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Everything posted by kkompiles

  1. Hahahah!! That was hilarious! :-D
  2. I did. I left an awkward message. Normally there is no way in hell I would do something like that, because it's awkward/rudeish. But I guess I was just reallllly stupidly excited. ACK! It's like I'm going crazy all over again!!! It was probably a wrong number....
  3. Whoa. I had Honorable Mention....and someone from NSF just called my cell phone but I didn't answer....didn't leave a message....but it had the 703-292-xxxx prefix, which is NSF! Did anyone else that was Honorable Mention receive a call today? (April 6, 3pm EDT)
  4. ...I really hope you're right!!
  5. Man, in a 250 character textbox, those email addresses take up a lot of precious real-estate. It would be nice if they would either use or lose the refs.
  6. In the NDSEG app, there were a bunch of sections on Leadership, Teamwork, Volunteer work...or something like that. (These are all the 250 character short-response boxes.) With each listed item, we were supposed to put down contact information. (On the NDSEG application instructions, it specifies "Contact info for supervisors of Research, Leadership, and Teamwork Experiences, and any Community and Volunteer Work"). So my question is....since the winner announcement is in 10 days, if I haven't heard from any of the people that I've listed that they've been contacted....can I assume I'm not selected?
  7. So....I wonder what process they could possibly be using that takes 6 hours to post a spreadsheet? That's REALLY big window.
  8. Good for them! Haha, or maybe enough people clicked "Report Spam". There needs to be a "report B.S." button.
  9. Haha basically...I think no one knows anything for certain about the budget....even Congress. But I guess I have higher hopes for DoD's budget than NSF's budget. *shrug*!!
  10. http://ndseg.asee.or...and_award_dates "Award notifications are sent via email around the second week of April 2011" (retrieved March 28, 2011, 1:49pm EDT)
  11. Award date history:12 Apr 2010 (my 2nd attempt/rejection) 31 Mar 2009 6 Apr 2008 26 Mar 2007 (round 1), 2 Apr 2007 (round 2). April 18, 2006 (my first attempt/rejection, dang that was a long wait!) Hmm....maybe they'll do like they did in 2007 and have multiple rounds. I'm sure they have a set number locked in, and then maybe they can award more based on what congress eventually decides!
  12. Seriously? Why would they not post that on their website! Last year there was an NDSEG facebook page, and they kept slowly pushing back the date later and later there. I thought that last year (April 12th) was ridiculously late enough...but then I think the original date last year was March 31st or something....
  13. http://www.scholarships.umd.edu/media/NSF-GRFP/NSFGRFPPresentation2009.ppt Slide 9. It's not just hinted, it's officially stated. There's an additional amount set aside for women in engineering/CS. It's also refered to here: (under "Women in Engineering Awards") http://www.nsf.gov/p...04/nsf10604.htm
  14. Wow, I totally missed that! This is awesome because now there will be even more fellowships! I feel like there was a significant overlap of people winning both in previous years...which was very nice for them, but caused some other people on the bubble to lose out completely. Since NSF and NDSEG are based in the same physical office (at least the transcript send-in address) I wonder if they'll coordinate? Hahah probably not!
  15. I *definitely* saw it at least a week ago, maybe 2. But who knows if the web admin is at all connected to scholarship decisions; probably just following a preset schedule.
  16. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/15/us-usa-congress-spending-idUSTRE7205MS20110315 Ok...so our new *lower bound* on NSF knowing how much money it actually has (and therefore how many awards, and therefore us finding out if we are those receiving them) is April 8th. Damn that's a long time!
  17. However, I highly doubt there will be "drastic" cuts, but I think this year we don't have ARRA$. Look though the FastLane awards: 2010 - 2051 awards (sup'ed up by the ARRA that year, see pdf above, dang shoulda applied last year!) 2009 - 1248 awards 2008 - 913 awards 2007 - 920 awards 2006- 909 awards 2005 - 1024 awards 2004 - 1020 awards 2003 - 900 awards 2002 - 900 awards 2001 - 903 awards 2000 - 850 awards 1999 - 900 awards 1998 - 894 awards 1997 - 992 awards 1996 - 891 awards (and note that this was the year of aftermath budget crisis from the federal shutdown in 1995/early 1996. seemed to come out alright!) 1995 - 830 awards 1994 - 1093 awards 1993 - 904 awards 1992 - 898 awards
  18. They're probably do like the did in 2009. (see more info on the GRFP forum here from 2009) http://blogs.asee.org/fellowships/2009/04/10/nsf-grfp-awards-announced/ But really, until the budget passes and we get out of the Continuing Resolution nonsense, this budget (pg MPS- 5) is up in the air. http://www.nsf.gov/about/budget/fy2011/pdf/09-MPS_fy2011.pdf
  19. Hmmm...all I know is what i scraped off the "results" search. Hahah, maybe it happened twice!! What is "the password trick"? Do you just request a new password? Or is a URL manipulation?
  20. From creeping around on the "results search": 6 Apr 2010 10 Apr 2009 (actual announcement) / 2 Apr 2009 (accidentally posted online via "new password trick") 31 Mar 2008 24 Mar 2007
  21. Hmmm...and linked off of that page: https://www.nsfgradfellows.org/about_the_program/fellow_profiles They list Sergey Brin (Google co-founder) as one of their highlighted recipient profiles. Funny that he never graduated.... Haha I think it turned out for him alright.
  22. Yes, I believe that unless you heard something otherwise, you should be eligible. I was notified the very first week of January to give me enough time to file a (successful!) appeal. So I think that if you haven't heard by now, you should be good! You can always email (info@nsfgrfp.org) and ask.
  23. Thanks for the link! I know that they are meeting now-ish...I received an email last week confirming that I was eligible. (I had to fill out the eligibility essay due to my change in field from my Masters.) This is a happy change from the email i received the 2nd week of January initially ruling me ineligible. Funny how that schedule doesn't list anything for March-April...I wonder what happens during that time...
  24. Won't that suck if the federal shutdown delays this? I'm assuming the reviewers are federally funded...and if they can't work....then... "Long-term effects? Dinegar said there could be a backlog for passports, Social Security, **grants** and contracts" http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Federal-Shutdown-Local-Letdown-116849738.html
  25. kkompiles


    These are two different things. The SSGF has been around for a while. You owe some sort of internship, and are expected to at least look for DOE employment afterwards. I think it's renewable for 4 years. You have to maintain a Plan of Study with the DOE throughout your graduate career. (I'm assuming because this one is older and more established, its budget was allocated far in advance.) The SCGF one was brand new last year. It's for 3 years, and you don't owe any committment/internships. It's funded by some of the Recovery money. However....it appears to not be happening any time soon. One could speculate that it won't be due less than 6 weeks after it opens (so Jan/February-ish)...assuming it ever opens...
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