Does anyone know what happens to a scholarship if the person it was offered to doesn't take it?
I'm specifically asking about the 15k NYU Tisch scholarship for ITP - it seems a few people were offered who may not take it. Anyone have experience with this? Thanks!
Ooooh, you're the one that got the scholarship! Congrats!! That's fantastic! I hope you take it.. but if not, you're welcome to suggest they pass it on to me
Group interviews for ITP were suggested, but not mandatory- and they didn't specifically ask individuals to interview, it was a "rsvp if you can" thing. Congrats! Is it your top choice? If so, I'll see you there
I feel the same way about ITP. I have to keep reminding myself that refreshing the Survey Results every 5 minutes won't make the letter come any faster. Oy!
I'm waiting to hear from ITP as well.. according to the Survey results on this website, 2 years ago people found out towards the end of march, whereas last year it was the first week... so I have no clue when to expect something! Any ideas? Let me know if you hear back! Good luck!