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Posts posted by TeaTime23

  1. @KatePurpleOrchidsThank you for the advice! I'm definitely going to go into this a lot more open minded than I had originally planned on, I had no idea about the insurance aspect so thanks for letting me know! I think I'll be looking into a bike too and it will be nice that its only twice a week if I am in an agency that is difficult to get to by transportation. 

  2. @KatePurpleOrchids Did you end up finding a few places for your internship? I just talked with my advisor on the phone and it was helpful but it seems that all the eating disorder clinics that I was interested in only take second year applicants. What have you found? It is difficult for me because most of the places are far away from where I will be living and I won't have access to a car/do not want to be walking around Boston especially at night time. This process is already stressing me out!

  3. I decided to give up on UNC! Two weeks ago they said "you'll hear by end of next week" at the end of that week when I still hadn't heard, I called again and they said again "you'll hear at the end of next week." Boston College gave me half tuition in scholarship and needed a response by this week so I decided to go for it without hearing from UNC! With the scholarship, BC will be much cheaper than attending UNC (out of state resident) so I am very happy with my decision! Wish you all the best in your careers and thanks for all the good lucks! :)


  4. Hi @KatePurpleOrchids, thanks so much! I got my official letter today with my scholarship (almost half tuition so I am very excited!!) Still waiting to hear back from UNC but I am almost positive that BC will be the choice! I'm doing the clinical track for health and mental health and also interested in trauma, eating disorders and medical social work (pediatric oncology specifically). 

  5. Hi everyone! Congrats to all on your acceptances, I just heard from BC today!! So exciting. I'm waiting to hear back from UNC Chapel Hill but BC is a very close tie so I would be happy ending up at either :) How long did it take for you to receive scholarship information? My status hasn't changed on the portal yet since the dean sent me an early notification of my acceptance (I had another school with a deadline of Friday so I called to see about hearing from BC soon). 

    I have many friends who live in the Boston area and from what I hear, Brookline, Jamaica Plain and Allston seem to be the best areas for students of BC! Brookline is most expensive but also most quiet, Jamaica Plain is a lot of students and families and affordable and Allston is definitely more students/louder than the other two but also affordable and nice. 

  6. Has anyone heard from UNC yet? I've heard from 2 of my 4 schools, and am anxiously waiting for UNC's decision since it is my top! I also need to reply by February 26th to BU so I'm hoping I hear from my other two before that, or else I will need to see if I can get an extension. Continued good luck to all!

  7. Hi! I'm glad to see this thread exists! I am in the same boat, applied 12/15 and now nervously awaiting the results. Would you mind posting your stats? I'm mostly worried about the GRE (wondering how much emphasis they put on it, especially the math section). Thanks and good luck! :)


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