Got waitlisted at Cornell !!
I know a lot of people meet being waitlisted with disappointment ...but I'm ABSOLUTELY thrilled. In fact, I was trembling as I read the email because it started off with "mixed news" so I started skim-reading to get to the "bad" part quickly, but once I got to the end, I was like: "That's it? I've been waitlisted? That's ... freaking FANTASTIC!"
Apologies if I sound hyperbolic, but I knew that applying to PhD programs in philosophy would be a long shot for me since I do not have a formal qualification in philosophy. I initially only aimed for MA programs, but my professors strongly urged me to also try for some PhD programs given the caliber of my grades and, more importantly, their own belief in me (for which I am grateful. I really do have fantastic teachers).
So I am deeply humbled that a school would be willing to take a chance with me. The resultant feeling's indescribable ... but my best attempt is this: it fills me with conviction. Gratitude and conviction.
Of course as much as I would like to get admitted to Cornell, I wish the admittees all the best and I hope they have a great experience and philosophical journey at Cornell, even if I turn out to be unable to join them there.