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Posts posted by communityhopeful

  1. 6 hours ago, Vandy12345? said:

    Complete silence, so I do not think good news is coming my way, however, I just want to know! I want to get it over with bc the waiting is painful. 

    The silence probably isn't the best news, I agree. You could always email the admissions office and ask them to tell you the status of your application. Do you have other apps that you're waiting to hear back about? I hope you're coping well with the stress of waiting! It really is a painful process.

  2. 2 hours ago, Vandy12345? said:

    Did you hear anything this week?

    I just heard today that I have been wait-listed. Sad but coping here. I went for a long walk in the rain to help me deal with it. I had been really hopeful! It's a really great program and I don't think this is a program many people turn down offers, so I am not expecting the wait-list to amount to an admission. But I'll be OK. Best of luck with the rest of the application process, everyone! And best to the incoming class, too!

  3. 2 hours ago, samsonite2pv said:

    Just got waitlisted (LTD). So crushed.

    Fingers crossed that you still get in! People do get offers and turn them down, but I know the wait is awful. I still haven't heard (CRA) but I'm guessing I will soon. Fingers crossed there, too!

  4. 19 minutes ago, franc109 said:

    Hi. Last semester I sent an email to a potential advisor while preparing my graduate school applications. I got a quick and positive response to my email stating that he'd look closely at my application in February and schedule an interview at that time. February has passed and I'm getting anxious as to when I will hear back. Any experiences or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    I got several of those and had interviews with people I'd contacted, but in one case, even after having had a positive series of emails exchanged with a faculty member during the fall, my application was rejected without an interview or any further contact from the professor. I was a little sad but got over it. Do you know if the school has had interviews yet? It might be worth checking the results page, or contacting admissions to find out the status of your application, or emailing the professor to say you're following up on your earlier contact. A polite follow-up can't hurt, I think. Good luck!

  5. 3 hours ago, overdetermination said:

    If you were just talking about personality compatibility, shouldn't you encourage people to be themselves so everyone can suss this kind of thing out honestly, rather than trying to conceal some kind of mysterious "weird quirks"? Which @dancedementia suggests could be as trivial as liking anime? (The other points on your list are not "weird quirks" you could conceal for a day, they are behaviors that manifest precisely because people are trying to impress and are self-conscious.) I am honestly trying to figure out what you might have been talking about for this reason: 

    You have populations of people on the autism spectrum, people who have social or performance anxiety, people from other cultures or subcultures, who might behave in a way that is different without at all being wrong or bad, unless you find deviations from social norms internally intolerable somehow. You're telling people like that that they can't be themselves, the their nature is a liability, and then putting the onus on them to fake it through rather than calling out the circumstances that apparently give people license to judge others academic worthiness on their hobbies or harmless personality traits. It's more than a little messed up, which I grant that this whole process is, but we don't have to actively contribute to it by adding in extra layers of judgment, fakeness and jerkery. 


    I love this comment so much! I really worried about trying not to be fake in my interviews. Now I'm in the waiting game, and I don't know if I'll be accepted anywhere, but if I were, I would feel like I was accepted as the person I am, and I would have some idea what it might be like to work with the people I spoke with exactly because I was myself during my visits. And I agree, being a jerk to other people isn't a quirk. you shouldn't do that at an interview, but you shouldn't do it anyway. On the other hand, if someone would hold it against me that I tried to make conversation about where someone was from or that I have interests outside of psychology, that's not someone I want to study with for 5 years. Psychologists can be a conservative group and our study of norms can sometimes seem to pointlessly restrict the lovely wide range of human behaviour. Lucky for me, I only interviewed in places where people seemed to value diversity of life experience. But I agree that we shouldn't be contributing to making each other super paranoid about being nervous during visits or about liking anime or burlesque or whatever it is people do when they are not studying. This is stressful enough without us all trying to kill off our interests and eradicate our personalities! OK, rant over, back to working and waiting here!

  6. 1 hour ago, Prefer2Lurk said:

    For the PhD program, I received a phone call from my potential advisor the week after recruitment weekend telling me I had been admitted. The official paper work hasn't arrived in the mail, however, so I'm in a "got to see it to believe it" holding pattern.  

    Would you mind stating which program you interviewed for? Congrats on being admitted!

  7. 1 hour ago, Vandy12345? said:

    M.Ed in Special Ed - so very different than you. I hope they didn't keep everyone hanging to just press the reject button on all remaining applicants. Let me know when you hear anything. 

    I contacted the admissions office last week and they said we wouldn't hear until after March 1. That's tomorrow! The wait sure pretty unnerving!

  8. 3 hours ago, hahaha1234 said:

    I found this article online while I was trying to figure out what questions I should ask graduate students and what things I should pay attention to during program visits.  I think it's pretty helpful:



    Great article! I'd been wondering how to ask about that kind of thing. Thanks for passing it along!

  9. I'm not sure whether this will help you, but I remembered seeing a discussion about this in the Norcross and Sayette "Insider guide to graduate programs in clinical and counselling psychology." Their response (p. 105 of the most recent book, if you want to check it out yourself) is that if you have interviews scheduled with other schools, say so directly and often an alternate date of a phone/skype interview will work out, and schools understand this and don't hold it against you. If you really don't have the money, then explain that to the program and often an alternative interview (phone/skype) can be also be worked out, but in some cases this does hurt your chances of admission. I guess that means if you really don't have the money, explain the situation honestly and see how it goes, but if you can swing it and you're interested in the school, you should do attend the interview. Good luck, whatever you do! 

  10. 4 hours ago, morifol said:

    You are Canadian - are you considered an international student?

    Hi Morifol. I think I'd be considered international. I'll need a visa to study in the US. Why do you ask? Is there a different process for some international students? I'm new at this!

  11. 4 hours ago, nicolemae said:

    I got the invite, too -- it said Admissions is supposed to give us some info about it but it has yet to come! Granted, it's only been a few days, but I'm getting super impatient/anxious here B)

    Hi Nicolemae. Hooray! I'm glad to hear from someone else who also heard. I just spoke with someone at the school, and yes, we will receive an email with a schedule etc soon. PM me if you want to chat about the details. It would be good to connect with someone else who'd going to be there. Hope all is well with you!

  12. I got an email yesterday inviting me to an interview for the Vanderbilt-Peabody Community Research and Action PhD program. It's my top choice program, so I'm super excited, but also super nervous. If anyone has any helpful information about what to expect on the weekend, I'd love to hear it! Wishing good luck to all other applicants, too.

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