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Posts posted by Gwhar1

  1. 4 hours ago, sthahir said:

    Hey everyone, I've been accepted into two programs, MassArt's Film/Video and RISD's Digital + Media program. 

    I've been swayed by the so-called elitism of RISD but also by the students' ways of doing and their approaches to dense subject matter in the digital world. MassArt just feels good because the departments brand of teaching is something that I resonate with due to it being very similar to one of my favorite professors in undergrad. 


    MassArt will be roughly $15-20k cheaper per year than RISD, all things considered. 

    Location and housing is a huge factor too because I have a small dog, and my partner and I will be moving in together. I want to make this transition easier for them as well. I don't know what having a dog in Boston is like vs. having all that green green nature near the RISD and Brown campuses.

    We will be splitting the rent and I want it to be easy on my partner, and because of this Providence seems to more appealing due to it's low cost of living, but perhaps there is more money to be made in Boston.


    What do y'all think?? I have to let RISD know by the end of the week if I'm in.

    I vote RISD.  Providence is a very cool city and cheaper than Boston 

  2. On 3/23/2017 at 2:00 PM, Causofit said:

    How do you guys/gals feel about Hunter College?

    I will be attending out of state. I wonder if going there might be a distraction? I am worried the city will drain me? 

    I am told getting a part time job is encouraged? But Do I really want to work!? NO. 

    I don't know, I am having a hard time deciding. 


    Any insight/experience would be sooo appreciated! 



    re: drain. I find the city to be vibrant and uplifting and the opposite of psychologically draining, but financially draining, absolutely! Draining is the right word. If I were accepted to Hunter, this would be my number 1 concern and I thought I would go ahead and take the loans with the rational that tuition was, at least less than a private school with equal program assets. I suppose that if your undergraduate loans are low then you have a little wiggle room for justification. 

  3. 23 hours ago, ENP said:

    Does anyone have opinions about east vs west coast programs? Specifically Columbia vs UCLA? I was accepted to UCLA with a first year fellowship and stipend. I am still waiting to hear from Columbia and if they have any financial aid offer. 

    Applied to Yale, was not admitted

    Applied to Hunter, decided not to attend interview / cancelled my application



    I vote UCLA because of your funding and Rodney McMillian (never met him, just like his work) Also, I was told that the first year fellowship can be extended (?)

    If the funding at Columbia is as good then there is a problem that might best be resolved via coin flip. 

  4. Accepted to Purchase - don't know about any funding yet but totally psyched for this program and pretty sure I'll accept even if I hear nice things from the last two pending applications I have out. After tour, multiple phone calls, conversations with current faculty, current students and alumni, I can check off every box on my list of expectations. Facilities, support, proximity to Manhattan without the prohibitive/ridiculous cost of NYC, Interdisciplinary, pedagogical studies, social practice and especially the dual degree MA/MFA. And also, they were nice to me, remembered our conversations and referenced my work (even one of the 2nd year MFA canditates knew my work) which tells me they care about the community and that is important to me. 

  5. On 3/21/2017 at 8:00 PM, Pfox said:

    oops I thought you were comparing CalArts to SFAI, I weighed in lol.

    but while I am here editing i'll say that I have zero experience with CCA and have visited SFAI a few times (I lived close) SFAI is of course the most beautiful school. But I had a weird conversation with someone from SFAI admin last year when I was thinking about pursuing an MFA there. The person I spoke to was slightly pedantic and condescending and I thought.. well this is how its going to be at this level... and let myself be silenced, but now that I have had actual interviews with interested programs I am happy to learn that what I bring to the table is of great interest to the program directors and dialogue is two-way. Maybe an isolated incident, wouldn't let it color a decision too much as we all know how easy it is for a conversation to become clunky. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Poodle-Doodle said:

    UCLA didn't offer a whole lot in $$$ 

    The finalist are Columbia and SAIC. 

    @leekrasner mad props for reaching out to your schools. There's never nothing wrong with asking who, what, when, where, why and how! That's the most important fearless thing that you can do! 

    well then there is no bad decision here obvi- I can offer that I have lived in both cities and although I looooved Chicago, I would rather be in NYC. 

