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Everything posted by natalierachel

  1. Does anyone know what happens to a scholarship if the person it was offered to doesn't take it? I'm specifically asking about the 15k NYU Tisch scholarship for ITP - it seems a few people were offered who may not take it. Anyone have experience with this? Thanks!
  2. Ooooh, you're the one that got the scholarship! Congrats!! That's fantastic! I hope you take it.. but if not, you're welcome to suggest they pass it on to me
  3. Group interviews for ITP were suggested, but not mandatory- and they didn't specifically ask individuals to interview, it was a "rsvp if you can" thing. Congrats! Is it your top choice? If so, I'll see you there
  4. Just got an acceptance email from ITP! I'm in shock, on cloud 9, excited...
  5. Just got an acceptance email from ITP! I'm in shock, on cloud 9, excited...
  6. Thanks so much for this update- I (and I'm sure others around here as well) really appreciate knowing.
  7. I feel the same way about ITP. I have to keep reminding myself that refreshing the Survey Results every 5 minutes won't make the letter come any faster. Oy!
  8. I'm waiting to hear from ITP as well.. according to the Survey results on this website, 2 years ago people found out towards the end of march, whereas last year it was the first week... so I have no clue when to expect something! Any ideas? Let me know if you hear back! Good luck!
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