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Everything posted by MSW/MEd

  1. I was also accepted off the wait list today!
  2. I wouldn't anticipate hearing anything from Laurier until May as their list doesn't close until the end of the April. But keep us posted if you hear anything!
  3. uwindsor has 2 ways to view - i am a previous student so not sure how an applicant can log in but you can try! www.uwindsor.ca/sis or myuwindsor.ca - you just need to find the spot where you can view your applications
  4. I don't know... this happened to me with calgary and then like a week later they rejected me. So I'm not really holding my breath too much, but I'm hoping you're right! haha
  5. Hmm thanks. I am really sorry to hear that you weren't accepted I chexk LORIS all the time and all I see if my applications documents and references, I hope I am looking in the right place haha
  6. Hey! I still haven't heard from Laurier, how did you receive a rejection? was it via e-mail? The last school I had so much hope cause i hadn't heard and then was rejected, so I'm thinking the same thing is going to happen.
  7. I'm not sure if UofT is actually super clinical (they do have the mental health stream), some other clinical schools are Calgary and Laurier. Good Luck!
  8. LOL has anyone else discovered their login history on ROSI? ...that's embarrassing lol
  9. Thanks for the info! The second week of April is so late! I just want to get all my crap together and figure out where I have to move and if I can afford it lol.
  10. Oops by e-mail I totally meant voicemail. Thanks!
  11. Thanks I tried to call but just got an e-mail saying that all things will be out by the end of march.
  12. okay..thanks..I will..I'm not sure who to contact but i will figure it out
  13. I have not heard anything from them, and it is torture. I can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Did you receive an e-mail?
  14. Sounds like a plan! I don't know how long you have been teaching the art classes but I don't think its about hours (or it shouldn't be)- I think it shows compassion and empathy and the ability to transform your degree into something that helps people and contributes something positive. Art therapy is such a wonderful way to express yourself without having to use your words! I have so many clients with developmental delays that their ability to articulate verbally can be a struggle. Have been doing different projects about counteracting negative self-talk etc. It's a great way to escape, and also to start and finish something, it really is a great tool! Have you considered completing any of the art therapy certificate programs? I hear Toronto has an amazing one. I majored in psychology.
  15. Well if I could update my application I would be at 3500 haha. Your experience sounds amazing, interesting and diverse. I actually do think the 3500 hours is to dissuade people coming right out of undergrad I think they want people with experience that they can apply to the curriculum. I have been living and working in Northwestern ON as a caseworker for at risk youth who are in the youth justice system. I work with youth who come from northern reserves, many have spent time in care, lots of mental health, FASD, substance abuse, developmental disorders. I work to have them take accountability, responsibility for their actions, do a lot of counselling (have actually been moving towards art therapy!), reintegrating into the community and connecting/transitioning them throughout services. I love it but would really like to develop my clinical skills to create a more well-rounded therapeutic approach. I hope it's enough!
  16. Hey! I ended my hours at like 2820 or something since then it's now well over the 3000 (did they ask for for 3000 or 3500?). But I'm also in the same boat where I think I have really good/unique/interesting experience and I'm really hoping they will ignore this. I mean if you are really in the field doing mental health/social work I can't see being a 100 hours short making or breaking it for you. I hope.
  17. I am really sorry to hear that you guys I have not heard anything...does ANYONE know what this could mean??
  18. Thank you for sharing. I had suspected this and it is why I did not apply there. I am glad that you are able to give some others some insight into the realities. It's important for everyone to remember that we all have our own interests/wants/desires, etc. Do what works best for you, but also do your best to make a well informed decision.
  19. I drive so much, so thank goodness I have one thing to not be anxious about haha...it's probably just a matter of driving more and you would get used to it. I knowwww...my fingers are crossed!
  20. I'm not super familiar with Kitchener but I think this just depends! I'm not from Toronto and all the cities I have lived in public transportation is not the greatest. I know a lot of places recommend having a car because you may have to drive a client around or something similar. It most likely depends on where you are located in regards to the school, and where your placement is. p.s. I am also looking at apartments on the off chance I get in haha
  21. Either of this should work if you have a uwindsor ID. https://my.uwindsor.ca/ or uwindsor.ca/sis - You just have to go to view your applications. But I am a former student there so I don't know if you would also have access to these. Hope this helps!
  22. Thanks so much for the info! I will try that!
  23. It is a good problem to have! If you make the mandatory deposit - can you still withdraw your acceptance and accept another one? but be out the $$$? I was so excited to get an early acceptance but now I wish it came a little later.
  24. Thanks! I wish it was OISE, I hear they are usually one of the last to send out their responses. It was UNBC for the MEd. Okay, that is good to know! I wish everything came out all on the same day!
  25. Question: When waiting to hear back does anyone know what to do with offers they have already received? I have received an offer from a school (yay!), however, it isn't my first choice and I am concerned about letting it expire and then not getting accepted anywhere else. Does anyone else have this concern? Is it possible to accept an offer and then withdraw if you get accepted elsewhere?
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