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Everything posted by pbnwhey

  1. I figured it's time for me to make an update -- I just registered for classes (going to attempt 17 units/4 courses since I don't have to work for my first year, even though I've never been on the quarter system...wish me luck!), I've already got myself a room in a dog-friendly house in Sherman Oaks at a great price, and I've done one trip to move half my stuff out there...the other half will get moved out in September. I have one question for anyone who's attending/has attended...if I decide against buying a parking permit because that's like 1k/year, what's the likelihood of finding a spot off-campus to park in? I'll usually get to campus early in the morning (6am or so).
  2. I second this!!
  3. Sad to hear about the fellowship, but about attending UCLA, woohoo!! If you'd like to meet up at orientation in September then just PM me, I'd love to get to know some of the people who went through all the same stuff as me this round of applications!
  4. @gatoski -- I'm on my way back from my visits and I was awarded the fellowship! Were you? I'll be accepting at UCLA this evening, so I hope you'll be going too!
  5. I was nominated for the Eugene Cota-Robles fellowship, but at this point, haven't heard back about it. The preliminary funding is just the department's "fellowship" (since the first year is not a TA position). The 25k is for 9 months and the 6k in the summer is through the Graduate Summer Research Mentorship program (not sure whether it's guaranteed for those first two years or not, but I'll find out in a couple of days). I'll be leaving tomorrow morning for my UCLA visit, so if anyone will be on campus Tuesday and Wednesday, feel free to DM me and we can hang out at the Guest House!
  6. It's 25k! I haven't heard back, but I'll be out there meeting with them on Wednesday, so if I find anything out then I'll let you know
  7. Sorry it took me so long to get back on here -- it's been a busy week! But I got offered 25k (plus summer funding for the first two years). Hoping I'll get to meet some of you at orientation in September!!
  8. Reviving this thread since I just found out I was nominated...keeping my fingers crossed!
  9. I don't get mine until I get there on Wednesday! What did they offer you if you don't mind me asking? My department's website said 18-21k, but I heard elsewhere that the minimum was possibly being upped to 20k -- glad I'm not the only one having those worries. I'm saving up quite a bit just for the move.
  10. Is anyone here visiting next week?
  11. Has anyone else (officially or unofficially) decided on UCLA yet? I'll be going for my PhD in Gender Studies. Haven't accepted the offer yet as I'm waiting until after my visits to do so, but I plan on attending.
  12. Just called and left a message, hope they're as prompt with mine as they were with yours! Thank you for letting me know!
  13. Accepted to UNCG English! Had a good long talk with my advisor today and he's strongly encouraging me to go to UCLA, but I wouldn't mind a visit to UNCG just to connect with one of the best professors in my field even if I probably won't wind up going there. Only school I'm (officially) waiting to hear back on is Emory, even though I'm considering it a rejection at this point. Would it be considered inappropriate to call them and ask just so I can get confirmation of the inevitable? Judging by the past, they usually would've sent out waitlists/rejections a couple weeks ago.
  14. Nothing else yet for me....just getting harder and harder to make a decision. Thank god for campus visits. Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone here!!
  15. Thank you!! I was looking at the Valley since the S.O. is very much an outdoors type and grew up on 200 acres so he'd like to be further away. The other place I was looking at (in terms of being closer) was Pacific Palisades -- any opinion on there? It seems to be a very high-end area but with some decent apartment prices.
  16. First off, you guys are all awesome. I'll be visiting both programs (back to back) in the beginning of March and hope to make my decision fairly quickly after that. The S.O. won't have the chance to visit with me, but has lived in Southern CA before (and I grew up in San Diego), so even if we both hate living in the city we know we'll adjust. For reputation/resources, I want to choose UCLA but Boulder is attractive in terms of not living around so many people (since no matter where we go, we'll be living outside of town). The fact that it's a new program scares me a bit, but they've shown quite a bit of connection so far (professors from across the disciplines emailing me, giving me more info, etc) whereas I haven't heard from UCLA since I booked my flight. I guess it all comes down to program strength and the visit, really, but seriously all of these comments have made it so much easier to set out some criteria for me to judge by when I do visit. Thank you all!
  17. So, long story short, I have two funded offers so far -- one at a top 10 program, one at a top 50 (I'm sure you can figure out which is which from my signature). Obviously the top 10 will give me significantly better chances of landing a job, but how much weight are you guys giving location and cost of living in your decisions? If I choose the city over the mountains, my significant other and I will likely be living on ramen noodles for the next six years!
  18. And the one that was right before that....sounds like some serious privilege issues.
  19. Nope, actually my Boulder acceptance was to Ethnic Studies, and I heard from them yesterday -- I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you though!!
  20. I'm also waiting on Emory English....I've got a feeling since no one has posted a rejection yet though, that they just haven't notified anyone else. Maybe one of us should send an email to ask where they are in the process?
  21. Just got accepted to Buffalo (American Studies, but no funding) and CU Boulder (Ethnic Studies, full funding)...looks like I have yet another visit to make before I can commit to UCLA!
  22. Allegiant Air has suuuuuuuuper cheap flights from BGR to Tampa....just saying (like $130 cheap)
  23. Don't know if anyone else here applied to Buffalo, but I just got an email response that said they would be letting people know before the weekend -- hope that helps someone!
  24. I see you're doing queer studies stuff! While I'd be in a different department (Gender Studies), I'd love to hear about your experiences doing queer studies work there
  25. I just want cake and an oreo milkshake....it's a good thing I lift weights every day, because the cake is definitely happening tonight. This whole waiting thing is going by faster this year, but I just want to find out about the rest of the decisions so I can feel justified in accepting my offer haha.
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