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Posts posted by ANP

  1. Hey guys! I think this is a fun thread, so we should keep it up. After the long mess of applications and decisions, its nice to hear that we made it to the other side alive. :)

    Although I've already posted it elsewhere a trillion times, no harm in sharing that I am off to Emory in the fall and very, very happy with my decision!

    Good luck to those still waiting or still tossing between options! To those folks that didn't have the most encouraging application season this year, keep your chin up!! You have time to make self discoveries that will open new doors to new opportunities that will revitalize you for the next round of applications! Who knows, a new experience might bring your research in a completely different direction and strengthen your application. This might sound like a lot of malarky right now, but that is precisely what happened to me... so its not bs, promise. :)

    Congratulations to ALL, for being zany enough to put yourself out there!

  2. *GASP*, You mean you'll have NO debt?!? What are you waiting for! GO! You will get a job down the line, never you mind about that. If you are passionate about your research, then go for it! I would still check with current grad students and POI. It's not annoying, it just shows that you're interested and seriously considering their offer. The current grad students were incredibly helpful at my future department, and I've found that most of them are more than happy to spill the beans. Definitely find one or two to contact. Most are used to it anyways.

    Well, that's my two cents anywho. :)

  3. Suspechosa,

    I understand your dilemma. Firstly, CONGRATULATIONS on your acceptance to your first choice pick!! VERY impressive, especially given how competitive this year was.

    Now, I would say its time to examine your current financial situation. How much debt did you accrue during undergrad? For me, I made the mistake of going massively into student loan debt as an undergrad (grrr... the things that don't seem to compute when you're 17!), so there is no way I would be able to pay for my first year in. However, if you are not massively in debt already, you still have room to weigh your options. The next question, logically, is how much debt are you going to go in for your first year? Added with undergrad debt, is this a feasible number to have to pay off in the future? The last, and perhaps most important question, is what are your chances of being fully funded for the rest of your PhD?!? I would go directly to the department for concrete answers on this one (especially from current grad students). I couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to be one year into a program that you ADORE and get the "sorry, no funding" smack in the face. If it looks like your chances of getting funding for the rest of your PhD time is relatively high, and your debt load to date isn't too bad, I say go for it. If you really love it that much and you are completely passionate about the research you would be doing in the department -- and if the thought of passing on this opportunity makes you positively sick to your stomach -- then trust your gut and FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!

    (Follow your dreams is always the right answer afterall... right? ;) )

    Now, that being said, if you crunch the numbers and get a much more nauseating feeling than when you imagined what it would be like to pass on this opportunity, then it might be a good idea to reconsider. Paleoanthropology is a great field in terms of beefing up your application in non-gre related ways, i.e. there are plenty of field schools and research opportunities (museums, labs, etc.) out there.

    Regardless of the decision you make, GOOD LUCK! Keep us updated...

  4. Hey Catch,

    How's the decision-making going? I see you may be considering some new options as well?

    As far as neighborhood or quadrants, it really just depends on your tastes. PDX has a neighborhood for everyone. Downtown/Pearl District is great if that fits your kind of lifestyle, or the NW/SW if you want to live near more parks/hiking (Forest Park, Goose Hollow, Nob Hill, Southwest Hills), Alberta Arts (one of my favorites!!) has great eats/lower rent/great "artsy scene". Other great areas (again, depending on your tastes): Hawthorne district, Belmont district, Sellwood, St. Johns...

    As an overgeneralization, rent on the west side of the river is cheaper than rent on the east side of the river, and the west side is safer... but again, it depends on the neighborhood. I know many, many people that live on one of the aforementioned neighborhoods on the east side and LOVE it. There are lots of great places to live on both sides of the river!

    Good luck :)

  5. Hmm... well, I don't have any insight into this pharmacology business. I suppose you could be right. I still say go for the research that is fun and exciting and that you are the happiest about. In the end, that is what matters in my book. It's not like you can't make enough money to live happily as a neuroscientist. I think its kind of hard to help out on this one because it depends on where your priorities lie. Good luck, in any case! I am sure you will choose the one that fits you best.

    Yes, let me know if you have any PDX questions. I live in the NW near Washington Park/Forest Park, primarily because I am hike-o-holic. Forest Park is my favorite place in Portland. The SE side consists primarily of the hip/hippy/punk/funk folk that people often associate with Portland. Rent is WAY cheaper in this section of town, and definitely the best restaurants for any alternative eaters, i.e. vegan/gluten-free/etc. I would actually love living in the SE, mainly because the food is so dan good (especially for someone who is allergic to everything). Lots of amazing music venues, bars, coffee shops, nature, adventures, and great people in this city. If you like coffee and/or beer, you will thrive here. I know of several people that moved here specifically to brew beer and roast coffee with the best of them. If you do so decide to head this direction, I suggest you manage to fit all of the following into your first day: Stumptown Coffee, VOODOO DOUGHNUTS!!, Powells, and a slice at Roccos Pizza... maybe a small hike up to the Japanese Tea Gardens while you're at it.

