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Posts posted by Birdie

  1. 1 hour ago, IndEnth said:

    I can tell you from personal experience that it's not any easier to balance the stress of an application cycle with a full-time job, especially one where people aren't supposed to know that you're applying (until it's settled) ;)

    And I thought I was the oldest here :) I've been out of my MA for four years now, and also had a gap between BSc and MA.

    Oh, just for kicks and added stress, I was laid off in November without any warning. BOOM, clean out your desk, you're not employed here anymore! (utterly unrelated to any of my degrees and I HATED that job so much!) It's been a pretty stressful few months as a result. In the other hand, I snagged a part time job I enjoy and gives me the flexibility to job search without needing to take the first thing that comes my way. The rejection letters were a guy punch, but mentally I'm in a better place to deal with it then if I was still at that awful job, truth be told.

    But, yeah, old lady here. Took me a while to decide going back to school was what I wanted to do.

  2. 27 minutes ago, Straussian Dogmatist said:

    Out of curiosity - how many people here are applying to PhD programs as a senior in undergrad? It's been tough balancing my neuroticism over the process here with the workload of my final semester...

    I started my MA two years after my BA. Now I'm 8 years out from my MA.

  3. 10 minutes ago, ultraultra said:

    My condolences. There's always next cycle!

    Thank you. Not sure I'll do another cycle. I'm a good bit older than most applicants, have been at this since Nov. 2014 (feels so long ago). There are things in life I've been putting off to chase this dream. Really need to think about it, do a hard and honest evaluation of me as a candidate. Having "only" an MA from a top ten program isn't the worst thing in the world, right?


    In the meantime, keeping my fingers crossed for the two I haven't heard from, but mentally preparing to hit the job market yet again.

  4. 3 hours ago, PizzaCat93 said:

    I don't know about anyone else, but I'm very ready for this application season to be over. So tired of waiting!!

    Same. Just reject me already so I can move on with my life. I'm hesitant to start sending out resumes until I know for sure, but I'm quite done with being stuck in limbo.

  5. Just FYI, but American is closed today because of weather, so don't expect anything from them. Not sure about the other DC-area schools.

    Every time my phone rings with an unfamiliar DC area phone number or my e-mail dings, my heart starts pounding and my stomach drops. Anyone else? (bah, usually it's some phone scammers or a groupon e-mail.)

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