  7. Rejected from PennDesign.  So thats 6 rejections, 2 interviews and 1 no idea.  Of course I would have wanted to be wanted by everyone but this isn't a bad showing for a first go and the programs I interviewed for are great. I did the Skype with Purchase today and it is very alluring. Inexpensive, dual degree, near NYC w/o the $$ for city living and a diverse program producing quality interdisciplinary work. There was an excitement in the voices of the ladies who interviewed me when they were describing the program and that was nice to hear. Before I make this choice I am going to have to be accepted first :) 

  8. 3 hours ago, StarryNight_1 said:

    Thank you for taking the time to write back!
    I know this will sound incredibly gloomy, but seeing the quality of work people on this forum have done in order to get admitted into an MFA, I don't think I have it in me or stand a chance and I'm literally in tears. I really want to make this work, but I cannot think of practical ways of making up for the lack of a BFA. Will interning with people help, or is that going to be a waste of time? 

    Oh yeah, definitely not a waste of time. Any exposure to the inner workings of the art world is going to be a boon to your practice. I was thinking that If I were you I would look for a post bacc I could afford. It's the quickest way to get accustomed to the important parts - developing a visual language of your own, participating in Informed critique, talking about your art, and placing what you do in context with contemporary art. Those are the components needed to advance a practice beyond talent and that's what is in the SOP (It is difficult to write even if you have the chops) You are also going to need references from people who can speak to your art and your process, being involved in a post-bacc will make this possible. The problem is that Post Bacc Programs can be pricey. I am sure others in this forum have ideas on how to move forward but definitely stay firm in your resolve. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, StarryNight_1 said:

    I'm 22 years old and I wanted to apply for an MFA to the US. 
    I don't have a Bachelors in Fine Art, but I've learnt it informally. 
    I'm scared as hell, and I don't even know if applying would just be a colossal waste of money and time or if I stand a chance. 
    I studied Political Science and History, and then did a fellowship for a year. I'd appreciate any help from you guys. And all the best to all of you awaiting decisions xx 

    I had a conversation with an international student last year who told me how she had earned a degree in finance at a US college but took a few art courses as electives. After graduation she knew she wanted to persue her practice. She took a year to compile a portfolio and applied to 13 MFA programs, was rejected from 11 and interviewed at 2. She was happy with her MFA experience was going at Hunter and suggested I apply. I did and I was rejected. Next month, I will have a BFA. Her story was and is inspiring to me as it is evidence of opportunities being available where I may have though there weren't. The fact that I wasn't accepted does not change that because she was and thats the proof. 

  10. 36 minutes ago, KatieB1987 said:

    Personally I believe that an application can only get stronger with more experience under one's belt. I wish you lots of luck next time around!

    I got a full ride to Tyler... pretty hard to pass up and I'm mucho excited about their program, so I accepted their offer! Hurray!

    Congrats on Tyler!! No way to passing on that :)

  11. 6 hours ago, eyerolling said:

    Hey Gwhart1, I just mentioned Glasgow as a good school because I know people who went there and really liked it. But I'm sure Purchase is also nice! Wish you the best!

    For everyone else, thank you for these thoughts around the MFA itself, super interesting!



    Thanks for taking the time to endorse GSA. It is good to know students have had good experiences. I hadn't known much about GSA (aside from the Jenny Seville connection) until one of my professors (a Scotsman), after seeing my work, said I need to look into it. That was over a year ago and since then I have learned much about the program, the alums who have represented at the Venice Biennale, and the Turner prize winners. Prestige and pedigree is nice but the thing that attracted me most was that the GSA MFA student work I saw on line. Some of the best work of all the MFA shows I looked at! (PennDesign and UCLA are the other schools who (100% subjective) had the strongest student work) ) And GSA is on the list of international schools that cooperates with the US Federal Loan Program. I interviewed but at this point have not been offered acceptance. I'll update as things progress. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Poodle-Doodle said:

    I STRONGLY recommend reading Sharon Louden's new book Artist as Cultural Producer!!!!!!

    Thanks Poodle-Doodle, I will read asap! and congrats on all of your fine program options, you deserve all of them. Your work is fantastic and judging by the way you treat folks in this forum you'd elevate any program! 