    I could go on and on and on and on...

    (Can you tell how crushed I am to leave this city?!?!)

    That's just me. Which are you leaning towards?!

  6. also to add, state income taxes in oregon are a lot higher as well (9% vs 5.3% in mass)

    What would you guys choose? Pharmacology w/ internship and possible better placement or Behav Neuro with less sure placement?


    I study behavioral neuroscience, but from an evolutionary perspective. I currently live in Portland. I LOVE it here, absolutely love it. It is in an incredible city to live in. I am very excited to move on to my new graduate program, but sooo sad to leave PDX. 25.5 is more than enough to get by and live happily here. I don't think you need to worry about income tax. They level out everything by having NO SALES TAX, so all food, supplies, etc. that you buy are exactly the price on the sticker. It saves you lots when you compare the grocery bills. You can find a great apartment out here on that stipend and live comfortably.

    The researchers at OHSU in behavioral neuroscience have an EXCELLENT reputation. I am friends with a fellow that might very well be one of your advisers, and he is absolutely the nicest guy. The people there are great and very welcoming. I don't think you will have *any* problems being placed.

    I think it comes down to the department in this case. Even though you are doing drug addiction, pharmacology and behavioral neuroscience are very different degrees in my mind. Is pharmacology really want you want?! I would personally choose behavioral neuroscience in a heartbeat, but that is because I am biased towards my own research.

    Anyways, I know which program I would choose. I know everyone is different. I know everyone has different values, so good luck on your decision!

  7. Hi ANP,

    The email I received said that information on assistantship allocation would be sent early next week. I'm still waiting to find out from other universities before I decide where I will go!

    I like the idea of USF, since the program matches well with my interests and I have had good communication with potential adviser. What I have been trying to do now is to figure out cost of living as well as figuring out if I can get by without buying a car. I hate the idea of having to buy a car to move around.

    Any tips?

    Sorry Urojas! Somehow I completely missed this post. Hmm... let's think about this. I currently live in an extremely public-transportation-friendly city, and I am moving to a city where, well, that's not the case... so I feel your pain. :( Have you visited yet? Mostly everyone drives cars, unfortunately. It has been a while since I've lived there, so it is quite possible that they have amped up their bussing system since then. I would check into this:


    It looks like they have a deal for USF students. Come to think of it, my brother did not have a car when he did his undergrad there and he got along just fine. However, I'd say he's probably more of the stay in than out-and-about sort fellow. Several of my closest friends are doing their graduate work there. I will check in with them and get back to you if they have any more advice. I will add that St. Pete is EXTREMELY bike friendly. There are lots of bike lanes, competitive/sport bikers, fun bikers, etc. Not as many commuter bikers, but people definitely do it. St. Pete is one of my favorite places to cruise around on two wheels. B) I'm not sure about Tampa, but I can check into that as well.

    Cost of living isn't bad. I always opt for farmers markets in order to save money:


    Ybor City is a jazzy little area with lots of good food and nightlife. St. Pete and Sarasota have all of the lovely beaches, but you'll have to have natives take you to areas that aren't completely overrun with Spring Breakers. St. Pete is a quaint little city with some small town charm. It is worth doing a little digging to find all of its hidden jewels...

    I hope this helps! Let me know if there is anything else you'd like to know. I will gladly ask my buddies at USF for you...

  8. NB: I know that most of the people in this discussion thread do not give a lot of weight to these rankings, but I just wanted to make things clear: the NRC rankings are the result of a survey performed in 1993. A new survey has been conduced in 2006 but the publication of the results has been delayed many times...

    Not only do I not believe in the idea of ranking, but I also think that these results are totally obsolete! The field of anthropology has changed a lot in the last 15+ years, I'm pretty sure the next ranking is going to look very different...

    I would advise to talk with people in the field (and in your specialty) rather that rely on this kind of information!

    I agree with you completely. I was asking merely out of curiosity as to the nature of these rankings that are supposedly guiding us along the decision making process... :)

    That being said, that was all sound advice. Oh, and CONGRATULATIONS! I wonder which one you will choose... ??

  9. I see on the results page that someone got waitlisted for the evolutionary anthropology program @ Duke today. I know that they already did the first round of acceptances/rejections... but what about the rest of us that haven't heard a *peep* from them?! Did they just forget to send my rejection with the rest, or is there some sort of magical end-of-March second wave of admits?

