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Everything posted by waterloo715

  1. Any words of wisdom on the first few weeks and generally the first semester of your first year in a PhD? I will be starting up in about two weeks, so I can feel the anticipation building. I am very excited but I also realize I am in for some surprises. What did everyone learn? Did anyone feel behind right away? If so, how did you manage (besides, of course, simply getting over it and powering through)?
  2. 1. They do have a year-long stats sequence. 2. They just made a new hire, although it has not been officially announced yet. But my friend in the department said the news was sent out internally. Most would say he has a very promising career ahead of him. And his interests are likely similar to OP.
  3. Depends what you want to study. "Russianists" in poli sci are spread out. But there are probably a number of others whose main focus on substantive issues (e.g. IPE, federalization, etc) apply to the region and thus use Russia/FSU as a case study, though are not Russia scholars per se. Places to study Russian/FSU politics are places that generally have strong area studies departments, for instance: https://www.carnegie.org/news/articles/russia-area-studies/ and http://iseees.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/u4/FINAL-ASEEES-assessment-report.pdf. George Washington's political science department is also good in terms faculty who work on the region. This list is by no means comprehensive, but it should give you a good idea of some scholars working on Russia and the former Soviet Union: http://www.ponarseurasia.org/members
  4. Political Science PhD
  5. Waiting on Michigan, ND, Yale, and Cornell. But still haven't received closure from a few schools either. I'm hoping that mine get wrapped up in the next 2.5 weeks. I am tired of waiting. This process is tortuous.
  6. Claiming the Indiana acceptance yesterday. My first offer and it came with a huge sigh of relief.
  7. Ah @PizzaCat93, I hope you are right!
  8. Did they mention how the process will work at the open house? I am on the waitlist (w/o an invitation to visit), but I am curious about how big that waitlist is and whether I should hold out hope for an acceptance late in the cycle.
  9. Me neither. And also silence from UNC. Both portals remain unchanged despite recent updates (claimed rejections) on the results page.
  10. Ah, yes, fair enough. Didn't notice your location said Germany.
  11. That is also something that you can bring up a campus visit, if you attend. They may be more forthcoming in person.
  12. The misery continues.
  13. Penn State probably. And some more UNC decisions may trickle out too.
  14. Agonizing indeed. UNC is killing me with their trickle.
  15. Waiting for 10 more, but only 2 or 3 are places where I hope for good news. No acceptances yet; only a waitlist at GWU, which was very disappointing because the fit was great, IMO. Trying to avoid the worst case scenario mindset, but it is lurking in the background.
  16. I am in the same boat. Mine says unchanged as well. Trying to stay in the mindset that unchanged means unchanged and no news means no news, all in an effort to maintain my sanity.
  17. Wow, that is quite a start to the cycle. Congrats!
  18. Anyone claiming that Penn State rejection via postal service? Seems a bit strange seeing a rejection via snail mail this early.
  19. Silence for me as well.
  20. Yeah, no word for me yet on UT-Austin. I am losing hope there. Really need some good news from PSU before the big schools start rolling out decisions.
  21. Two days in a row I have received a call from an unknown number, only to be told that the caller dialed the wrong number. Maybe the result board trolls have my number....either way, the suspense is killing me! Hang in there everyone.
  22. Has anyone reached out to UT-Austin to confirm that decisions have indeed been made?
  23. Yes, good point on competition. Nonetheless, I think these programs strive to get offers out early. And let's be honest, I'm sure most people on adcomms want to get the process over with and move on to other things.
  24. Yes, I sent one into PSU. Specializing in comparative politics.
  25. Probably. But keep in mind those top programs can more or less wait as long as they'd like to send out decisions, as they know they will attract top candidates year in and year out. Smaller programs such as Penn State are better served by getting their offers out sooner rather than later.
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