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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
  • Program
    Creative Writing MFA

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  1. At this rate, it looks like I'll be applying again next year. This time around, I definitely need to rethink my process for choosing schools to apply to. Anyone know of any search engines for grad schools or any other resources worth mentioning?
  2. Part of me wants to laugh at all of the people complaining that they didn't get a note on their Iowa rejection letters, and the other part wants to cry because I didn't get a note on mine.
  3. Got my Iowa rejection today. No surprise there.
  4. Michigan finally rejected me today. Good to know I'll probably be receiving my Iowa rejection tomorrow, I guess.
  5. I'm wondering if it'd be worth it to explain to them that you are interested in their program, but another program offered you better funding. Perhaps they'd be willing to match?
  6. @holycat, at least they offered you something! I know its not the news you wanted to hear, but now you know you're a good enough writer to get offered partial funding at NYU! That's a lot more than most people can say.
  7. My last name starts with H, as in "How is it even possible that haven't they reached H yet?"
  8. So, I have orientation for a new job on Friday afternoon. Watch me get 6 rejection letters on Friday morning.
  9. I decided to give it a few more days before contacting them. I'm assuming they're sending them out by alphabetical order or something like that. I would also like to know about the staggering rejection letters. Someone was waitlisted nearly a month ago at one of the schools I applied to. You'd think waitlist = no more acceptances, right? Still haven't heard back from them or the majority of the other places I applied to.
  10. Congratulations, @holycat!!!
  11. I'm torn about what I want to do this year. Out of the eight schools I've applied to, I've heard back from two so far (1a/1r/0w), and I'm starting to feel like that one acceptance will be the only one I'll receive this year. I'm obviously interested in the program (or else I wouldn't have applied), but after spending so many time on MFA forums this year, I've discovered a number of schools I'm extremely interested in but didn't apply to this round. I really don't want to wait around for another year, but I don't want to go to a school that I'm not head-over-heels for either. A year would give me enough time to bump up my resume and completely rework my portfolio. On the flip side, there's always the chance that I would get rejected from everywhere I apply next year. Please tell me I'm not the only one with this problem.
  12. I'm sorry to hear that, but at least you can officially cross them off your list. Waiting for them to send mine so I can do the same. I honestly feel sort of foolish for wasting my money applying to xs programs like Michigan. Oh well, live and learn, I guess.
  13. Is anyone still waiting to hear from Michigan?! It seems like everyone has heard back by now, and then there's me. Maybe I should contact them today or tomorrow.
  14. February is almost over, which means we're finally nearing the halfway point. Congratulations on making it this far, everyone! Even if you haven't heard any good news yet, I hope you take a moment to recognize how awesome you are for being here in the first place. We all know that MFA programs are excessively competitive, and we also know that higher degree or not, writing isn't the most lucrative of professions. You wouldn't be here if you weren't wildly passionate about writing, and that alone is something to hold on to.
  15. YES! I was dying laughing when I saw this last night. The results page has definitely been animated recently.
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