    I would just like to hear soon so I can seal the deal once and for all. Thanks, guys!

  10. Your relationship with your adviser is going to be of paramount importance to your success in grad school, so you are absolutely right. You should dig deeper. Students not responding for 2 weeks is indeed strange. Also, you don't seem to be EXTREMELY interested in her work.. if you have another school that you can go to that you're more excited about (in terms of the research as well as the vibes you got from your POI there), you should considering rejecting the offer from your "top choice". Before you do that, maybe you should shoot her an email and ask what you want to ask (but try to make it as subtle as possible).

    Oh liszt85, I'm so sorry!! I meant to give you a positive ding for your excellent advice and I accidently hit the "-" button! Now I don't know how to fix it. Hopefully, one of the administrators will chime in and tell me how to reverse it.

    Anyways, the point was, this is very sound advice! Your relationship with your POI is everything... EVERYTHING.

    Sorry again :\

  11. Here is my dilemma:

    I am trying to decide between two great neuroscience programs, UCLA and Emory. I am finding that when it comes to research it is a safer bet for me to choose UCLA, much variety in my topic of interest (Alzheimer's disease) and great facilities and funding. On the other hand, Emory is safer in terms of program (in my opinion, please feel free to disagree, I'd love to hear other views) and location. I think that the program there is well structured and organized, the students are a high priority and the location is safer and more affordable. So, my question is this, which is more important when it comes to choosing a graduate program, the research or the everything else?

    I appreciate any and all comments and advice!

    Thanks all smile.gif


    EMORY, EMORY, EMORY!!! Emory, all the way! :) Okay, so, I'm slightly biased. I'm headed to Emory as well, and I am a fellow lover of the brain, but with a slightly different approach. I will be studying cognitive/brain evolution in the biological anthropology department, but I will be doing lots of interdisciplinary work with neuroscience faculty (mainly Todd Preuss). I know he doesn't fall within your focus, but he is a pretty incredible human. I also got a wonderful impression from the faculty members/ current graduate students during recruitment weekend. You really can't beat a supportive environment. They really, really, REALLY want you to succeed... and it shows.

    Oh, I'm sure UCLA is alright, too... :D

    Congratulations! Definitely keep us updated... I'd love to know what you end up choosing!

  12. I'd recommend rejecting both and re-applying next year to a little-known but exciting school but with tremendous potential in your field: the University of Phoenix.

    Joking aside, I'd say Stanford. I think even by describing it in your thread name as an "elite, jaw-dropping" school your decision is already made.

    It's a good one, so enjoy it!

    Bahahahahahahahahaha. I laughed out loud at this. No... really. Its been far too long since I've heard a good "UofP" reference. Bravo.

  13. Hey peanuttheanthro,

    I am interested in viewing this ranking business you speak of. Is there any way to access the list online? I tried to search for US News and World Report rankings for anthropology, and got zilch.

    As far as my own results, I was admitted to my top choice program (although I clearly don't know its exact ranking). I have a 4.0 graduate GPA and very mediocre, dare I say low, GRE scores. I do, however, have a diverse background with all sorts of field experience. If it helps, my advisor informed me that my selling point was my statement of purpose, demonstrating that I was "A perfect fit for [his] laboratory". He mentioned that my SOP, along with my varied research background and interdisciplinary training (I have three seemingly unrelated degrees that I somehow managed to tie into my current research), got me the admit. I had fine LORs, but it wasn't like Louis Leakey and Charles Darwin came back from the grave to write them or anything.

    As an addendum, I was personally looking for a department that focused on collaboration and highly interdisciplinary research. i highlighted this in my SOP, and it worked out pretty well for me. Other universities might not have taken to this so much. Basically, be specific, really delve into what kind of research you want to do and how it meshes with your potential advisor, and get crackin' on that SOP! :)

    I hope this helps! Good luck, everybody!

  14. Congratulations!!! I did not apply to USF, but I did grow up in St. Petersburg/Tampa so I am verrrrry familiar with the area. Are you most likely headed there, or are you still deciding? Were they able to give you funding? There are lots of hidden treasures in St. Pete. And the weather is typical incredible... its hard not to be happy with that much sunshine (even when you have to appreciate it through the windows at the library)!

    Things to know before moving: (1) how to prep sandbags for hurricane season, (2) the stingray shuffle, and (3) where to get the best ice cream.

    Have fun! Get some extra vitamin D synthesis in for me (sigh... currently staring at the rain outside of my apartment window in the Pacific NW)... :)

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