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    Raleigh, NC

wannabePhD's Achievements


Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Thank you so much! I will probably try again next year. But then again ... I'm starting to get excited about what this year may bring.
  2. Sorry to hear about the letter from your school. All the best of luck to you in the future.

  3. I just got a rejection from my one and only school. Thanks to all of you for your support! Good luck - I hope all of you get into your first choice! With full funding!
  4. comfort food
  5. The space heater under my desk. Spring, where are you? Hurry, bring warm weather and my decision letter!
  6. I am in the same boat! My program's website says that all applicants will be notified on Mar 1. I had emailed last week (as I had heard decisions had already been made), and was told to wait until Mar 1, which was the deadline. When I didn't hear yesterday, I couldn't help but email again (it's annoying, I know, but I spent most of the day yesterday ready to throw up, so I figured emailing me back was the least they could do), and I STILL haven't heard anything. ARG!
  7. trash talk
  8. I know you said you would prefer to go straight to PhD, but if you were to consider starting with an MA and wanted to do socio, I would say go to NCSU (http://www.ncsu.edu/linguistics/). I graduated from this program (so yeah, I'm biased), and it is wonderful, to say the least! It's a really small program (there were 15 MA students there when I was), it's a relaxed environment where you can pursue your own interests (or join any of the existing research projects), daily interaction with profs, and lots of student collaboration. PM me if you want to know more!
  9. I just smoked my first cigarette in months ... stupid school, send me my letter!

  10. diet menu
  11. communion wafer
  12. I am in the same position as the OP -- almost exactly, actually, right down to the reasons they think they might get in. And I don't regret it - and I don't think I will, no matter what the decision letter says. The decision letter that comes today (I almost wish they hadn't told me!). Whew.
  13. I just had to revive my own thread (sorry!) to share this: Not only did I just get an email from the Dean's office at my potential school (on a Sunday morning!) that sent my heart rate through the roof ... the email ended up being a long letter from the dean himself about how bad the budget cuts were going to be this year. One more reason I'm not getting in ...
  14. Yes, but all good ones! Especially the reading whatever you like ... :)

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