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  1. Hi guys! Im excited to be starting my grad program in the fall, but I’m starting to worry about what I will be doing for cost of living. I know that I will be depending on my loans for my apartment but am up in the air about taking extra loan money out for gas/groceries/miscellaneous thjngs? Is it common to take out loan money for everything? Does anyone work minimal hours a week and feel comfortable with that money as their spending money? My rent each month will be 384.00!
  2. Thanks guys! I just am overthinking everything. This is my first acceptance and am still processing it all.
  3. Is anyone still waiting for the actual graduate school to send them the official offer? I was informed by the program of my admission with an email and phone call but have yet to receive the offer from the grad school. They did say they don’t release offers until the program gives them the official list of offers. Does any other school do this? It’s just making me nervous.
  4. Yes! They called me last Friday letting me know of my acceptance.
  5. I just got accepted into UT Rio Grande Valley! Has anyone decided on going here?
  6. Has anyone heard from West Texas A&M, Texas A&M kingsville, or UT Rio Grande?
  7. Hi guys, so I've applied to in-state(texas) grad schools 2 times and I've been waitlisted/rejected. I've gotten pretty down with the process but know that this is what I want to do. I just don't know what schools I should apply to with my stats. I have taken the GRE twice and I don't think my score is improving or going to.If anyone has the same stats and was accepted to a university, please let me know. I'm at the point where my parents are forcing me to go another route and I'm really not ready to do that. I've worked as a paraprofessional within a speech therapy program at an elementary school and in the office of their ECI team for the last year now. Stats: last 60: 3.8 overall: 3.4 speech:3.6 gre: verbal:145 math:144 Writing: 4
  8. Same! I emailed them earlier today on whether second round of acceptances have already been released but I didn't get anything back.
  9. Thank you! It does! Do you know if she is accepting the offer?
  10. Can you let me know If you hear back from SFA this upcoming week? Im on their waitlist too.
  11. Oh okay! Thanks so much! I hope you get your other offers as well! good luck!
  12. I am on the waiting list.. if you don't mind me asking, how long do you have to decide for SFA?
  13. Congrats!!! So happy for you!
  14. Oh my gosh! Awesome! Who did you get the email from? Like was it Whitney or a professor?
  15. I just got waitlisted at ACU! Good luck to you too with SFA! Let me know if you hear anything at all!
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