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  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    Masters in Cognition & Learning

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  1. Thank you for your reply! I'm a bit unsure about the implications of what you're saying though. Was your folder not being there just an administrative error that was quickly rectified or did you not make it to that stage of the review process despite your POI's advocacy?
  2. Does anyone have an informed guess about the bump in acceptance percentage for a phd ed program when one does a masters from the same ed program? I know this is treading into territory that confuses causation with correlation, but I'm just looking purely for the numbers. For instance, if an acceptance rate for a phd program is 10%, what would a reasonable estimate be for the acceptance rate for masters graduates of that same university? Just a qualitative opinion about what faculty/hiring committees regard such candidates will be helpful as well. Thanks!
  3. So are any of you considering taking five classes per semester at HGSE? Given that the program is relatively short, I really want to make the most of my experience. I don't really know if that's manageable though, and only talking to a student/alum will provide proper insight.
  4. You don't think Cambridge will get back to you before April 15th? Or is there a different deadline date you have in mind? Send them an email and explain the timelines to them. Tell them you have a generous aid offer from HGSE (without specifying the amount) and have to reply before the deadline.
  5. It's great that you have two fully funded offers! Which programs (only if you feel comfortable sharing the info of course!)? I'm curious because as an international student, some of my younger peers ask me frequently about good ed programs in the US that are affordable, and I didn't know there were many that gave full funding to masters students.
  6. That’s slightly less than 60% of the total tuition, which is really good for HGSE! Outside restricted scholarships like the Urban Scholars program, you cant hope for much more. Pretty much all ed masters programs in the US are stingy with aid, not just HGSE
  7. Judging by previous years, it seems like HGSE doesn't really offer grant amounts of more than $14-18K outside the restricted merit scholarships.
  8. Congratulations! Has anyone else received financial aid info, or have an idea when HGSE will share the generic aid awards with accepted candidates?
  9. Current HGSE students, any chance one of you has info about when the admissions committee intends to release decisions for Ed.M. applicants for this cycle? Seems like it'll either be this Friday or next Friday...
  10. On an unrelated note, while compiling the threads above, I noticed that the popularity of the HGSE thread, measured by number of posts, has been going down year by year. HGSE 2016 was on p.16 at around these dates (Feb 19 - Feb 21), HGSE 2018 at p.8, and here we are at p.6. Is this a reflection of a trend of decline in the popularity of online forums in general? Or is this specific to gradcafe, or perhaps even specific to the education forum on gradcafe? Responses by veteran posters well-versed in the year-by-year patterns will be appreciated!
  11. So I just dug through previous HGSE threads on gradcafe, and it seems like in recent years, results were posted on the first Friday of March in the evening. I've included links to the relevant pages of these years: 2018 thread 2017 thread 2016 thread The one exception (very relevant for this cycle) was the 2013 cycle, as the first Friday that year fell on the 1st of March, and results came out during the subsequent Friday on the 8th. Here's the relevant page from 2013. This year will be the first since 2013 when the first Friday will fall on 1st March again. One of the posters in the 2016 thread mentioned that results had come out on the first Tuesday in 2010, 2011, and 2012. Is that why you're assuming it may be Tuesday, 5th March? That trend seems to be a bit dated so my money is on 8th March again (and perhaps the 1st if we're fortunate!).
  12. Edit: Please ignore this message. Found the relevant link! Hi all, I'm a principal candidate for the 2019 Fulbright award. As part of the scholarship process, the Fulbright committee chooses four universities and submits applications on the candidates' behalf. One of the programs in my submission plan is an MA in Learning Sciences and Human Development in Berkeley GSE with a focus on Language, Literacy and Culture: https://gse.berkeley.edu/what-we-do/maphd-program/learning-sciences-and-human-development I'm excited by the inclusion of the program but it wasn't part of my original preferences so I've been looking it up, but I can't find the program length mentioned anywhere (2 semesters/9 months, 3 semesters/1 year, or 4 semesters/2 years). I can't find a detailed course requirements page either. I'm sure this info is available somewhere on the website and I just can't find the right button. I'll be grateful if someone can direct me to the right link. Thanks!
  13. I applied for a Masters in Curriculum & Teaching in both US and UK schools, and even though I received 25-35% scholarships from US unis and none from the UK, the UK will still be more cost-effective because of the sheer difference in tuition cost. My brother, who's a legal resident (on the pathway to citizenship) in the US, has offered to take out a loan on my behalf for UK studies, but i don't know how that works in terms of documentation and whether it is even allowed, given that I live outside the US and have no legal status there (I did my Bachelors from the US on a scholarship, but I don't know if that'll help). Any advice will be really appreciated!
  14. Thanks for the info!
  15. Hi all, Do any of the current students or alumni know the percentage of M.S.Ed. students that receive a Dean's scholarship? Is it one per masters program or is it a handful per program? I've received the Scholarship but it still may not be enough to finance my degree, so I'm applying for external funding as well, and one of the questions for the application was about the selectivity of any scholarships that I've already received.
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