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Everything posted by CMyesAnd

  1. Sorry I am just seeing this message now! Congrats on your acceptance! Yes there is a Salus Slp class of 2018 group: https://m.facebook.com/groups/160335097693517?tsid=0.2600207484792918&source=typeahead look forward to meeting you!
  2. To the last poster – I'm not sure if there is an option for a Skype interview. I am local so I was able to go in person. I am also not sure about the waitlist and whether it is ranked. Good luck, I would encourage you to email the admissions office to express your interest in the program! It can't hurt and they are very friendly.
  3. In case anyone is curious: I spoke with a current student, the admissions director, and the interim program director about my concerns. I was very satisfied with the response I got from that. They basically explained that the founding director had committed to three years at Salus. She is from North Carolina and had relocated to Pennsylvania in order to start up the program. Once the program was up and running she announced that she would be retiring and moving home to her family in North Carolina. The interim director explained that he has over 20 years of experience as an SLP in Pennsylvania and has specific expertise in the accreditation and licensing process for Pennsylvania as well as asha. The short story is that I was very much reassured in my gut feeling that the program would be a great fit for me.
  4. Thanks, I feel fortunate to have some options! The interview was really nicely set up. It was a group of about 7-8 of us at once. They took us into a conference room where we met with the interim program director. He gave us an overview of the program and answered questions. Next we each had an individual one-on-one interview with a faculty member. Everybody was super friendly and the questions were all standard for every candidate. I don't remember the exact questions to be honest- sorry! But they were generally about why you chose this field and what sets you apart, I think! I applied for Salus in early January. I went in for a prelim appointment to talk to an admissions counselor before I had even applied. I got info about the program, etc, and I think that helped my application stand out once I had actually submitted. I had heard nothing back from them in early March, but saw that some people had heard and their class was filling up. I emailed the same admissions person I had met with in January and I think that helped in getting my application pulled for an interview. I was notified about 3 days after the interview that I was on a standby list. That was March 18th. Then today I got the acceptance email. It is definitely hard to do all this waiting, so good luck and hang in there!
  5. Looking for some advice! I'm considering salus u., but have some reservations. I'm wondering specifically what your opinion is about a school that's searching for a new chair/program director? Apparently it will be their 3rd director since opening in 2014. Also it is a smaller health sciences school as opposed to a large university. I had such a positive experience when I toured the campus, met with students and interviewed there! However a friend of mine at a different Philadelphia area program shared a different perspective. Her professors mentioned that since they are searching for their 3rd director, this may be a red flag. I have already emailed about getting in contact with some current students so I can gauge their opinions. Anyone in contact with any current students? I really loved everything about the program and so I'm trying hard to resolve my reservations about this.
  6. I interviewed at Salus a few weeks ago, and today I just got an email that I've been accepted (I was on the standby list)! I'm wondering if anyone has an opinion about the fact that they're searching for a new chair/program director? I had such a positive experience when I toured the campus, met with students and interviewed there! However a friend of mine at a different Philadelphia area program shared a different perspective. Her professors mentioned that they are searching for their 3rd director and this may be a red flag. I have already emailed about getting in contact with some current students so I can gauge their opinions. Anyone in contact with any current students? I really loved everything about the program and so I'm trying hard to resolve my reservations about this.
  7. Hi there! I saw that you mentioned you live in Newark! I have just accepted my spot at U of Delaware, and wanted to see if you have any tips to pass along in terms of housing! I am from Philly, been out of school since 2009, and oddly enough I used to work at U of Delaware in the infant language lab- so I'm familiar with the campus. My boyfriend and I will be moving to Newark together (luckily he works in Chester, so he can keep his job!) and we both have cars. Do you think it will be possible to have a car and live near campus? I know the health sciences campus is a bit removed, and has a big parking lot, so that won't be an issue. But if I'd like to live closer to campus (specifically close to the swimming pool in the carpenter building!), do you think there's any possibility of finding a place with 2 designated parking spots? I'm very invested in swimming for my health, so that's why I'm interested in living close to the pool. However, if it would be too much of a hassle, maybe I would opt to live further away from campus if I could be close to a YMCA or JCC with a pool! (I know these are very specific needs! lol) Any other housing/living/Newark tips you have would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!


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  8. Hi there! Yes, sure I can share my stats. But honestly, I think my getting in has more to do with my work experience. I graduated with a BA in psych back in 2009, and have worked in various clinical roles since then. Most recently worked in an outpatient neurorehab with stroke and TBI patients. undergrad GPA- 3.40, post bac gpa- 4.0 gre Verbal- 159, quant- 151, writing- 4.5 Of course grades and scores are important too, but my recommendation, if you are in the position of having to reapply, would be to stack up on real-world clinical experience- and get paid while you're at it, as in a full time job, not just volunteering! Good luck!
