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Posts posted by Allons-yDarling

  1. @eyinyangb So, this entirely depends on the day to day weather, because Chicago weather is absolutely insane and bipolar. You completely can, but you probably won't know until you get here and actually experience the winter weather. Everyone reacts differently to the weather (3 weeks ago, almost everyone was back in decent weight jackets, I wore a tee shirt. It's subjective.)

    A mile is not too far. I just got done with my undergrad in Chicago, I lived about a mile from my closest school building, I've walked that before. If you have the proper winter gear, you can. It's not advisable sometimes, like when it's 10 degrees out plus whatever the wind chill is, or when it's snowing. See if UChicago will provide a Ventra UPass with your tuition. You'll get unlimited bus and L rides for the semester, so it's very easy to justify a bus ride to campus when it's nasty out. Plus, you know, invest in a down parka, a ton of scarves, hats, and good gloves, and nice sturdy boots. 

    On the flip side, we had a really mild winter this year (as in, the temperature hovered right around freezing with a few significant drops, but nothing too bad). And if the wind isn't blowing, the cold isn't that bad. 

  2. Hello! I'm going to be attending Temple in the fall in their MFA Theatre Design program. I just got back from a visit to Philadelphia, which was lovely, I really like the city. However, I'm struggling to find an apartment. I stopped in to a realtor's office right off campus on Friday to see if they had any nearby properties that fit my "cats allowed and 1 bedroom not basement or ground floor" requirements, and they only had one property that fit the description... Which I had a tentative appointment to tour until I walked past the building, saw the building next door was burnt out and boarded out, and decided I'd rather not live in that neighborhood. 

    So I'm currently trying to do remote apartment housing. I did want to live close to campus, because with the theatre program, I'll probably have numerous late nights, but I'm not very fond of the area west of Temple. What neighborhoods have convenient public transit to Temple and are safer/nicer? And are their any recommendations for what websites are good for apartment hunting? I've been using Zillow, but a lot of the properties I've tried to contact about turn out to be already rented. 

  3. I just found this forum, it's so helpful! I'm going for an MFA in Costume Design, though I didn't really formally apply to any schools... I signed up and interviewed with a bunch of schools at the URTAs in February and I've just been waiting to hear back from them. 

    I heard from Temple on Monday, which was my top school at the URTAs. But since they only admit one costume student a year, I didn't think I had much of a chance. But when the head of the costume program called, she said I was her choice! I have until this next Monday to say yes or no, but since I'm pretty sure I'm going to say yes (the research I've done makes me think the program is a great fit for me) I'll probably email her tomorrow. I just don't know what exactly to put in the email or how to phrase it professionally. 

    How's everyone else's wait going? 

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