hear of at least one person getting an offer from EE if I'm going to successfully give up all hope. I am still hanging by one thread..... so annoying...
  4. What subjects have heard anything? Yeses from: -CS (fluffy, dude from link at WashU, 2006) -cogsci (neurojoeb) -Materials (dude from link at Drexel ) -aerospace (fortytwo) -chemE (ifiwuzabear) Unknown field: ecbbce, kala tim Has anyone gotten accepted from: Math? EE? Bio? Physics? Chem? Civil? Maybe our sample size is too small...but I feel like there is some significant award notifications missing. But if there were ~3000 applicants and we have about 158 applicants here on the forum, then yah, not a big enough sample size to tell anything from this if there are only 200 awards
  5. I just called...no answer. They probably went home. Or they blocked my phone number.
  6. "I want to believe them but I've just been hurt too many times..."
  7. Did anyone give them one last phone call before the government all goes home for today?
  8. I tried to give you a +1, but I'm apparently out for today. I could not agree more!
  9. Uck, me too. Hahah, I bet ASEE did not foresee this forum in which we discuss minute-by-minute actions when they chose to release these as slowwwlllyyy-annndd-paaainnnffullly-as-posssibllleeee....
  10. I got that too...then I tried again a minute later and was back to the same old thing.
  11. what field? congrats btw!
  12. Think of it as a * positive* thing! Hahah, you actually at least have a chance of doing something productive, while several of us sit here hitting F5 in vain. Then when you check at 4, it may/may not be there, but it will be like you skipped ahead to nearly the end of the business day.
  13. I tried to delete my account and cleared my history and vowed never to return...to block all of this out of my mind and focus on this boring paper I'm reading. However...you apparently have to ask a moderator to "disable" your account (can't actually delete it), and...this forum remains here....so....sadly...I remain here. Also this unread paper remains on my desk.
  14. Haha never invite trolls to a party....
  15. So, so far, we know of 2 emails to two cogsci people at 3:33 EDT, with one accept, one reject? Is that the correct tally?
  16. Headed to the bar at 4...which means the results will probably come at 4:02, haha
  17. Well... No results at 3:42 this year! Wow, 106 guests and only 16 registered users? Haha maybe that's why it's quiet...l
  18. This is getting pretty late...don't most people duck out early on Fridays? Did anyone call them?
  19. Well...does anyone else have a rejection timestamp from last year? Probably on last year's forums...
  20. Let's see...my 2 *previous* rejections came at these times during the day: Date: April 12, 2010 3:42:27 PM UTC-4 Date: April 18, 2006 8:58:34 AM UTC-4 So, both morning and afternoon. Can't wait to see what time this years comes!! I love it how they just tell it straight up old school "we regret to inform..." it was the exact same letter 4 years apart....maybe they'll shake it up this year!!
  21. Didja call yet?? Hehehe
  22. This forum is so much less energetic that GRFP. Granted we're a smaller bunch...and probably have been been rejected recently (or else why would you still care about NDSEG because you can't have NDSEG and GRFP both).... But...stay strong people!! Only a few more days....hopefully.....
  23. I heard from another student who claims to know someone who judged once said that (GPA + GRE) = 25% of the total score. I can't claim that it's reliable info, but it sounds about right. *shrug*
  24. So now that the govt is open for business we should definitely be good for Friday right...right?? If anyone calls/emails, please post!!
  25. 4/8/11 7:58 AM EDT http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0411/52794.html So hopefully that happens. I like the part where DoD is will be funded for a year, and worst case the shutdown will be pushed back a week (to April 15th), which is when we're supposed to hear results. Also, maybe they'll avoid a shutdown all together? But...probably not.
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