  9. Hey there, I've been accepted at U. of Delaware, and trying to decide between this program, and Salus. Any opinions out there? This program is brand new, but def seems legit as the director left a long standing position at Temple to start the program at UDel. I will likely accept at Delaware, but still interested if anyone has info! Salus does not currently have a program director (they are searching for a new one), not sure if that's anything to be concerned about... Good luck to everyone making big decisions this month and hoping to get off waitlists etc, hang in there!
  10. Got a spot on the standby list at Salus! I figure that's the same thing as waitlist. I realize this isn't an acceptance, but still feeling good about it, since I know their class is already full or close to full. I interviewed on 3/15. Did anyone else hear news from them? Fortunately I have acceptances at other programs, but Salus is my top choice, and I am going to do everything I can to get off the gosh darn waitlist!
  11. Hello SLP universe! Wondering if anyone else got an email from U of Delaware? It basically says that they will not be able to notify accepted students until they get the official go ahead on accreditation status on March 21st. The email then encourages to check out their website, clinic, etc. I already posted this message on a board specific to U. of Delaware, but thought this might cast a wider net- anyone know any other details? I'm wondering whether this email went out to everyone who applied? Has anyone followed up with them? Thanks and good luck to everyone in this crazy time !
  12. Just received an email from U of Delaware. The first two paragraphs say: "As you are aware, the Communication Sciences and Disorders program at the University of Delaware has applied for “Candidacy” accreditation status. The Council on Academic Accreditation will inform us of our status by March 21, 2016. Programs applying for Candidacy are not permitted to any accept students until Candidacy has been achieved. Our plan is to begin sending acceptance notifications as soon as we have achieved Candidacy status. Please note that, by agreement among CSD programs, you do not need to accept any offers until April 15. " It goes on to encourage checking out their website and clinic opportunities. Did anyone else get this email?
  13. Yeah sure! BA in Psych 2009- GPA 3.4; COMD Post-Bac at Utah State- GPA 4.0 GRE- 151Quant, 159Verbal, 4.5 Writing I am an older student-- worked for the past 6 years before deciding to go back for SLP. My most recent job was working in Vocational Rehab with stroke and TBI patients. I think that's the main reason I've gotten a couple interviews. When it comes down to it, all of the applicants have great scores and GPAs! This field is so so competitive! Good luck to everyone!
  14. I have an interview at Old Dominion on 3/12, at Salus on 3/15. Had a phone interview with Chapman on 3/1. Good luck to everyone!
  15. Hey slptobe92, did you get an interview at Salus? Congrats if so! I am still waiting to hear back from them. I had a pre-application interview back in the fall, and met with an admissions counselor- just about my pre-reqs and asked questions about the program, etc. He said they'd be contacting qualified applicants for interviews and letting people in on a rolling basis. If you do have an interview scheduled, I was wondering what was the timing of your application submission? I submitted mine in mid-January, I'm hoping to be contacted soon for an interview! crossing my fingers!
  16. Thanks @flapjackal . I contacted Chapman and they said they'll reschedule me into the next group of skype interviews. Phew. Yes this wait is killer. Question for those who have applied to Temple U.- my TUportal says "Incomplete Items Outstanding". I emailed the department about this last week, since it seems to be an error. The only missing materials are my Spring 2016 transcripts, which will not be ready until the end of this semester. The administrator said she would waive the transcript in my portal checklist and inform the admissions committee. The status has still not updated to say complete though, and I'm worried it may be too late for my application to be reviewed! Anyone else have a similar status in their TUPortal? Or just me? Oy, this is so stressful! May the force be with us all.
  17. Hi there, I'm brand new to the gradcafe, and just realized there's this whole forum of people giving each other inside tips! Awesome! I was invited to do a skype interview with Chapman on 2/17. There were a whole lot of technical issues, the interview kept getting pushed back, and it basically never happened. I've reached out to them by email and phone to try and reschedule, but I have not heard back! I want to keep following up, but also don't want to be a pest... Anyone else have a similar experience? I've got a skype interview with Utah State on Monday, and I'm an alternate at U of Minnesota Minneapolis. Anyone hear anything from these schools? --- Temple U., Salus U., U. of Delaware (are they even accredited yet?), Pitt, Loyola U of Maryland, Minn. State Mankato, U of Colordao Boulder, San Diego State, Old Dominion.
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