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Everything posted by Zeen321

  1. Has anyone on UW Whitewater's wait list heard back, aside from the survey to remain on the wait list? Or for those accepted, do you know if the spots are filled and the class is pretty much established? I really have my heart set on this program, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best.
  2. Thanks for sharing that. Fingers crossed!
  3. I also considered calling them but had a feeling it wouldn't get me anywhere since my email went unanswered... Hm...
  4. Ah gotcha. Good to know! Fingers crossed for us both
  5. Aw man! Well hopefully this year is different was it through postal mail last year, too? I've searched the forum for info about St. Xavier from previous years' application cycles, and it seems like they waitlisted A LOT of people, almost half the applicants they received. I wonder if that's the same case this year...
  6. Same here, I feel like I waited forever for that letter to arrive. Hopefully we hear soon!
  7. Lol! Honestly, I'm going through the same thought process. I emailed them last week as well so I don't want to be too much of a bother. I am also considering resubmitting it haha
  8. @mbf I haven't heard anything yet either! Anxiously waiting and keeping my fingers crossed for us, too! I filled out the UWW survey right away as well, and now I'm getting paranoid and wondering if it went through, lol. Are we certain that the next step is that they will rank us? I was curious about what would come next, so that's good to know. @koalalover1 That's awesome! Best of luck with Milwaukee! I hope something works out for us all!
  9. Curious if anyone has heard from St. Xavier after being wait listed? The initial letter said decisions would be made after 4/18, but not sure if we will be contacted via email or postal?
  10. Thank you so much for your insight! It definitely helps and gives me some hope. Congrats on your acceptance!
  11. I received the same email from whitewater about an hour ago quite bummed, since this is my top pick, but trying to keep my head up. Do either of you know if the class has been filled at this point with those who were initially offered acceptance, or have additional invitations been sent out to some who were on the wait list, and they've been given time to decide? I'm just curious if there will be another update to the wait list, or only in the event that someone committed changes their mind down the road?
  12. Same here. I just received an email from them today, saying we will be informed of an update on either April 15 or April 18. Do you have an idea about how long their wait list is, or if/how they rank it?
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