  13. 6 hours ago, leafyinhaling said:
    8 hours ago, KatieB1987 said:

    Hearing that you're applying while still in undergrad compels me to tell you that literally every single person I know who went directly to grad school after undergrad regrets that decision. Three of them have gone to grad school a second time in their 30s so they could get a more solid experience. You may feel ready and motivated and so pumped to dive in, but as someone who seriously considered doing that, I cannot tell you enough how grateful I am for waiting and getting years of experience in "the real world". My work has dramatically changed, I'm more informed towards what I want out of graduate school, I've had the experience of balancing work and a studio practice, and I've gotten to work as a studio assistant for artists who have given me invaluable advice. Also, it's super important to make work removed from the atmosphere of an academic setting. Just saying. Don't go just because you want to streamline your education. A professor of mine said one should never go to grad school "until they're thirsty for it". 

    As you said, you feel your work is already stronger now than when you applied... that can only continue to happen. And if affordability is an issue for you, you're far more likely to get funding as a more competitive applicant with stronger work. I don't want to influence you too much, but, it's a major life decision and there's nothing worse than regret... especially when it comes with a financial burden. I wish you the best!




    Thank you for being supportive! - this is one of the benefits of this forum. I have been twisted up by many of these same arguments for and against the streamline and do value all of this input from wherever I can get it so whatever insight you or anyone has is appreciated.  The idea that I might regret a decision is daunting. A little extra info is that I am much older than many in my cohort. Before deciding to pursue art with a capital A via academia, I was an art handler in Manhattan for a decade and was a studio assistant for a semi-known painter for five years while also knocking around the punk rock club circuit as a musician. Familiarity with the art world and the dedication to craft (playing in a band) is there in abundance, but the studio practice outside of school is embarrassingly, obviously missing.  I do feel a sense of immediacy partly because of where I am at in life but also because the switch that flipped when I took to the studio has illuminated a space I would opt to stay in, if given the chance, for as long as possible, surrounded by ambitious creatives prone to discourse and quick to visually process new realities in state of the art facilities, guided by the voices of those who have done these things themselves, is a current reality and near future I def thirst for.  But, all I really want is the strongest work possible and of course I can pursue this outside of the institution.  I figured I’d grow faster in an MFA setting so I applied for that reason and also just to see where I stood, with the hopes of having options. If I didn’t apply this cycle, I would pursue residencies and build my practice and I can still make that choice.  Glasgow was a reach for a pie in the sky and garnering some interest is big for me. Point well taken regarding better funding as a response to better work and I am rethinking things because of this idea and also because maybe I want to take some time and have another go at the biggies to see what gives when I am actually prepared.  But I’ll tell ya, Purchase is looking good. It is an inexpensive, edgy program, close to Manhattan. If I am offered the dual degree with some funding it will be tough to pass up. I’ll keep y’all posted how things take shape.  Congrats on all of your efforts and keep updating the rest of us.



  14. 51 minutes ago, eyerolling said:

    Sorry to hear it. :(( These applications are such an intense process on dealing with self-doubt, don't put your self low for a rejection. It is like someone said in this thread, the admissions have a clear idea of the profiles they want for a class, which does mean that a lot of great artists can be rejected for the sake of group dynamic. 

    Regarding the letter, did it arrive today? I called them yesterday and they said results would come until wednesday next week the latest. And it would be notified by email. So I'm confused now that you got it by letter?


    Thank you for this thoughtful response. I  am OK with how things are panning out. I applied to 9 programs and have been rejected from all the biggies except I Interviewed for Glasgow (I feel lucky to be considered by Glasgow) and next week I am being interviewed at Purchase (also not too shabby :)) - I am still in undergrad and this is my first round. I feel like my art is good, plenty of life experience, and I am semi-fluent when talking about my art. All of the work in my current portfolio is curriculum driven, I have participated in zero residencies, and there is no evidence that I make art outside of school. My current professors who have worked with me for a few years predict good things, they believe in my work and were enthusiastic about my chances but they know me already. If I get an invite to Glasgow and Purchase it will come down to affordability. If it can't be done then I'll wait till next round and that is fine with me. My work is already way better than what I was doing when I applied and my applications will be less amateurish. Of course, it would be nice to get the nod now but nobody told me it was going to be easy :)


    As for the letter- it was really an email titled  UCLA Graduate Application Decision with a link directing me my app profile where there was a letter waiting for me. When I said "nice" I really meant that it was respectful. Good luck with all your apps :)

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